National Tour to Strengthen Mental Health Social Media Toolkit

National Tour to Strengthen Mental Health #HHSTour banner with green ribbon and a map of the United States.

Following President Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address on March 1, 2022, Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra kicked off the National Tour to Strengthen Mental Health in an effort to hear directly from Americans across the country about the behavioral health challenges they’re facing and engage with local elected officials and leaders to strengthen the mental health and crisis care system in our communities.

As President Biden launched a whole-of-government strategy to transform mental health services for all Americans, Secretary Becerra is leading HHS to address the mental health challenges that have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, including substance use, youth mental health, and suicide. Building on work that agencies and offices across the Department have already been doing, Secretary Becerra and HHS leaders will hit the road in a concerted effort to deliver on the Biden-Harris Administration’s priorities to tackle these challenges.

Please use the following social media toolkit to support and promote the National Tour.

Social Guidelines:

  • Please include the official hashtag: #HHSTour in all social media posts
  • Tag @SecBecerra and @HHSGov when possible
  • Quote or Retweet posts from @SecBecerra and @HHSGov
  • Posts should include a link to our official National Tour webpage:
  • Use the below graphic. (The green ribbon represents mental health awareness. The purple and teal colors promote suicide prevention.) It is downloadable in 1x1, 16x9: TBD

Twitter and Facebook

Twitter and Facebook National Tour to Strengthen Mental Health Banner



Instagram National Tour to Strengthen Mental Health Banner


Content created by Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs (ASPA)
Content last reviewed