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Author: Susannah Fox

Read more about Innovation as a Problem Solving Tool in Government
The Office of the CTO is charged with promoting innovation and open data across the Department. Our approach to the challenge of creating a culture of innovation is to help HHS employees and leaders shine a spotlight on a problem, and then invite people from the private sector to contribute their expertise. HHS employees also use our programs to test and develop their ideas in an entrepreneurial environment.      
Read more about HHS is Open
On his first day in office, President Obama announced administration policies to make government serve the American people better through greater transparency, collaboration, and participation.
Read more about Health Datapalooza: New Vistas
Every spring, our team in the HHS IDEA Lab gears up for our biggest event of the year: the Health Datapalooza.
Read more about The Power of Public Access
It was Catherine's careful research using publicly accessible resources that had brought them to this moment - a diagnosis - that eludes many people, especially those with mysterious symptoms.
Read more about Putting Individuals at the Center of our Health Care System
By making prices and quality information more accessible, providing the right tools to help people navigate the system, and listening to patients, we can help engage and empower people to take control of their health, something that's good for them and good for our communities.
Read more about Kid Inventors Focus on Health
The Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation challenges kids (ages 5 to 21) to come up with a creative solution to a real-world problem.
Read more about A Conversation with Charles Ornstein & Thomas Goetz
Our website is a combination of the data that we've collected from more than a hundred thousand consumers on their experience of medication and then the open data that we've extracted, mainly out of the FDA.
Read more about Opening the Spigots of Health Data in the U.S. and UK
When I told my husband and kids that I would be traveling with an official diplomatic passport, they immediately started re-enacting the scene from Star Wars when Princess Leia insists to Darth Vader that she is on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan.
Read more about Why It's Time For The Government To Be Part Of The Conversation
While we are not in control of the conversation, government workers can still listen and contribute to it.


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