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Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Parity Task Force

About the Federal Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Task Force

As part of wider Administration efforts to expand access to treatment for people with mental health and substance use disorders, the President signed a Presidential Memorandum in March 2016 creating a Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Parity Task Force. The Task Force focused key Federal agencies on the work of ensuring that Americans receive the coverage and treatment that they need. 

Task Force Membership Included:

  • The White House Domestic Policy Council
  • The Department of the Treasury
  • The Department of Defense
  • The Department of Justice
  • The Department of Labor
  • The Department of Health and Human Services
  • The Department of Veterans Affairs
  • The Office of Personnel Management
  • The Office of National Drug Control Policy

The Objectives of the Task Force are to:

  • Increase awareness of the protections that mental health and substance use disorder parity provide
  • Improve understanding of the requirements of mental health and substance use disorder parity among key audiences including health plans, insurers and state regulators
  • Increase transparency around compliance with parity and the support, resources, and tools available to ensure coverage is in compliance with mental health and substance use disorder parity

Parity Policy and Implementation

Learn more about the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, research on implementation of the Act, and the history of federal parity policies

Content created by Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs (ASPA)
Content last reviewed on August 15, 2017