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Tagged: Health Datapalooza

All | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015

Read more about Something Big is Happening at Health Datapalooza
Health Datapalooza is more than a conference, it's a homecoming of sorts for the people and organizations who led the charge to open up health data for innovation in the open market and public good; almost immediately it became a must-attend learning event and networking opportunity for those navigating the real world implications of using data to improve health and health care.
Read more about Health Datapalooza: How Far We've Come & Why You Can't Miss It
The goal of the Health Datapalooza is to promote the growth of a vibrant health data ecosystem that promotes innovative solutions to the critical challenges that exist in health and health care.
Read more about The Rheumatoid Arthritis Data Challenge
Health Datapalooza is pleased to announce and host a code-a-thon using non-governmental de-identified administrative claims data and electronic record clinical data with the goal of establishing algorithms to predict clinical response to rheumatoid arthritis management.
Read more about Find Out How the Magic Happens at the DataLab
In the Datalab session, we highlight the open data that HHS makes available from our health and social services programs, a wide array of surveys, and an expansive set of research endeavors and dive into the reasons the data are collected and the methods for the data's management and release.
Read more about Open Health Data's Gone Global
Health Datapalooza 2015 will draw academics, government officials and entrepreneurs from seven countries: Canada, China, France, India, Singapore, the United Kingdom (as you may have read about in an earlier post) and the United States.
Read more about Why It's about More than Tackling Adult Obesity
In 2014, the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the United Kingdom's National Health Service (NHS) embarked on a unique, cooperative approach to health data and Information Technology (IT) tools to improve the quality and efficiency of the delivery of care in both countries.
Read more about You and the 2015 Health Datapalooza Should Meet
If you are interested and geeky about technology, big data (or the idea of it), innovation and/or health, you really won't want to miss the 2015 Health Datapalooza in Washington, DC.


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