HHS FY 2023 Budget in Brief

The President's Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Budget invests in all Americans' health and well-being.  It addresses critical challenges and opportunities we face as a nation, including tackling the COVID-19 pandemic, expanding access to care, addressing health disparities, strengthening behavioral health, and promoting the well-being of children, families, and seniors.

HHS proposes $127.3 billion in discretionary and $1.7 trillion in mandatory budget authority for FY 2023.  This budget demonstrates the Administration's commitment to reinvesting in public health, research, and development to drive growth and shared prosperity for all Americans by making major investments in priority areas, including overdose prevention, mental health, maternal health, cancer, and HIV.  It also advances equity through the work of the federal government and helps ensure our programs serve people of color and other marginalized populations with the opportunities promised to all Americans.  The mandatory budget proposals in this budget improve care, drive quality, promote the well-being of the whole family, and focus on prevention.

Read the full FY2023 Budget in Brief

Budget Justifications to Congress

NOTE: IT Resource Statement:

HHS certifies that the HHS Chief Information Officer (CIO) has reviewed and had input in approving information technology (IT) Investments included in the below budget request documents. Furthermore, both the HHS Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and HHS CIO have had a role in reviewing planned IT support for major programs and significant increases and decreases in IT resources as reflected in this budget. Additionally, with respect to Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) implementation, the Agency has developed and implemented its plan to ensure that all common baseline FITARA responsibilities are in place. Finally, HHS confirms that all HHS components are utilizing incremental development practices as appropriate across their IT investment portfolio.

Office of the Secretary Staff Divisions (Consolidated):

Operating Divisions Budget Requests:


Offices to Contact

HHS Budget – Previous Years

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**This content is in the process of Section 508 remediation. If you need immediate assistance accessing this content, please submit a request to Public.Affairs.OIG@oig.hhs.gov.

Content created by Assistant Secretary for Financial Resources (ASFR)
Content last reviewed