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Author: Julie Schneider

Read more about Health Datapalooza 2016
You know that Health Datapalooza (HDP) is where U.S.-based patients, providers, payers, journalists, policy wonks and coders go to network and connect around a geeky love for health data. But did you know that this year's HDP also includes 22 speakers from five different countries who are driving health-data innovations around the world?
Read more about Looking for a Few Great Entrepreneurs-in-Residence: Apply Now!
The HHS Entrepreneurs-in-Residence (EIR) program, powered by the HHS IDEA Lab, is looking for talented outside experts to work at HHS on a paid, term appointment for about a year.
Read more about Open Health Data's Gone Global
Health Datapalooza 2015 will draw academics, government officials and entrepreneurs from seven countries: Canada, China, France, India, Singapore, the United Kingdom (as you may have read about in an earlier post) and the United States.