Archive Schedule for HHS Websites

The archive schedule, shown in the table below, provides guidance for when to archive specific types of content. This is a living document and will be modified as needed.

Content can be kept on longer than the archive schedule guidance if  it is up-to-date, relevant and used by the public. The standard retention schedule for HHS website content, unless noted otherwise below, is to:

  • Archive annually.
  • Retain for two full years on the HHS website.

For example, 2018 news releases should be archived in January 2021, keeping at least two full years and no more than three years of content on the HHS website.

For additional information, please consult the HHS Website Content Lifecycle Management (CLM) and Archive Guidance

Type of Content Timeline for Move to Archive*
Administration-any content that is specific to an outgoing administration
Change of political administration
Advisory Committee material Federal Advisory Committee Act standard (3 years) – see GRS 5.7
Agendas When out dated and/or no longer relevant. Exception when part of Advisory Committee material. When outdated and/or no longer relevant.
Announcements Do not archive
Appeals of HHS legal decisions Standard Schedule*
Biographies Standard Schedule*
Brochures When outdated and/or no longer relevant
Budget, financial, and performance documents Standard Schedule - see GRS 1.3
Content, program When outdated and/or no longer relevant
Funding – Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFO) and grant applications  When next funding cycle occurs
Guidance When superseded
Health emergency websites One year after closure after health emergency ends
Incident-related websites (including natural disasters)  One year after closure
Legal decisions Do not archive
News releases Standard Schedule*
Meeting announcements Do not archive
Policies and plans When superseded by new policies and plans
Regulations When superseded by new regulations
Reports to Congress Standard Schedule*
Reports, research, studies Standard Schedule*
Resigning political officials’ blog posts, speeches, and videos Upon official’s resignation retirement
Speeches and testimony Change of administration or standard schedule (whichever is earlier)
Training announcements Do not archive
Websites, to include mini sites When the website is retired

* Standard Schedule refers to GRS 6-4 

Content created by Digital Communications Division (DCD)
Content last reviewed