HHS IT Reform Cost Savings/Avoidance

Strategy ID Strategy Title Decision Date OMB Initiative Related UIIs Use of Savings Avoidance Amount Type FY2012 Amount Net or Gross FY2013 Amount Net or Gross FY2014 Amount Net or Gross FY2015 Amount Net or Gross FY2016 Amount Net or Gross FY2017 Amount Net or Gross FY2018 Amount Net or Gross FY2019 Amount Net or Gross FY2020 Amount Net or Gross
1 Printing and Reproduction 10/1/2010 Commodity IT 009-000006260 This cost savings will allow CDC to more efficiently use funds to better support the IT Infrastructure Invesment. cost-savings 4.700 Net 3.500 Net 12.150 Net 0 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
2 Employee IT Devices 10/1/2010 Commodity IT 009-000006260 This cost savings will allow CDC to more efficiently use funds to better support the IT Infrastructure Invesment. cost-savings 0 Net 3.000 Net 5.500 Net 0 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
3 HHS Email-as-a-Service 5/1/2013 Commodity IT 009-000329429,009-000006266 Savings will be directed to other critical IT development projects. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 3.468 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
4 Networx Service Level Agreement Credits 10/1/2011 Other 009-000006578 Returned to OpDivs for their use cost-savings 1.614 Gross 0.599 Gross 0.668 Gross 0.256 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
5 Networx Billing Verification 10/1/2011 Other 009-000006578 Returned to OpDivs for their use cost-savings 3.460 Gross 1.646 Gross 2.150 Gross 0.367 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
6 Contract Modification and Migration 10/1/2011 Other 009-000006578 Returned to OpDivs for their use cost-avoidance 3.218 Gross 1.610 Gross 3.260 Gross 0.182 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
7 DC Consolidation 3/28/2013 Data Center 009-000006260,009-000318289,009-000006265,009-000006338,009-000317481 Reduce refresh costs by reducing the number of physical servers at HHS data centers and reduce operating costs by reducing the number of HHS data centers. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0.622 Net 6.016 Net 1.603 Net 1.308 Net 2.119 Net 0.166 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
8 Electronic Handbooks (EHBs) New O&M Contract 8/8/2016 Other 009-000000706 DESAM solicited and awarded a NITAAC CIO-SP3 Large Business GWAC contract to a single vendor (Accenture Federal LLC) to provide Enterprise EHBs O&M support (Base, plus-4 option years). By consolidating the two O&M efforts, this provided HRSA a $3M per/year cost saving for EHBs O&M. The resultant savings will be reinvested to modernize and improve usability of EHBs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 3.000 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
9 (Core Business Investment) Laptop Broadband 5/16/2016 Other 009-000000708 Replaced 4G broadband services integrated in laptops with portable broadband devices that will save $218K annually in broadband costs. The savings will be re-invested on requests previously identified by not funded. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.218 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
10 Spend Analysis Project 1/2/2016 Other NA The total amount of charges was less and was distributed/passed to the Program Offices to reduce the amount that they had to be tapped. Allowing the funds to go back into their programs. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.562 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
11 SAS Software License Optimization 12/31/2014 Software License Management NA NA cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.715 Net 0.441 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
12 OADC Division of Communication Services IT Systems maintenance and server reductions 11/1/2009 Other 009-000330896 N/A cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.135 Net 0.039 Net 0.006 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
13 CDC PH Monitoring for Birth Defects, Development Disabilities, Disabilities and Health System Retirement savings 1/1/2015 PortfolioStat 009-000000614 N/A cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.278 Net 0.375 Net 0.898 Net 0 Gross 0.499 Gross 0 Gross
14 NCIPC Injury Prevention and Control System Retirements 7/7/2017 Other 009-000000524 N/A cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross Gross 0 Gross 0.001 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
15 CGH Global Health Business Support and Information Systems Cost reductions 7/20/2017 PortfolioStat 009-000004710 N/A cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.880 Net 1.041 Net 0.032 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
16 CSELS Information Center Systems Retirements 6/13/2016 Other 009-000005414 N/A cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.802 Gross 0.200 Gross 0.160 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
17 OPHPR DSNS Supporting Applications 4/30/2015 PortfolioStat 009-000227136 N/A cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.002 Net 0.167 Net 0.513 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
18 Cost reductions associated with providing IT infrastructure services and software licensing. 10/1/2011 Software License Management 009-000006260 Reinvestments used to upgrade aging server infrastructure and increase storage capacity ; Reinvestments used to further the Enterprise software inventory associated with new technologies cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 89.541 Gross 6.592 Gross 46.600 Gross 1.768 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
19 APMO Staff Reductions 10/1/2015 Other 009-000330822 N/A cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross Gross 0.675 Gross 0.218 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
20 EITPO SAS Software License Optimizatioin 10/1/2015 Software License Management 009-000003943 N/A cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
21 SAS License Cost Savings 10/1/2011 Software License Management 009-000003943 N/A cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 52.147 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 6.411 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
22 OCISO Reduction in System Reimages 12/30/2015 Other 009-000001912 N/A cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross Gross 1.631 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
23 Data Center Closures 10/1/2012 Data Center 009-000406019 NA cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 7.013 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
24 Delloite Contract Savings 10/1/2012 Commodity IT 009-000006788 N/A cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 12.500 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
25 CDC Internet Search moved to free DigitalGov Search 10/16/2015 Software License Management 009-000330896 N/A cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.160 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
26 IBM ELA Re-compete 5/1/2016 Software License Management 009-000006265 NA both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 5.153 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
27 NIH ISDP 1/1/2016 Software License Management NA The cost savings is recognized by NIH Institutes and HHS OPDIVS. How the savings is used or reinvested is not available to us. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 38.929 Net 40.134 Net 41.375 Net 42.655 Net 43.975 Gross 30.557 Gross 0 Gross
28 AHRQ Cloud 10/19/2017 Data Center 009-000382398 IT Portion of Reduction in Appropriation cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.400 Gross 0.170 Gross 0.170 Gross 0 Gross
29 AHRQ Comprehensive Unit-Based Safety Program (CUSP) for Antibiotic Stewardship 10/19/2017 Other 009-000405993 IT Portion of Reduction in Appropriation cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.070 Gross 0.110 Gross 0 Gross
30 AHRQ Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) 10/19/2017 Other 009-000000489 IT Portion of Reduction in Appropriation cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.567 Gross 0 Gross
31 AHRQ Cybersecurity Support/IT Ops 9/30/2016 Other 009-000382218 IT Portion of Reduction in Appropriation cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.052 Gross 0.096 Gross 0.600 Gross 0.600 Gross 0 Gross
32 AHRQ Enterprise Analytics 10/19/2017 Other 009-000000492 IT Portion of Reduction in Appropriation cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.400 Gross 0 Gross 1.662 Gross 0 Gross
33 AHRQ Funding Transfer to HHS Supply Fund 10/20/2017 Other 009-000349110 IT Portion of Reduction in Appropriation cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.252 Gross 0.252 Gross 0 Gross
34 AHRQ IT Business Operations Activities 4/13/2016 Other 009-000004672 IT Portion of Reduction in Appropriation cost-savings 0 Gross 0.025 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.450 Gross 0.584 Gross 0 Gross 1.841 Gross 0 Gross
35 AHRQ IT Infrastructure Support 9/30/2016 Other 009-000382240 IT Portion of Reduction in Appropriation cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.162 Gross 0.516 Gross 0 Gross 1.160 Gross 0 Gross
36 AHRQ IT Management 10/19/2017 Other 009-000349110 IT Portion of Reduction in Appropriation cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.231 Gross 0.231 Gross 0 Gross
37 AHRQ National Guideline and National Quality Measures Clearinghouse 10/19/2017 Other 009-000000499 IT Portion of Reduction in Appropriation cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.450 Gross 0.316 Gross 0.855 Gross 0.855 Gross 0 Gross
38 AHRQ National Resource Center for Health IT 10/19/2017 Other 009-000003967 IT Portion of Reduction in Appropriation cost-savings 0 Gross 0.165 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.074 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.500 Gross 0 Gross
39 ARHQ IT Programmatic Activities 4/13/2016 Other 009-000004670 IT Portion of Reduction in Appropriation cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.915 Gross 0 Gross
40 AHRQ Patient Safety Network & Web Morbidity and Mortality Rounds on the Web 10/19/2017 Other 009-000000500 IT Portion of Reduction in Appropriation cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.108 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
41 AHRQ QSRS 10/19/2017 Other 009-000382401 IT Portion of Reduction in Appropriation cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 5.692 Gross 0 Gross
42 AHRQ Quality Indicators (QI) 10/19/2017 Other 009-000382403 IT Portion of Reduction in Appropriation cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.140 Gross 0 Gross
43 AHRQ Registry 10/19/2017 Other 009-000382402 IT Portion of Reduction in Appropriation cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.134 Gross 0 Gross 0.344 Gross 0 Gross
44 AHRQ Systematic Review Data Inventory (SRDR) 10/19/2017 Other 009-000389238 IT Portion of Reduction in Appropriation cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.019 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
45 AHRQ USPSTF Extranet 10/19/2017 Other 009-000382404 IT Portion of Reduction in Appropriation cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.067 Gross 0.014 Gross 0.014 Gross 0 Gross
46 AHRQ Web 10/19/2017 Other 009-000382405 IT Portion of Reduction in Appropriation cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.207 Gross 1.207 Gross 0 Gross
47 AHRQ Medical Expenditures Panel Survey (MEPS) 10/19/2017 Other 009-000001424 IT Portion of Reduction in Appropriation cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.400 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 19.515 Gross 16.705 Gross 0 Gross
48 AHRQ Phone Purchase 9/1/2016 Other NA Funding Reinvested in Taps for Data Act and other Administrative Costs cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.163 Gross 0.130 Gross 0.130 Gross 0.130 Gross 0 Gross
49 CIO Position 1/1/2016 Other NA Funding Reinvested in Taps for Data Act and other Administrative Costs cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.234 Gross 0.084 Gross 0.032 Gross 0.032 Gross 0 Gross
50 Vacant DIT Position 1/1/2016 Other NA Funding Reinvested in Taps for Data Act and other Administrative Costs cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.177 Gross 0.177 Gross 0.177 Gross 0.177 Gross 0 Gross
51 Software Package Savings 10/1/2015 Software License Management NA Funding Reinvested in Taps for Data Act and other Administrative Costs cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.016 Gross 0.057 Gross 0.210 Gross 0.239 Gross 0 Gross
52 Hardware Savings 11/14/2016 Other NA Funding Reinvested in Taps for Data Act and other Administrative Costs cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.064 Gross 0.175 Gross 0.175 Gross 0 Gross
53 ITIO Shared Service 10/1/2015 Other NA Funding Reinvested in Taps for Data Act and other Administrative Costs cost-avoidance 1.254 Gross 1.293 Gross 1.332 Gross 1.374 Gross 1.416 Gross 1.460 Gross 1.306 Gross 1.306 Gross 0 Gross
54 Field SCCM Server Reduction 10/1/2015 Commodity IT 009-000333886 This cost savings will allow FDA to more efficiently use funds to better support the Agency's IT Program. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.320 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
55 ACL Cloud First 10/1/2014 Digital Services 009-000000584, 009-000000586 ACL's realized cost avoidance are reinvested in our IT portfolio to continue modernization and enhancement activities, or are returned to programs. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 3.000 Net 3.000 Net 3.500 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross
56 Health Care Quality Information Systems Data Center Migration 1/1/2015 Data Center 009-000001465 The resulted savings will be used to support needed infrastructure enhancements. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.500 Net 1.500 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
57 Health Care Quality Information Systems Data Center Cage Consolidation 1/1/2015 Data Center 009-000001465 The resulted savings will be used to support needed infrastructure enhancements. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.300 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
58 Labor for Cloud Environment Build vs. On Premise Oracle (HCQIS) 1/1/2017 Commodity IT 009-000380398 The resulted savings will be used to support needed infrastructure enhancements and further cloud automation. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 2.000 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
59 Labor for Cloud Environment Build vs. On Premise Oracle (Quality Payment Program) 1/1/2016 Commodity IT 009-000380398 The result of these savings enabled the Agency to reduce requests for external/existing funding sources in support of MACRA cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.500 Net 12.000 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
60 HCQIS VDI Desktop Infrastructure vs. Laptop Refresh 3/16/2017 Other 009-000380398 Support of additional infrastructure capacity needs cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 2.300 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
61 Monitor, Mouse, Keyboard Package not refreshed before QIO 12th SOW 1/17/2017 Other 009-00348468 Support of additional infrastructure capacity needs cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.500 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
62 Printers not refreshed before QIO 12th SOW 1/1/2017 Other 009-00348468 Support of additional infrastructure capacity needs cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.100 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
63 RQST-IT throttle back O&M with ServiceNow Ramp Up 8/31/2015 Other 009-000005322 Leadership throttled back effort to O&M since ServiceNow ITSM project set to ramp up and replace DME work. Resultant savings was swept back for leadership re-use. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.500 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
64 Per Capita reduction 11/30/2015 Other NA Analysis performed on staffing career lifecycles. Savings achieved via cost avoidance in training of near retirement staff. Resulting savings swept back for leadership re-use. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.080 Gross 0.025 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
65 Disaster Recovery Project Management Support 9/30/2015 Data Center NA Given status of senior leadership decision making on disaster recovery, savings was achieved by reducing scope of support. Funding was swept back for leadership re-use. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.200 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
66 CMDB project support 3/31/2016 Other 009-000005322 Savings achieved via effective scope negotiation in contract support. Savings was swept back to leadership for re-use. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.020 Net 0.022 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
67 Software Licenses Consolidation and Reduction 10/1/2016 Software License Management 009-000325773 Software Licenses were consolidated and repurposed to reflect a savings overall in FY16. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 2.500 Gross 0 Gross 0.680 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
68 Configuration Management Database update/audit 10/1/2016 Other 009-000005322 Savings achieved via effective scope negotiation in contract support. Savings was swept back to leadership for re-use. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.210 Net .255 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
69 Project Management Service for the FDA Disaster Recovery Project 10/1/2016 Other NA Given status of senior leadership decision making on disaster recovery, savings was achieved by reducing scope of support. Funding was swept back for leadership re-use. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.280 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
70 RQST-IT support 10/1/2016 Other 009-000005322 Leadership throttled back effort to O&M since ServiceNow ITSM project set to ramp up and replace DME work. Resultant savings was swept back for leadership re-use. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.499 Net 0.085 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
71 Microsoft Server Consolidation 6/30/2017 Software License Management 009-000325773 Hardware clusters are being created to support SQL, Server and others. This reduces the per instance cost and allows more instances to be run on hardware without additional cost. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.249 Net 0.189 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
72 Microsoft End User Reduction 6/30/2017 Software License Management 009-000325773 Due to the reduction in server license costs from our server consolidation and decommissioning activities, the need for additional Windows/Office Suite component number is smaller than the original forecast. Similarly, Project/Visio licenses conforms with these expectations and fall within the original funding projection. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.100 Net 1.150 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
73 MediRegs Cancellation 6/30/2017 Other 009-000327770 Low usage prompts canceling the renewal of MediRegs from the FDA IT Library Services. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.075 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
74 Field Server Refresh 9/30/2016 Other 009-000333886 Reduce operational and future refresh costs by reducing the number of SCCM servers required to patch field desktop computers. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.500 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
75 Information Technology Clearance Process 1/1/2016 Software License Management 009-000407475 Used for business programs cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.007 Net 0 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross
76 Information Technology Clearance Process 1/1/2016 Software License Management 009-000001417 Used for business programs cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.049 Net 0 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross
77 Information Technology Clearance Process 1/1/2016 Software License Management 009-000001417 Used for business programs cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.100 Net 0 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross
78 Information Technology Clearance Process 1/1/2016 Software License Management 009-000006223 Used for business programs cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.075 Net 0 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross
79 Information Technology Clearance Process 1/1/2016 Other 009-000001417 Used for business programs cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.200 Net 0 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross
80 Security ATO New Requirements 7/15/2017 Other 009-000004001 To be determined by the Contracting Officer cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.050 Net 0 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross
81 Security ATO New Requirements 7/15/2017 Other 009-000407500 To be determined by the Contracting Officer cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.050 Net 0 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross
82 Information Technology Clearance Process 9/1/2017 Software License Management 009-000408244 To be determined by the Contracting Officer cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.032 Net 0 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross
83 Moving to the Cloud 1/31/2014 Data Center 009-000350589 Used for business programs cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.072 Gross 0.072 Gross 0.072 Gross 0.072 Gross 0.072 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
84 Security ATO New Requirements 10/23/2017 Other 009-000409338 To be determined by the Contracting Officer cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.070 Net 0 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross
85 Mobile Device Reduction 10/1/2017 Digital Services 009-000349487 To be determined by the Contracting Officer cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.001 Net 0 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross
86 IT Support Reduction using ITIO 10/1/2013 Other 009-000349487 Used for business programs cost-savings 0 Gross 2.948 Net 3.008 Net 2.960 Net 2.920 Net 2.784 Net 2.784 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross
87 0004630 CMS ART 4/10/2017 Other 009-000406200 The option year for O&M was awarded below the priced option. The savings/avoidance were used to fund FISS modernization effort as well as Fee-For-Service Shared Systems data center shortfalls. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.158 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
88 0004890 HETS 4/1/2017 Other 009-000004414 The HETS redesign nPhase II work was reduced and combined with on going CR work and portal migration was postponed.The savings/avoidance were used to fund Project 812 and some went back to OFM to reallocate. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.229 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
89 0015700 NPICS 6/22/2017 Other 009-000282161 The option year for O&M was awarded below the priced option year. Savings went to a variety of projects: DME Maintenance and VDC web Hosting (000265), CWF infoman Upgrade (000016), Operational Security for data center testing (007405), and ITSM Base Yr (000010). cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.400 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
90 0007950 EES 7/31/2017 Other 009-000325876 Contract consolidation allowed reduced O&M costsand eliminated the need for a contract transition. The savings went back to other Marketplace initiatives cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.729 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
91 0000160 CWF 6/1/2017 Other 009-000004253 The new contract award was for a shorter period of performance which reduced the FY 17 need. The savings were used to fund Fee-For-Service Shared Systems data center shortfalls, FISS procurement costs, and general sweeps for OFM to reallocate. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 4.691 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
92 0009130 MCS 7/1/2017 Other 009-000004256 The option year for O&M was awarded below the priced option year and therefore the approved FY 17 Operating budget was upheld. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 3.238 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
93 CMS HITECH HBOSC Contract 3/1/2015 Other 009-000236620 The HOBSC contract was descoped due to the fact that the contract had 4 option years and a transition out period. The funding was cut in half for the 5th OY due to a limited amount of work. The cost avoidance was returned to the main HITECH funding bucket.
cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 5.700 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
94 CMS HITECH NLR Developemt & Support 7/1/2016 Other 009-000236620 The NLR Development & Support contract was descoped when the determination was made that the Quality Payment Program (QPP) would be rolled out January 2017. The NLR will stop processing EP’s and HQR will start processing on January 1, 2018. The cost avoidance was returned to the main HITECH funding bucket. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.030 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
95 CMS HITECH CDS to BDC Migration 4/4/2017 Other 009-000236620 The National Level Repository (NLR) and Research and Support Graphical User Interface (R&S GUI) Infrastructure was relocated to the Baltimore Data Center (BDC) for the two remaining options years on the contract. The cost avoidance was returned to the main HITECH funding bucket. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 4.000 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
96 Encounter Data Systems 1/1/2017 Other 009-000006796 The result of these savings will enable the Agency to reduce requests for external/existing funding sources. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 7.000 Gross 4.000 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
97 HIGLAS 6/22/2016 Other 009-000001468 Consolidation of two contracts into one. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 9.000 Gross 18.000 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
98 Agency-Led TechStat Session 12/1/2011 Other NA NA cost-savings 0.800 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
98 Custom Reports 8/1/2017 Digital Services 009-000001362 NA cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.093 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
99 Bureau-Led TechStat Session 5/1/2012 Other NA NA cost-savings 8.200 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
100 Mura CRM 1/20/2011 Digital Services 009-000001362 NA cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.382 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
101 Mobile Devices 3/30/2016 Commodity IT 009-000386499 Utilize savings to upgrade equipment for the following quarters. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.018 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
102 WebTMA 10/1/2016 Commodity IT 009-000006263 Savings will be reinvested towards local facility needs identified by local leadership. cost-savings 0.300 Net 3.000 Net 3.000 Net 3.000 Net 3.000 Net 3.000 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
103 eCredentialing 3/1/2016 Digital Services 009-000006263 Deploy software to additional service areas cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.067 Net 0.400 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
104 Decommissioned Hardware 1/1/2017 Data Center 009-000006263 Utilize savings to upgrade equipment for the following quarters. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.750 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
105 Clinton Indian Health Center0 Virtual Server Project 7/1/2017 Data Center 009-000006263 NA cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.018 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
106 Haskell Indian Health Center0 Virtual Server Project 8/25/2017 Data Center 009-000006263 NA cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.009 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
107 Watonga Indian Health Center0 Virtual Server Project 7/1/2017 Data Center 009-000006263 NA cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.009 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
108 El Reno Indian Health Center0 Virtual Server Project 7/1/2017 Data Center 009-000006263 NA cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.009 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
109 Virtualization of Physical Servers 1/1/2017 Data Center 009-000006263 Savings will be reinvested towards local facility needs identified by local leadership and the health board. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.250 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
110 Meaningful Use0 Certified EHS Program 8/12/2010 Other 009-000001362 NA cost-avoidance 0.668 Gross 7.837 Gross 8.158 Gross 7.892 Gross 1.936 Gross 0.238 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
111 Eliminating Physical Servers0 Virtualization 1/1/2012 Data Center 009-000006263 Savings will be reinvested towards local facility needs identified by local leadership and the health board. cost-savings 6.135 Gross 5.330 Gross 5.097 Gross 4.754 Gross 6.396 Gross 5.508 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
112 Email0 Use Shared Service Provider 10/1/2012 Commodity IT 009-000000708 Avoiding increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.939 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
113 Email0 Use Shared Service Provider 10/1/2013 Commodity IT 009-000000708 Avoiding increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.939 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
114 Email0 Use Shared Service Provider 10/1/2014 Commodity IT 009-000000708 Avoiding increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.939 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
115 Email0 Use Shared Service Provider 10/1/2015 Commodity IT 009-000000708 Avoiding increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.939 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
116 Email0 Use Shared Service Provider 10/1/2016 Commodity IT 009-000000708 Avoiding increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.939 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
117 SharePoint Hosting0 Used Shared Service Provider 10/1/2012 Commodity IT 009-000000708 Avoided increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.290 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
118 SharePoint Hosting0 Used Shared Service Provider 10/1/2013 Commodity IT 009-000000708 Avoided increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.290 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
119 SharePoint Hosting0 Used Shared Service Provider 10/1/2014 Commodity IT 009-000000708 Avoided increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.290 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
120 SharePoint Hosting0 Used Shared Service Provider 10/1/2015 Commodity IT 009-000000708 Avoided increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.290 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
121 SharePoint Hosting0 Used Shared Service Provider 10/1/2016 Commodity IT 009-000000708 Avoided increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.290 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
122 Data Center Consolidation 10/1/2015 Data Center 009-000000708 Avoided increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.300 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
123 Data Center Consolidation 10/1/2016 Data Center 009-000000708 Avoided increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.300 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
124 Business Intelligence 10/1/2016 Software License Management 009-000000708 Avoided increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 2.000 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
125 Printer Reduction 10/1/2015 Other 009-000000708 Reinvesting savings in the programs. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.035 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
126 Printer Reduction 10/1/2015 Other 009-000000708 Reinvesting savings in the programs. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.035 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
127 EHB Contact Center Contract 9/28/2017 Other 009-000000706 Revinvested the cost savings in the programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.150 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
128 Data Warehouse 10/1/2016 Digital Services 009-000004159 Revinvested the cost savings in the programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.347 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
129 Changed Regional Support Provider 5/1/2016 Other 009-000000706 Revinvested the cost savings in the programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.250 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
130 Changed Regional Support Provider 10/1/2016 Other 009-000000707 Revinvested the cost savings in the programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.500 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
131 Cost Avoidance by using Shared Tier I Helpdesk 1/1/2013 Commodity IT 009-000000708 Avoided increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.200 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
132 Cost Avoidance by using Shared Tier I Helpdesk 1/1/2014 Commodity IT 009-000000708 Avoided increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.200 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
133 Cost Avoidance by using Shared Tier I Helpdesk 1/1/2015 Commodity IT 009-000000708 Avoided increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.200 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
134 Cost Avoidance by using Shared Tier I Helpdesk 1/1/2016 Commodity IT 009-000000708 Avoided increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.200 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
135 Cost Avoidance by using Shared Tier I Helpdesk 1/1/2017 Commodity IT 009-000000708 Avoided increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.200 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
136 Eliminated physical COOP Site to Virtual COOP 12/31/2015 Other 009-000000708 Revinvested the cost savings in the programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.068 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
137 Eliminated physical COOP Site to Virtual COOP 12/31/2016 Other 009-000000708 Revinvested the cost savings in the programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.068 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
138 Eliminated physical COOP Site to Virtual COOP 12/31/2017 Other 009-000000708 Revinvested the cost savings in the programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.068 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
139 Eliminated Telephone Lines 10/1/2014 Other 009-000000708 Revinvested the cost savings in the programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.300 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
140 Records Management 1/1/2015 Other 009-000004168 Revinvested the cost savings in the programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.154 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
141 Records Management 1/1/2016 Other 009-000004168 Revinvested the cost savings in the programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.154 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
142 Records Management 1/1/2017 Other 009-000004168 Revinvested the cost savings in the programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.154 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
143 Records Management 1/1/2018 Other 009-000004168 Revinvested the cost savings in the programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.154 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
144 FISSI Wireless Contract 10/1/2016 Commodity IT 009-000000708 Revinvested the cost savings in the programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.095 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
145 FISSI Wireless Contract 10/1/2016 Commodity IT 009-000000708 Revinvested the cost savings in the programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.095 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
146 Printing Posters In House 10/1/2016 Other 009-000000708 Revinvested the cost savings in the programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.030 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
147 HR Systems0 Use Shared Service Provider 1/1/2013 Other 009-000227056 Avoided increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.500 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
148 HR Systems0 Use Shared Service Provider 1/1/2014 Other 009-000227056 Avoided increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.500 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
149 HR Systems0 Use Shared Service Provider 1/1/2015 Other 009-000227056 Avoided increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.500 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
150 HR Systems0 Use Shared Service Provider 1/1/2016 Other 009-000227056 Avoided increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.500 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
151 HR Systems0 Use Shared Service Provider 1/1/2017 Other 009-000227056 Avoided increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.500 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
152 Financial System0 Use Shared Service Provider 1/1/2013 Other 009-000227056 Avoided increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 2.000 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
153 Financial System0 Use Shared Service Provider 1/1/2014 Other 009-000227056 Avoided increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 2.000 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
154 Financial System0 Use Shared Service Provider 1/1/2015 Other 009-000227056 Avoided increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 2.000 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
155 Financial System0 Use Shared Service Provider 1/1/2016 Other 009-000227056 Avoided increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 2.000 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
156 Financial System0 Use Shared Service Provider 1/1/2017 Other 009-000227056 Avoided increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 2.000 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
157 Changed Video Bridge Service Providers 10/1/2015 Other 009-000000708 Avoided increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.150 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
158 Changed Video Bridge Service Providers 10/1/2016 Other 009-000000708 Avoided increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.150 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
159 Changed Video Bridge Service Providers 10/1/2017 Other 009-000000708 Avoided increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.150 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
160 New Desktop imagine tool 10/1/2015 Other 009-000000708 Avoided increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.033 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
161 Use Shared HHS Internet Provider 10/1/2012 Commodity IT 009-000000708 Avoided increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.250 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
162 Use Shared HHS Internet Provider 10/1/2013 Commodity IT 009-000000708 Avoided increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.250 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
163 Use Shared HHS Internet Provider 10/1/2014 Commodity IT 009-000000708 Avoided increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.250 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
164 Use Shared HHS Internet Provider 10/1/2015 Commodity IT 009-000000708 Avoided increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.250 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
165 Use Shared HHS Internet Provider 10/1/2016 Commodity IT 009-000000708 Avoided increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.250 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
166 Moved AHRF system to Data Warehouse Platform 1/1/2017 Other 009-000004159 Revinvested the cost savings in the programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.071 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
167 Authentication Management System0 Used Shared Service Provider 1/1/2016 Commodity IT 009-000000708 Revinvested the cost savings in the programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.500 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
168 Authentication Management System0 Used Shared Service Provider 1/1/2017 Commodity IT 009-000000708 Revinvested the cost savings in the programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.250 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
169 Authentication Management System0 Used Shared Service Provider 1/1/2018 Commodity IT 009-000000708 Revinvested the cost savings in the programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.250 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
170 NPDB Cloud migration (to move NPDB infrastructure, applications and data, from data center to infrastructure as a service (IaaS) cloud environment). 1/1/2014 Data Center 009-000001361 The savings are used/reinvested to accomplish other high priority DME and O&M program initiatives. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.444 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
171 NPDB Cloud migration (to move NPDB infrastructure, applications and data, from data center to infrastructure as a service (IaaS) cloud environment). 1/1/2015 Data Center 009-000001361 The savings are used/reinvested to accomplish other high priority DME and O&M program initiatives. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.444 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
172 NPDB Cloud migration (to move NPDB infrastructure, applications and data, from data center to infrastructure as a service (IaaS) cloud environment). 1/1/2016 Data Center 009-000001361 The savings are used/reinvested to accomplish other high priority DME and O&M program initiatives. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.444 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
173 NPDB Cloud migration (to move NPDB infrastructure, applications and data, from data center to infrastructure as a service (IaaS) cloud environment). 1/1/2017 Data Center 009-000001361 The savings are used/reinvested to accomplish other high priority DME and O&M program initiatives. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.444 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
174 NPDB Customer Service 1/1/2015 Other 009-000001361 The savings are used/reinvested to accomplish other high priority DME and O&M program initiatives. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.170 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
175 NPDB Customer Service 1/1/2016 Other 009-000001361 The savings are used/reinvested to accomplish other high priority DME and O&M program initiatives. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.170 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
176 NPDB Customer Service 1/1/2017 Other 009-000001361 The savings are used/reinvested to accomplish other high priority DME and O&M program initiatives. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.170 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
177 NPDB Bridge Contract 7/1/2017 Other 009-000001361 The savings are used/reinvested to accomplish other high priority DME and O&M program initiatives. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 3.678 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
178 NPDB Generation 5 Contract 1/1/2012 Other 009-000001361 The savings are used/reinvested to accomplish other high priority DME and O&M program initiatives. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 19.878 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
179 BMISS Customer Call Center 1/1/2017 Other 009-000004158 Savings are used to increase the number of award amounts for the Bureau's programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.600 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
180 BMISS Application Processing 1/1/2012 Other 009-000004158 Savings are used to increase the number of award amounts for the Bureau's programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.101 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
181 BMISS Application Processing 1/1/2013 Other 009-000004158 Savings are used to increase the number of award amounts for the Bureau's programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 3.025 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
182 BMISS Application Processing 1/1/2014 Other 009-000004158 Savings are used to increase the number of award amounts for the Bureau's programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 3.025 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
183 BMISS Application Processing 1/1/2015 Other 009-000004158 Savings are used to increase the number of award amounts for the Bureau's programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 3.025 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
184 BMISS Application Processing 1/1/2016 Other 009-000004158 Savings are used to increase the number of award amounts for the Bureau's programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 3.025 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
185 BMISS Application Processing 1/1/2017 Other 009-000004158 Savings are used to increase the number of award amounts for the Bureau's programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 3.025 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
186 BMISS Financials 1/1/2012 Other 009-000004158 Savings are used to increase the number of award amounts for the Bureau's programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.912 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
187 BMISS Financials 1/1/2013 Other 009-000004158 Savings are used to increase the number of award amounts for the Bureau's programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.033 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
188 BMISS Financials 1/1/2014 Other 009-000004158 Savings are used to increase the number of award amounts for the Bureau's programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.033 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
189 BMISS Financials 1/1/2015 Other 009-000004158 Savings are used to increase the number of award amounts for the Bureau's programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.033 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
190 BMISS Financials 1/1/2016 Other 009-000004158 Savings are used to increase the number of award amounts for the Bureau's programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.033 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
191 BMISS Financials 1/1/2017 Other 009-000004158 Savings are used to increase the number of award amounts for the Bureau's programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.033 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
192 BMISS In Service Verifications 1/1/2012 Other 009-000004158 Savings are used to increase the number of award amounts for the Bureau's programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 3.740 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
193 BMISS In Service Verifications 1/1/2013 Other 009-000004158 Savings are used to increase the number of award amounts for the Bureau's programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 3.740 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
194 BMISS In Service Verifications 1/1/2014 Other 009-000004158 Savings are used to increase the number of award amounts for the Bureau's programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 3.740 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
195 BMISS In Service Verifications 1/1/2015 Other 009-000004158 Savings are used to increase the number of award amounts for the Bureau's programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 3.740 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
196 BMISS In Service Verifications 1/1/2016 Other 009-000004158 Savings are used to increase the number of award amounts for the Bureau's programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 3.740 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
197 BMISS In Service Verifications 1/1/2017 Other 009-000004158 Savings are used to increase the number of award amounts for the Bureau's programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 3.740 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
198 BMISS Sites and Job Center 1/1/2012 Other 009-000004158 Savings are used to increase the number of award amounts for the Bureau's programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.774 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
199 BMISS Sites and Job Center 1/1/2013 Other 009-000004158 Savings are used to increase the number of award amounts for the Bureau's programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.774 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
200 BMISS Sites and Job Center 1/1/2014 Other 009-000004158 Savings are used to increase the number of award amounts for the Bureau's programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.774 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
201 BMISS Sites and Job Center 1/1/2015 Other 009-000004158 Savings are used to increase the number of award amounts for the Bureau's programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.774 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
202 BMISS Sites and Job Center 1/1/2016 Other 009-000004158 Savings are used to increase the number of award amounts for the Bureau's programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.774 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
203 BMISS Sites and Job Center 1/1/2017 Other 009-000004158 Savings are used to increase the number of award amounts for the Bureau's programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.774 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
204 BMISS Customer Service 1/1/2012 Other 009-000004158 Savings are used to increase the number of award amounts for the Bureau's programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.646 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
205 BMISS Customer Service 1/1/2013 Other 009-000004158 Savings are used to increase the number of award amounts for the Bureau's programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.646 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
206 BMISS Customer Service 1/1/2014 Other 009-000004158 Savings are used to increase the number of award amounts for the Bureau's programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.646 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
207 BMISS Customer Service 1/1/2015 Other 009-000004158 Savings are used to increase the number of award amounts for the Bureau's programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.646 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
208 BMISS Customer Service 1/1/2016 Other 009-000004158 Savings are used to increase the number of award amounts for the Bureau's programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.646 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
209 BMISS Customer Service 1/1/2017 Other 009-000004158 Savings are used to increase the number of award amounts for the Bureau's programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.646 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
210 BMISS0 BCHDANET 1/1/2012 Other 009-000004158 Savings are used to increase the number of award amounts for the Bureau's programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.287 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
211 BMISS0 BCHDANET 1/1/2013 Other 009-000004158 Savings are used to increase the number of award amounts for the Bureau's programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.287 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
212 BMISS0 BCHDANET 1/1/2014 Other 009-000004158 Savings are used to increase the number of award amounts for the Bureau's programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.287 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
213 BMISS0 BCHDANET 1/1/2015 Other 009-000004158 Savings are used to increase the number of award amounts for the Bureau's programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.287 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
214 BMISS0 BCHDANET 1/1/2016 Other 009-000004158 Savings are used to increase the number of award amounts for the Bureau's programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.287 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
215 BMISS0 BCHDANET 1/1/2017 Other 009-000004158 Savings are used to increase the number of award amounts for the Bureau's programs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.287 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
216 Used Shared ePMAP Provider 1/1/2017 Other 009-000205796 Avoided increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 3.336 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
217 Enterprise Content Management 1/1/2017 Other 009-000205796 Workflow Automation cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.030 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
218 EHBs0 Business Process Streamlining 10/1/2011 Other 009-000000706 Avoided increasing cost to the program. Cost avoidance is reinvested in new modernization and enhancement activities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 3.732 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
219 EHBs0 Business Process Streamlining 10/1/2012 Other 009-000000706 Avoided increasing cost to the program. Cost avoidance is reinvested in new modernization and enhancement activities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 4.082 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
220 EHBs0 Business Process Streamlining 10/1/2013 Other 009-000000706 Avoided increasing cost to the program. Cost avoidance is reinvested in new modernization and enhancement activities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 5.929 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
221 EHBs0 Business Process Streamlining 10/1/2014 Other 009-000000706 Avoided increasing cost to the program. Cost avoidance is reinvested in new modernization and enhancement activities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 7.083 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
222 EHBs0 Business Process Streamlining 10/1/2015 Other 009-000000706 Avoided increasing cost to the program. Cost avoidance is reinvested in new modernization and enhancement activities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 7.117 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
223 EHBs0 Business Process Streamlining 10/1/2016 Other 009-000000706 Avoided increasing cost to the program. Cost avoidance is reinvested in new modernization and enhancement activities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 6.889 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
224 EHBs0 Business Process Streamlining 10/1/2017 Other 009-000000706 Avoided increasing cost to the program. Cost avoidance is reinvested in new modernization and enhancement activities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 6.894 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
225 EHBs0 New Feature 10/1/2011 Other 009-000000706 Avoided increasing cost to the program. Cost avoidance is reinvested in new modernization and enhancement activities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.299 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
226 EHBs0 New Feature 10/1/2012 Other 009-000000706 Avoided increasing cost to the program. Cost avoidance is reinvested in new modernization and enhancement activities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 3.244 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
227 EHBs0 New Feature 10/1/2013 Other 009-000000706 Avoided increasing cost to the program. Cost avoidance is reinvested in new modernization and enhancement activities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 3.514 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
228 EHBs0 New Feature 10/1/2014 Other 009-000000706 Avoided increasing cost to the program. Cost avoidance is reinvested in new modernization and enhancement activities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 4.996 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
229 EHBs0 New Feature 10/1/2015 Other 009-000000706 Avoided increasing cost to the program. Cost avoidance is reinvested in new modernization and enhancement activities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 5.795 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
230 EHBs0 New Feature 10/1/2016 Other 009-000000706 Avoided increasing cost to the program. Cost avoidance is reinvested in new modernization and enhancement activities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 8.706 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
231 EHBs0 New Feature 10/1/2017 Other 009-000000706 Avoided increasing cost to the program. Cost avoidance is reinvested in new modernization and enhancement activities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 10.817 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
232 EHBs0 Performance Improvement 10/1/2014 Other 009-000000706 Avoided increasing cost to the program. Cost avoidance is reinvested in new modernization and enhancement activities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.500 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
233 EHBs0 Policy Changes 10/1/2014 Other 009-000000706 Avoided increasing cost to the program. Cost avoidance is reinvested in new modernization and enhancement activities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.188 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
234 EHBs0 Policy Changes 10/1/2015 Other 009-000000706 Avoided increasing cost to the program. Cost avoidance is reinvested in new modernization and enhancement activities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.188 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
235 EHBs0 Policy Changes 10/1/2016 Other 009-000000706 Avoided increasing cost to the program. Cost avoidance is reinvested in new modernization and enhancement activities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.333 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
236 EHBs0 Policy Changes 10/1/2017 Other 009-000000706 Avoided increasing cost to the program. Cost avoidance is reinvested in new modernization and enhancement activities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.333 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
237 EHBs0 Reporting 10/1/2013 Other 009-000000706 Avoided increasing cost to the program. Cost avoidance is reinvested in new modernization and enhancement activities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.029 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
238 EHBs0 Reporting 10/1/2014 Other 009-000000706 Avoided increasing cost to the program. Cost avoidance is reinvested in new modernization and enhancement activities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.029 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
239 EHBs0 Reporting 10/1/2015 Other 009-000000706 Avoided increasing cost to the program. Cost avoidance is reinvested in new modernization and enhancement activities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.029 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
240 EHBs0 Reporting 10/1/2016 Other 009-000000706 Avoided increasing cost to the program. Cost avoidance is reinvested in new modernization and enhancement activities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.029 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
241 EHBs0 Reporting 10/1/2017 Digital Services 009-000000706 Avoided increasing cost to the program. Cost avoidance is reinvested in new modernization and enhancement activities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.029 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
242 EHBs0 Self Service 10/1/2012 Digital Services 009-000000706 Avoided increasing cost to the program. Cost avoidance is reinvested in new modernization and enhancement activities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.300 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
243 EHBs0 Self Service 10/1/2013 Digital Services 009-000000706 Avoided increasing cost to the program. Cost avoidance is reinvested in new modernization and enhancement activities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.300 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
244 EHBs0 Self Service 10/1/2014 Digital Services 009-000000706 Avoided increasing cost to the program. Cost avoidance is reinvested in new modernization and enhancement activities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.660 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
245 EHBs0 Self Service 10/1/2015 Digital Services 009-000000706 Avoided increasing cost to the program. Cost avoidance is reinvested in new modernization and enhancement activities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.140 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
246 EHBs0 Self Service 10/1/2016 Digital Services 009-000000706 Avoided increasing cost to the program. Cost avoidance is reinvested in new modernization and enhancement activities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.524 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
247 EHBs0 Self Service 10/1/2017 Digital Services 009-000000706 Avoided increasing cost to the program. Cost avoidance is reinvested in new modernization and enhancement activities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 2.194 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
248 EHBs0 System Integration 10/1/2011 Digital Services 009-000000706 Avoided increasing cost to the program. Cost avoidance is reinvested in new modernization and enhancement activities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.649 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
249 EHBs0 System Integration 10/1/2012 Digital Services 009-000000706 Avoided increasing cost to the program. Cost avoidance is reinvested in new modernization and enhancement activities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.716 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
250 EHBs0 System Integration 10/1/2013 Digital Services 009-000000706 Avoided increasing cost to the program. Cost avoidance is reinvested in new modernization and enhancement activities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.702 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
251 EHBs0 System Integration 10/1/2014 Digital Services 009-000000706 Avoided increasing cost to the program. Cost avoidance is reinvested in new modernization and enhancement activities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.045 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
252 EHBs0 System Integration 10/1/2015 Other 009-000000706 Avoided increasing cost to the program. Cost avoidance is reinvested in new modernization and enhancement activities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.018 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
253 EHBs0 System Integration 10/1/2016 Other 009-000000706 Avoided increasing cost to the program. Cost avoidance is reinvested in new modernization and enhancement activities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.996 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
254 EHBs0 System Integration 10/1/2017 Other 009-000000706 Avoided increasing cost to the program. Cost avoidance is reinvested in new modernization and enhancement activities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.996 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
255 EHBs0 Technology 10/1/2015 Other 009-000000706 The savings are used/reinvested to accomplish other high priority DME and O&M program initiatives. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.330 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
256 EHBs0 Technology 10/1/2016 Other 009-000000706 The savings are used/reinvested to accomplish other high priority DME and O&M program initiatives. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.280 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
257 EHBs0 Technology 10/1/2017 Other 009-000000706 The savings are used/reinvested to accomplish other high priority DME and O&M program initiatives. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 2.407 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
258 EHBs0 Consolidation 10/1/2015 Other 009-000000706 The savings are used/reinvested to accomplish other high priority DME and O&M program initiatives. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.140 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
259 EHBs0 Consolidation 10/1/2017 Other 009-000000706 The savings are used/reinvested to accomplish other high priority DME and O&M program initiatives. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.140 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
260 Swift 1/1/2017 Other 009-000227056 Avoided increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.999 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
261 HERD 1/1/2017 Other 009-000227056 The savings are used/reinvested to accomplish other high priority DME and O&M program initiatives. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.013 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
262 Space Tracking Sytems 5/1/2017 Other 009-000227056 Avoided increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.380 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
263 Space Tracking Sytems 10/1/2017 Other 009-000227056 Avoided increasing cost to the program. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.380 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
264 CDM IT Security Tools and HHS Supplied Security Tools 10/1/2015 Other 009-000004135 Avoided purchasing tools from HRSA's budget cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 2.949 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
265 CDM IT Security Tools and HHS Supplied Security Tools 10/1/2016 Other 009-000004135 Avoided purchasing tools from HRSA's budget cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 2.431 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
266 CDM IT Security Tools and HHS Supplied Security Tools 10/1/2017 Other 009-000004135 Avoided purchasing tools from HRSA's budget cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.264 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
267 ACL Cloud First 10/1/2014 Data Center 009-000000578, 009-000000584, 009-000000586 ACL's realized cost avoidance are reinvested in our IT portfolio to continue modernization and enhancement activities, or are returned to programs. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.375 Net 0.500 Net 0.500 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross
268 Data Center Consolidation 2/16/2016 Data Center NA Savings were reinvested into upgrading network performance and resiliency cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.290 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
269 NCCDPHP System Retirements 6/5/2012 Other 009-000000607 N/A cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 3.827 Gross 0.104 Gross 0.104 Gross
270 Fraud Prevention System (FPS). FPS runs sophisticated analytics against Fee for Service claims to identify, prevent, and stop potentially fraudulent, wasteful, or abusive claims. 6/16/2011 Other 009-000281361 A variety of tools and actions are used to prevent improper payments as a result of FPS. These include claims denials, payment suspensions, Medicare billing privilege revocations, and law enforcement referrals. FPS helps CMS target fraudulent providers and suppliers, reduce the administrative and compliance burdens on legitimate providers and suppliers, and prevent fraud so that funds are not diverted from providing beneficiaries with access to quality health care. cost-avoidance 115.400 Gross 250.100 Gross 454.000 Gross 604.750 Gross 527.060 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
271 Data Services Hub. Federal Data Services Hub (DSH) provides a single interface for state agencies, health insurance exchanges, and other stakeholders to verify eligibility for health insurance programs. 7/1/2017 Other 009-000267389 CMS reduced operational costs during a contract recompete based on the efficiencies and technical enhancements realized since the initial contract award (this was the first recompete of the contract). Savings was used to cover other operational costs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 27.000 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
272 MARx Operations and Maintenance 1/15/2014 Other 009-000004261 The MARx contract was descoped to accommodate mandated FY14 budget cuts. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 7.300 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
273 MAPD Business Operations and Help Desk 1/15/2014 Other 009-000004261 Business Operations and Help Desk Contracts consolidated into BOSC contract. Strategy was developed in an attempt to streamline and to accommodate mandated FY14 budget cuts. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 4.800 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
274 MAPD Project Management 11/15/2013 Other 009-000004261 Project Management Support Contract Discontinued in an attempt to accommodate mandated FY14 budget cuts. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 2.550 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
275 MAPD Testing 11/30/2013 Other 009-000004261 Testing contracts now handled as consolidated Testing Coordination contract. Strategy was developed in an attempt to streamline and to accommodate mandated budget cuts. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 5.028 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
276 Medicare Beneficiary Databasse (MBD) 11/30/2013 Other 009-000004263 MBD Testing contract not renwed due to Strategy change. Testing contracts now handled as consolidated Testing Coordination contract. This strategy was developed in an attempt to streamline and to accommodate mandated FY14 budget cuts. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 2.700 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
277 SharePoint Contract Consolidation 1/1/2017 Other 009-000282281 Used toward other operational needs. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 4.180 Gross 4.200 Gross 3.200 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
278 MACBIS Data Center move 7/1/2017 Data Center 009-000316503 8 Systems moved from CDS to Lockheed Martin Data Center in August, 2017. The last two option years of the CDS contract were not exercised. Savings were used for other to cover other budget shortfalls. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 4.372 Gross 4.288 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
279 CA Enterprise License 9/15/2017 Software License Management 009-000006265 Descope contract to remove unused licenses. Savings used for other operational priorities. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.211 Gross 0.213 Gross 0 Gross
280 NLR Hosting 8/15/2017 Data Center 009-000236620 Moved application to BDC where there was unused capacity. Cost avoided used for other HITECH needs. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 4.163 Gross 4.527 Gross 0 Gross
281 Marketplace Savings 9/1/2017 Data Center 009-000006265 Descoped and consolidated; Amount saved/avoided to be used for other operational priorities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 9.385 Gross 4.287 Gross 0 Gross
282 BDC 2.0 8/1/2014 Data Center 009-000006265 Consolidated physical and virtual systems/services from LMDC West to the BDC and LMDC East. LM DC West was shut down. Savings and cost avoided used for other operational needs. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.374 Gross 1.694 Gross 2.907 Gross 2.364 Gross 3.160 Gross 0 Gross
283 AHRQ Evidence NOW Exchange (ENX) 12/31/2017 Other 009-000382399 IT Portion of Reduction in Appropriation cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.044 Gross 0 Gross
284 Data Center Optimization Initiative (DCOI) 1/1/2018 Data Center NA Funding Reinvested in Taps for Data Act and other Administrative Costs cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.085 Gross 0.071 Gross 0.111 Gross 0.129 Gross 0.129 Gross 0.129 Gross 0 Gross
285 NHLBI ePMAP 1/1/2016 PortfolioStat 009-000326445 Cost avoidance has been used to reduce RMS budgets to fund additional extramural research. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.702 Gross 1.100 Gross 1.800 Gross 2.200 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
286 NHLBI Reporting and Analytics 9/30/2014 PortfolioStat 009-000326445 Cost avoidance was re-purposed to support the emerging personnel requirements of the TOPMed program, a high priority strategic initiative for both NHLBI and NIH. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.025 Gross 0.050 Gross 0.400 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
287 NHLBI TRAC 9/30/2012 PortfolioStat 009-000326445 Cost savings contribute to the reduction in administrative FTEs and hence provide scope for more scientific staff. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0.600 Gross 0.100 Gross 1.200 Gross 1.800 Gross 2.400 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
288 NHLBI TRAC 9/30/2012 PortfolioStat 009-000326445 Cost savings reduce growth in RMS overhead costs allowing more funding for research. cost-savings 0 Gross 0.009 Gross 0.009 Gross 0.010 Gross 0.011 Gross 0.012 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
289 NHLBI SPA 9/30/2015 PortfolioStat 009-000326372 Cost savings are FTE costs and the reduction in administrative staff funds additional scientific management positions. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.020 Gross 0.020 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
290 NHLBI DOCS 9/30/2015 PortfolioStat 009-000326445 Cost savings were used to fund other IT investments used to further reduce overhead and improve efficiency. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 2.000 Gross 0.400 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
291 NIH Puchasing Program 9/30/2014 Commodity IT NA How the savings is used or reinvested is not available to us. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 41.386 Gross 60.838 Gross 89.053 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
292 Data Centers 2/28/2010 Data Center 009-000339398 The cost savings is recognized by NIH Institutes and HHS OPDIVS. How the savings is used or reinvested is not available to us. both 1.330 Gross 2.073 Gross 2.642 Gross 3.519 Gross 4.165 Gross 4.304 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
293 eRA GM Workbook Redesign 1/1/2015 Digital Services 009-000001410 The cost savings is recognized by NIH Institutes and HHS OPDIVS. How the savings is used or reinvested is not available to us. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.200 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
294 eRA Program Checklist Redesign 1/1/2016 Digital Services 009-000001410 The cost savings is recognized by NIH Institutes and HHS OPDIVS. How the savings is used or reinvested is not available to us. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.471 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
295 eRA Program Management Module Redesign 1/1/2016 Digital Services 009-000001410 The cost savings is recognized by NIH Institutes and HHS OPDIVS. How the savings is used or reinvested is not available to us. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 2.100 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
296 eRA Prior Approval Module 1/1/2015 Digital Services 009-000001410 The cost savings is recognized by NIH Institutes and HHS OPDIVS. How the savings is used or reinvested is not available to us. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.300 Gross 0.300 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
297 eRA Pay Plan Module 1/1/2014 Digital Services 009-000001410 The cost savings is recognized by NIH Institutes and HHS OPDIVS. How the savings is used or reinvested is not available to us. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.272 Gross 0.272 Gross 0.272 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
298 eRA Electronic Tracking and Analysis Module 1/1/2011 Digital Services 009-000001410 The cost savings is recognized by NIH Institutes and HHS OPDIVS. How the savings is used or reinvested is not available to us. cost-avoidance 0.114 Gross 0.114 Gross 0.114 Gross 0.114 Gross 0.114 Gross 0.114 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
299 PRACS Clearance System 1/1/2015 Digital Services 009-000001410 The cost savings is recognized by NIH Institutes and HHS OPDIVS. How the savings is used or reinvested is not available to us. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.214 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
300 eRA Electronic Submission of Administrative Supplements 1/1/2011 Digital Services 009-000001410 The cost savings is recognized by NIH Institutes and HHS OPDIVS. How the savings is used or reinvested is not available to us. cost-avoidance 0.017 Gross 0.032 Gross 0.035 Gross 0.047 Gross 0.058 Gross 0.072 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
301 PubMed 1/1/2014 Other 009-000381665 This cost savings results of HHS OPDIVS being able to comply with the OSTP directive for making agency publications accessible to public through NLM's manuscript submission system and PubMed Central both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.735 Gross 0.455 Gross 0.305 Gross 0.305 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
302 FY170 Converting Legacy Phone Lines 11/1/2016 Digital Services 009-000339401 Most of these savings directly benefited and were realized by the ICs. These initiatives involve migrating legacy, costly, and often distributed capabilities to modern, enterprise solutions. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 4.100 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
303 FY170 Enterprise License Agreement 11/1/2016 Digital Services 009-000339401 Realized by ICs when UCC negotiated and established a new Enterprise License Agreement with WebEx. The new agreement’s enterprise-wide access allows ICs to discontinue funding IC-specific collaboration solutions such as GoToMeeting, GlobalMeet, and limited-user WebEx accounts and avoid redundant costs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.526 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
304 FY170 Discontinued Legacy Web Conferencing Software and Servers 11/1/2016 Digital Services 009-000339401 CIT discontinued legacy web conferencing software and servers (Adobe Connect). Savings invested in equipment refresh. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.173 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
305 FY170 Migrating Web Services Applications to New Hardware 11/1/2016 Digital Services 009-000339401 Realized by ICs by migrating Web Services applications to new hardware. This is based on cost savings of $5K per month, per application. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.100 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
306 FY170 Advance Optical Technology, Using Less Fiber, Disconnecting 25 Cable Connection Circuits 11/1/2016 Digital Services 009-000339401 Use less fiber though advanced optical technology. Savings used to modernize network circuits. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.515 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
307 FY170 Economies of Scale in Purchasing Computational Cores and Storage in Large Quantities; all NIH Researchers have Access to the Computational Resources they need 11/1/2015 Digital Services 009-000339398 Savings directly passed on to IC's. Instead of each institute having to purchase their computational needs to a commercial vendor at a much higher price they are able to leverage the Enterprise High Performance Computing at lower negotiated prices. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.800 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
308 FY160 Increased Capacity and Performance for Transit of Scientific Data; Lower IC Spending on LANs and Firewalls 11/1/2015 Digital Services 009-000339401 Network Modernization-operations and maintenance. Software licensing for Cisco high speed routers to support the 100Gb backbone and NIH Internet Service. Maintenance for new cellular network equipment. Additional fiber optic circuitry to support higher redundancy and speed fo NIH off campus buildings. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 7.000 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
309 FY160 Transition from Legacy Voice Network to UCU VoIP; plus Additional Future Savings as More ICs Transition 11/1/2015 Digital Services 009-000339401 Most of these savings directly benefited and were realized by the ICs. These initiatives involve migrating legacy, costly, and often distributed capabilities to modern, enterprise solutions. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 2.600 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
310 FY160 Enterprise Agreement with Microsoft: Converted from per Device Pricing to per user Pricing 11/1/2015 Digital Services 009-000339399 Savings directly passed on to IC's both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.250 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
311 FY160 Economies of Scale in Purchasing Computational Cores and Storage in Large Quantities; all NIH Researchers have Access to the Computational Resources they need 11/1/2015 Digital Services 009-000339398 Savings directly passed on to IC's. Instead of each institute having to purchase their computational needs to a commercial vendor at a much higher price they are able to leverage the Enterprise High Performance Computing at lower negotiated prices. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.800 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
312 Lease Buyout 9/30/2015 Other 009-000339399 The cost savings have been used by NCI to fund other strategic initiatives including futher network modernization. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.164 Gross 2.327 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
313 Contract Consolidation 9/30/2015 Other NA The cost savings have been used by NCI to fund other strategic initiatives including futher network modernization. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.750 Gross 2.250 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
314 Unified Communication 9/30/2015 Other 009-000339401 The cost savings have been used by NCI to fund other strategic initiatives including futher network modernization. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.388 Gross 0.680 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
315 Infrastructure Refresh (Network Modernization) 9/30/2014 Other 009-000339401 The cost savings have been used by NCI to fund other strategic initiatives including futher network modernization. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 4.524 Gross 6.260 Gross 7.250 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
316 Desktop Refresh Program 9/30/2015 Other 009-000339399 The cost savings have been used by NCI to fund other strategic initiatives including futher network modernization. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 2.310 Gross 2.970 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
317 Service Automation (Engineering Efforts) 9/30/2014 Other NA The cost savings have been used to fund additional Engineering efforts to create additional efficiency within NCI. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 4.000 Gross 6.055 Gross 9.174 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
318 NIAID’s Integrated Contract Management Suite 10/1/2016 Other 009-000326389 The cost savings is recognized by NIH Institutes and HHS OPDIVS. How the savings is used or reinvested is not available to us. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 4.000 Gross 7.000 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
319 NIAID Property Management Portal (NPMP) 4/1/2017 Other 009-000326389 The cost savings is recognized by NIH Institutes and HHS OPDIVS. How the savings is used or reinvested is not available to us. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 10.000 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
320 Office 365 10/1/2016 Digital Services 009-000006263 Savings will be reinvested towards local facility needs identified by local leadership and the health board. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.300 Gross 1.700 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
321 E-Prescribing of Controlled Substances (EPCS) 3/1/2017 Digital Services 009-000001362 Substance Abuse Training for Opioid Related Activities cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 2.070 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
322 RDS Device trade for RDS User CALS 1/29/2018 Commodity IT 009-000006263 Savings will be reinvested towards local facility needs identified by local leadership. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.119 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
323 DCOI Colocation Savings (Admin) 1/1/2015 Data Center 009-000001039 Used for business programs cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Net 0.218 Net 0.218 Net 0.218 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross
324 DCOI Colocation Savings (Internet) 1/1/2015 Data Center 009-000355225 Used for business programs cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Net 0.073 Net 0.073 Net 0.073 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross
325 CBHSQ ArcGIS License Termination 1/29/2018 Software License Management 009-000350589 Used for business programs cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Net 0.010 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross
326 Business process reengineering0 Structured reporting for BPHC staff and Grantees 11/15/2011 Other 009-000276109 Resultant savings began in FY12 at $2.1M per year; the money was reinvested to continue automating additional BPHC business processes cost-avoidance 2.100 Gross 2.100 Gross 2.100 Gross 2.100 Gross 2.100 Gross 2.100 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
327 Technology Modernization of BPHC program specific application system (GAAM) 11/15/2012 Other 009-000276109 Resultant savings began in FY13 at $217,800 per year; the money was reinvested to continue modernizing technology in BHCMIS modules cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0.218 Gross 0.218 Gross 0.218 Gross 0.218 Gross 0.218 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
328 Business Process efficiency0 Program Oversight and Monitoring 11/15/2014 Other 009-000276109 Resultant savings began in FY15 at $988K per year; the money was reinvested to continue adding functionality to the new POM module cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.988 Gross 0.988 Gross 0.988 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
329 Business Process efficiency0 BHCMIS 2.0 Team Based Approach and Open Access 11/15/2014 Other 009-000276109 Resultant savings began in FY15 at $3.6M per year; the money was reinvested to continue enhancing BHCMIS modules to meet BPHC business needs cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 3.600 Gross 3.600 Gross 3.600 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
330 Business procress reenginering0 Consolidation of LAL program processes into Health Center program 11/15/2015 Other 009-000276109 Resultant savings began in FY16 at $250K per year; the money is being reinvested to complete LAL alignment with H80 functionality in the system cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.250 Gross 0.250 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
331 Business process reengineering0 CIS process streamlining for grantees and BPHC staff 11/15/2016 Other 009-000276109 Resultant savings occurred in FY17; the money will be reinvested to streamline additional BHCMIS functions for grantees and BPHC staff cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.680 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
332 eRwin Software Licenses 6/1/2016 Software License Management 009-000325773 Software Licenses were consolidated and repurposed to reflect a savings overall in FY16. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.037 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
333 FAC P/PM Training 9/30/2015 Other NA While supporting & awaiting HHS award of vehicle, FDA engaged in providing various classes, achieving savings through economies of scale. Savings redirected by leadership for re-use. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.119 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
334 Information Technology & Program Management Support Services 9/30/2015 Other NA Leadership had recently executed a reorganization so savings was redirected to other needs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.710 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
335 Master Scheduler Tool Set 9/30/2016 Other NA Through analysis of available tools, savings was achieved and rerouted for leadership re-use. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.100 Gross 0.100 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
336 Mathematica 9/30/2016 Software License Management 009-000325773 Software license savings achieved by repurposing of licenses already purchased. Savings were swept back for leadership re-use. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.036 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
337 ORACLE Contract Consolidation 9/30/2016 Software License Management 009-000325773 Contractual consolidation resulted in contract savings. Remaining funds were swept for leadership re-use. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.888 Gross 0.624 Gross 0.500 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
338 Strategic Planning & PMO Support 9/30/2015 Other NA Leadership had recently executed a reorganization so savings was redirected to other needs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.835 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
339 WinZip Licenses 9/30/2015 Software License Management 009-000325773 Reduce operational and future refresh costs by reducing the number of WINZIP licenses on duplicate machine names. Cost Savings were swept for leadership re-use. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.013 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
340 Data Center Contracts Recompete Savings 8/1/2014 Data Center 009-000325771 Savings were reinvested in IT innovations and partially distributed back to FDA Programs cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 20.000 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
341 Electronics Submissions Gateway (Shipping Savings Costs per Number of submissions) 8/1/2011 Other 009-000005326 Avoidance is reflected on regulated Industry savings cost-avoidance 11.500 Gross 14.800 Gross 17.400 Gross 25.600 Gross 32.100 Gross 33.500 Gross 0 Gross 40.000 Gross 0 Gross
342 Electronics Submissions Gateway Receipt Savings Costs per Number of Submissions 8/1/2011 Other 009-000005326 Calendar Year saving are program savings and have been redirected to other program areas cost-savings 42.000 Gross 53.700 Gross 63.390 Gross 93.030 Gross 116.870 Gross 121.660 Gross 0 Gross 145.300 Gross 0 Gross
343 Automation savings from the implementation of REQUEST-IT (automating Manual processes) 8/1/2013 Other 009-000005322 Savings have been allocated to support increased demand for the service. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 4.840 Gross 4.840 Gross 4.840 Gross 4.840 Gross 1.210 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
344 Automation Savings as a result of using Puppet to automate deployment into the data center 8/1/2016 Data Center 009-000325771 Savings have been reinvested to support the increase of software deployments cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.822 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
345 Servers Decommission 10/1/2015 Data Center 009-000325771 Savings were redirected to support other OIMT funding requirements cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 9.757 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
346 Retirement of DPRF (IT system) CDER 9/30/2015 Other 009-000005345
Reinvested funds into FDA CDER Integrated Data Management and FDA CDER Electronic Submissions cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.029 Gross 0.030 Gross 0.032 Gross 0.033 Gross 0.017 Gross
347 Retirement of DRLS (IT system) CDER 9/30/2015 Other 009-000005345
Reinvested funds into FDA CDER Integrated Data Management and FDA CDER Electronic Submissions cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.024 Gross 0.024 Gross 0.024 Gross 0.025 Gross 0.013 Gross
348 Retirement of EES (IT system) CDER 9/30/2015 Other 009-000318788
Reinvested funds into FDA CDER Integrated Data Management and FDA CDER Electronic Submissions cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.246 Gross 0.253 Gross 0.260 Gross 0.268 Gross 0.138 Gross
349 Retirement of LIRA (IT system) CDER 9/30/2015 Other 009-000005345
Reinvested funds into FDA CDER Integrated Data Management and FDA CDER Electronic Submissions cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 2.083 Gross 2.145 Gross 2.208 Gross 2.274 Gross 1.171 Gross
350 Retirement of SPOTS (IT system) CDER 9/30/2015 Other 009-000318788
Reinvested funds into FDA CDER Integrated Data Management and FDA CDER Electronic Submissions cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.584 Gross 0.602 Gross 0.620 Gross 0.639 Gross 0.329 Gross
351 Shared Service Re-Use 3/31/2015 Other 009-000001462 Partner agencies no longer have to sustain the large overhead costs associated with developing and maintaining their own grants management services. These savings can be re-invested into their mission services. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 108.761 Gross 145.000 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
352 Data Access Portal Application Development 4/14/2016 Other NA Reducing staff time needed to process manual submissions frees up resources to work on other Portal initiatives cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.019 Gross 0.019 Gross 0.016 Gross 0 Gross
353 Convert FIDM submission files from CD Rom to sFTP 4/1/2014 Other NA Reduction in manual processing time; frees up resources for other initiatives and O&M activities cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.016 Gross 0.021 Gross 0.025 Gross 0.029 Gross 0.029 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
354 Reduce outreach staff from O&M contract and convert task to FFP 2/1/2016 Other NA Cost savings realized under new contract structure were reallocated to new development initiatives cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.300 Gross 0.483 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
355 Develop an application to allow electronic transmission of Income Withholding Orders between State Child Support Agencies and Employers 3/1/2008 Other NA Cost avoidance is realized in terms of reduced Federal Financial Participation in State Child Support Administration expenses. It costs significantly less (approximately $1 per IWO) to send the withholding form electronically than it does to print and mail it. The Federal Government's share of this is 66%. cost-avoidance 0.313 Net 0.544 Net 0.740 Net 0.989 Net 1.011 Net 1.123 Net 1.216 Gross 1.050 Gross 0 Gross
356 Office of the Secretary Data Center Outsourcing (Triple-I) 10/1/2012 Data Center 009-000006266 NA cost-avoidance 5.937 Gross 6.703 Gross 7.404 Gross 8.113 Gross 9.074 Gross 8.976 Gross 2.244 Gross 0.561 Gross 0 Gross
357 Data Center Consolidation 9/30/2011 Data Center 009-000001462 These savings can be re-invested into other mission services. cost-savings 0.822 Gross 0.822 Gross 0.822 Gross 0.822 Gross 0.822 Gross 0.822 Gross 0.822 Gross 0.822 Gross 0 Gross
358 ATO GS-COE Cost Avoidance 9/30/2015 Data Center 009-000001462 These savings can be re-invested into other mission services. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.680 Gross 1.680 Gross 1.680 Gross 1.680 Gross 0 Gross
359 Business Intelligence Enterprise Softwareware Soluition 3/15/2018 Software License Management 009-000001359 Savings will be reinvested in other Business Intelligence Capabilities cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.800 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
360 EDPS Transition to Nextgen 9/17/2018 Other 009-000006796 Transitioned to a new system at less than the average cost of existing system. Avoided costs used for other operational needs. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 7.500 Gross 0 Gross
361 NDW hosting 9/15/2017 Data Center 009-000001474 Transitioned hosting for National data Warehouse to the VDC IDIQ. Avoided costs used for other operational priorities. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.100 Net 2.600 Net 0 Gross
362 New Relic and F5 Software savings 9/1/2016 Software License Management 009-000316812 CMMI Savings used for other needs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.186 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
363 NGINX and SQL Server license 8/15/2015 Software License Management 009-000316812 CMMS Savings used for other needs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.093 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
364 CMS WAN Services 1/1/2017 Other 009-000006265 IUSG continues to seek opportunities to reduce costs for CMS WAN services that are no longer required. Savings are used for other operational needs/priorities. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.731 Gross 0.023 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
365 Telecommunication Voice Services 1/1/2013 Other 009-000006265 IUSG continues to seek opportunities to reduce costs for CMS Telecommunciation voice services that are no longer required. Savings are used for other operational needs/priorities. cost-savings 0.082 Gross 0.138 Gross 0.001 Gross 0.057 Gross 0.003 Gross 0.060 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
366 NREPP Contract Termination 1/8/2018 Other 009-000003975 To be determined by the Contracting Officer cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.422 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross
367 BASCIC Contract Termination 4/30/2018 Other 009-000410304 Non-expiring find, return to treasury cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 4.000 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross
368 NIH IT Data Centers and Cloud Services0 Cloud adoption 9/30/2014 Data Center 009-000339398 The cost savings is recognized by NIH Institutes. How the savings is used or reinvested is not available to us. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.097 Gross 0.360 Gross 0.371 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
369 NIH IT End User Devices, Tools & Support0 Cloud adoption 9/30/2016 Data Center 009-000339399 The cost savings is recognized by NIH Institutes. How the savings is used or reinvested is not available to us. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.350 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
370 NIH NHLBI Administration and Management Support Applications and Tools0 Cloud adoption 9/30/2014 Data Center
Cost savings were used to fund other IT investments used to further reduce overhead and improve efficiency. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.051 Gross 0.051 Gross 0.051 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
371 NIH NIAID Sci Mission Biomedical Data Repositories & Analytical Tools0 Cloud ad 9/30/2016 Data Center 009-000326386 Cost savings were used to fund other IT investments used to further reduce overhead and improve efficiency. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.100 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
372 NIH NIAID Sci Mission Extramural Research Management and Support Tools 9/30/2016 Data Center

Cost savings were used to fund other IT investments used to further reduce overhead and improve efficiency. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.100 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
373 Help Desk Consolidation 7/1/2017 Commodity IT NA Savings were reinvested into upgrading network performance and resiliency cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.700 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
374 Office of the Secretary Data Center Outsourcing (Sev1Tech) 3/27/2018 Data Center 009-000006266 NA cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 4.590 Gross 1.147 Gross 0 Gross
375 MobilePaaS DME cancellation 7/8/2018 Other 009-000001039 Used for business programs cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.250 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross
376 Cancellation of Platform for Records Management Training 7/8/2018 Other 009-000350149 Used for business programs cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.150 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross
377 Information Technology Clearance Process (SAS licenses) 6/29/2018 Software License Management 009-000003981 Used for business programs cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.021 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross
378 AWS virtual server management 9/1/2018 Data Center 009-000350589 To be determined by the Contracting Officer cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.007 Net 0.007 Net 0 Gross
379 Termination-Recovery to Practice (RTP) 10/1/2019 Other 009-000410121 Used for grants programs cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.038 Net 0 Gross
380 Termination-PROJECT LAUNCH0 Training and Technical Assistance Center 10/1/2019 Other NA Used for grants programs cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.361 Net 0 Gross
381 Termination-Clinical Technial Assistance0 SBIRT 10/1/2019 Other 009-000002231 Used for grants programs cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.020 Net 0 Gross
382 Termination-Now is the Time Technical Assistance (NITT TA) 10/1/2019 Other 009-000350639 Used for grants programs cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.165 Net 0 Gross
383 Termination-Addressing Opioid-related Misuse and Overdose (AOMO) 10/1/2019 Other 009-000410092 Used for grants programs cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.009 Net 0 Gross
384 Termination-Clinical Technical Assistance0PPW 10/1/2019 Other 009-000410118 Used for grants programs cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.041 Net 0 Gross
385 Termination-Clinical Technical Assistance0 TCE TAC 10/1/2019 Other 009-000410090 Used for grants programs cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.340 Net 0 Gross
386 Termination-Clinical Technical Assistance0 CJ 10/1/2019 Other 009-000410116 Used for grants programs cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.059 Net 0 Gross
387 Termination-Children's Mental Health Social Marketing Technical Assistance 10/1/2019 Other 009-000350641 Used for grants programs cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.008 Net 0 Gross
388 Digital Services Center 9/28/2017 Digital Services NA Leveraged shared enterprise PaaS/SaaS environments to develop, deploy & support IT solutions in a rapid agile methodology providing best practices, guidance and cost reduction of O&M support, Salesforce/Appian license consolidation and eliminating additional contracting actions and dollars that would have been required to separately host and support FDA applications.
both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.250 Gross 0 Gross 0.250 Gross 0 Gross
389 DevOps 9/28/2017 Digital Services NA Centralized managed solution providing a standardized approach to managing and securing development of FDA applications with ease of integration, more reliable, quicker to release, and more secure via open source technology both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.050 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
390 ELEXNET data center migration 7/30/2018 Other NA Savings were redirected to support other ORA funding requirements cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.688 Gross 0.375 Gross
391 Information Technology Clearance Process: Software discount 12/26/2018 Software License Management 009-000001417 Used for business programs cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.052 Net 0 Gross
392 Records management uses PSC a shared service and avoid purchasing Kofax Cloud PaaS 8/31/2018 Other 009-000350149 Used for other business needs cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.090 Net 0 Gross
393 Use an open source search engine SOLR which is free 12/1/2018 Other 009-000001039 Used for other business needs cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.010 Net 0 Gross
394 Current staff was able to perform the software (Tm1) upgrade themselves without the need for planned additional support 12/1/2018 Other 009-000001039 Used for other business needs cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.128 Net 0 Gross
395 Termination of Extranet developmnet for external partners 7/9/1905 Other 009-000001039 Used for other business needs cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.465 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross
396 Termination of Q application developmnet for SAMHSA publications and brochures clearance workflow 7/9/1905 Other 009-000001039 Used for other business needs cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.367 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross
397 Termination of HIRE application development for Human Resource management 7/9/1905 Other 009-000001039 Used for other business needs cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.471 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross
398 Used HHS Shared Service to replace Ethos application for ethics program managemnt 7/9/1905 Other 009-000001039 Used for other business needs cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.114 Net 0 Gross 0 Gross
399 MIG Disposition 8/15/2018 Other 009-000006171 Savings used for other operational priorities.System to be decommissioned as of 10/31/2018. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.000 Gross 0 Gross
400 Marketplace Service Desk 3/19/2018 Other NA Savings used for CCIIO's Cloud Migration project cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.500 Gross 0.500 Gross 0 Gross
401 Salesforce Savings (36 new apps were delivered via Salesforce, building separate tools would have cost an additional $1.5M per instance) 11/2/2018 Other 009-000316812 CMMI Savings used for other needs. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 40.000 Gross 54.000 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
402 IC Landing Page Savings (14 new models were integrated through IC, otherwise we would have spent $500K per instance for direct EIDM integration) 11/2/2018 Other 009-000316812 CMMI Savings used for other needs. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 7.000 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
403 Reusable Framework Savings (6 models are in RF, this avoided $2M in additional cost per instance) 11/2/2018 Other 009-000316812 CMMI Savings used for other needs. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 12.000 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
404 Medicare Secondary Payer Recovery 6/12/2012 Other 009-000314838 MSP and COB program uses both cost savings and cost avoidance to continue to protect the Medicare Trust Fund through the prompt recovery of payment where Medicare should have not been primary and timely coordination of benefits. both 7.863 Gross 8.926 Gross 8.200 Gross 8.491 Gross 8.660 Gross 8.510 Gross 8.849 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
405 HIGLAS OracleSoftware Licenses 4/11/2018 Other 009-000001468 The result of using a different contract vehicle for the annual renewal of Oracle licenses for the HIGLAS program. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.084 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
406 HIGLAS Exadata Hardware 5/15/2018 Other 009-000001468 The result of procuring hardware as government furnished equipment rather than having a contractor purchase it. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 2.000 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
407 Oracle 5/1/2019 Software License Management NA Used for other priorities cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.375 Gross 0 Gross
408 Consolidate Informatica Software purchase 2/1/2018 Software License Management NA Consolidate purchase of Informatica licenses into one acquistion vehicle cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.200 Gross 0.100 Gross
409 Agency Wide Tableau Contract 2/1/2017 Software License Management NA Established Agency wide Tableau Contract cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.032 Gross 0.016 Gross
410 Used alow pricesolution for Software Tracking system (ManageEngine) 10/1/2019 Other 009-000001039 Used for other business needs cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.146 Net 0 Gross
411 Used alternate solution to do source code scanning (Fortify) 10/1/2019 Other 009-000004027 Used for other business needs cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.032 Net 0 Gross
412 Alternative to security software (SafeBreach not renewed) 10/1/2019 Other 009-000004027 Used for other business needs cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.088 Net 0 Gross
413 Self support on MindBreeze professional (using Open source solution) 10/1/2019 Other 009-000001039 Used for other business needs cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.010 Net 0 Gross
414 Alternative to security software (Anisible not renewed) 10/1/2019 Other 009-000004027 Used for other business needs cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.011 Net 0 Gross
415 Alternative to security software (Bitsight not renewed) 10/1/2019 Other 009-000004027 Used for other business needs cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.020 Net 0 Gross
416 Alternative toproject management(using desktop MS Project) 10/1/2019 Software License Management 009-000001039 Used for other business needs cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.031 Net 0 Gross
417 ServiceNow Licenses 9/1/2017 Software License Management NA In FY16 FDA spent 2.8M to procure ServiceNow licenses. Vendor had quoted 7% increase and we had FY17 budget approved for 3.0M. However to achieve cost savings in support of request to reduce Fiscal Year 2017 (FY17) costs by ~10%- we negotiated with vendor and kept the licensing cost to 2.8M . In the process saving approximately 200K. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.200 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
418 DB2 Contract Award 3/28/2019 Other 009-000000704 Used for other priorities cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.530 Gross 0 Gross
419 DDPS Re-compete 6/1/2019 Other 009-000004260 Used for other priorities cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.549 Gross 0 Gross
420 Demonstration Payment System (DPS) 1/1/2018 Other 009-000406217 Demonstration Payment contract not renewed due to an efficiency process improvement Strategy . The team decommissioned the Mainframe Demonstration Payment System(DPS) and Transitioned to the HIGLAS WebADI system/process for making Demonstration payments. Savings are used for other operational needs/priorities. both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.435 Gross 0.485 Gross 0 Gross
421 HIPAA Eligibility Transaction System (HETS) Independent Testing Contractor Contract Award 5/30/2019 Other 009-000004414 Used for other priorities cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.135 Gross 0 Gross
422 Security Countract Savings 10/1/2019 Other 009-000004027 Used for future business needs cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.138 Net 0 Gross
423 Alternative to file transfer (using FileCloud instead of Hard Drives) 11/6/2019 Other 009-000004001 Used for other business needs cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.0005 Gross 0 Gross
424 AWS Saving ( termination of server after business hours) 11/6/2019 Other 009-000350589 Used for future business needs cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.105 Net 0 Gross
425 Security Software (No renewal of ForgeRock) 11/6/2019 Other 009-000004027 Used for future business needs cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Net 0.022 Net
426 Help Desk Savings (received discount from ITIO) 11/6/2019 Other 009-000005277 Used for future business needs cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Net 0.020 Net
427 AWS Assesment Cost Avoidance (found free assssment from Amazon) 11/6/2019 Other 009-000350589 Used for future business needs cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Net 0.0070 Net
428 BRES system decommissioned 10/31/2018 Other 009-000314918 Used for other priorities cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 2.807 Gross 0 Gross
429 PQRS functionality rolled into QPP 8/13/2018 Other 009-000348474 Used for other priorities both 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 28.392 Net 5.800 Gross
430 MIG system decommissioned 10/31/2018 Other 009-000006171 Used for other priorities cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.075 Gross 1.000 Gross
431 Retiree Drug Subsidy (RDS): All Program Applications Migrated to the CMS AWS Cloud Enclave (implemented December, 2018) 9/14/2017 Data Center 009-000002476 Cost savings realized by operating in the CMS AWS Cloud Enclave, instead of in two external data centers which had been previously shared by 3 programs. Savings used for RDS Secure Website (SWS) re-design utilizing Human-Centered Design techniques; Appeals, Payment, and Operations Technical Support process and support system improvements; and other operational needs/priorities. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.074 Gross 0 Gross
432 Retiree Drug Subsidy (RDS): Decommissioned 2 External Data Centers 9/14/2017 Data Center 009-000002476 Completely decommissioned 2 external RDS data centers, AT&T in NYC and Warrenton, VA, made possible by the migration of all program applications to the CMS AWS Cloud Enclave; implementation completed July 2019. Avoided increased costs of $2.2M/year for sole tenancy in two external data centers which had been previously shared by 3 programs. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 2.200 Gross 0 Gross
433 Retiree Drug Subsidy (RDS): Elimination of Oracle Software Support Licenses (CMS ELA) for the two external hosted data centers (decommissioned) 9/6/2017 Software License Management 009-000002476 Savings used for RDS Secure Website (SWS) re-design utilizing Human-Centered Design techniques; Appeals, Payment, and Operations Technical Support process and support system improvements; and other operational needs/priorities. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.019 Gross 0 Gross
434 Retiree Drug Subsidy (RDS): Replacement of IBM Software Support Licenses with CMS ELA 9/11/2017 Software License Management 009-000002476 Replaced contractor-held IBM Software Support Licenses in 2018 and 2019 with CMS ELAs. Savings used for RDS Secure Website (SWS) re-design utilizing Human-Centered Design techniques; Appeals, Payment, and Operations Technical Support process and support system improvements; and other operational needs/priorities. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.446 Gross 0.446 Gross 0 Gross
435 Retiree Drug Subsidy (RDS): Replacement of contractor-held Informatica Software Support Licenses with existing CMS License Agreement 8/11/2017 Software License Management 009-000002476 Savings used for RDS Secure Website (SWS) re-design utilizing Human-Centered Design techniques; Appeals, Payment, and Operations Technical Support process and support system improvements; and other operational needs/priorities. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.007 Gross 0.096 Gross 0 Gross
436 Medicare Advantage (MA) Encounter Data Dashboard and Analytics (EDDA) Contract- Selection of lower cost bid 8/11/2019 Other 009-000436966 For the total contract value (without transitioning), Proposal A was $7.6M, proposal B was $6.3M. The TEP selected proposal B. The result is 1.3M in cost avoidance over the years of the contract (Base+4 option years). Savings used toward other operational priorities. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.260 Gross 0.260 Gross
437 Medicare Advantage (MA) Encounter Data Dashboard and Analytics (EDDA) Contract- new contract is lower cost for same services. 8/11/2019 Other 009-000436966 We projected and allocated $2.1M for the base year; but the contract came out to be $1.8M for the base year resulting in 300K of savings. The 1.8M is also lower than the value of the previous option year before it which was $2M. Savings used for other operational priorities. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.300 Gross 0 Gross
438 Customer Service Front End System (CSFES) for Processing Part C Encounter Data, Part C and Part D Risk Adjustment Processing System (RAPS) Data, Part D Prescription Drug Event (PDE) Data, and Medicare Medicaid Plan (MMP) Encounter Data Contract 9/13/2019 Other 009-000281595 The cost of the previous contract was $13.2 million and the cost of the new contract is $9.2 million. We are receiving identical services (value) as the previous contract. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.800 Gross 0.800 Gross
439 Beneficiary Claims Data API
The reuse of the BB2.0 Beneficiary FHIR Data Server (BFD) eliminated the need for a separate data respository resulting in a cost-avoidance of $1.6M.
6/1/2018 Other 009-000428405 Savings used toward operational priorities. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.600 Gross 0 Gross
440 Data at the Point of Care
The reuse of the BB2.0 Beneficiary FHIR Data Server (BFD) eliminated the need for a separate data respository resulting in a cost-avoidance of $1.6M.
2/1/2019 Other 009-000428405 Savings used toward operational priorities. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.600 Gross 0 Gross
441 Medicare Part A & B Data to PDP Sponsors
The reuse of the BB2.0 Beneficiary FHIR Data Server (BFD) eliminated the need for a separate data respository resulting in a cost-avoidance of $1.6M.
5/1/2019 Other 009-000428405 Savings used toward operational priorities. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.600 Gross 0 Gross
442 Scope Reduction of CCSQ Infrastructure Option year 4 contract 7/1/2019 Other Multiple Savings used for higher value work and modernization efforts. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 35.000 Gross 0 Gross
443 CCSQ's agile methodologies reduced need for project managment contract by 40 people 7/1/2019 Other Multiple Savings used for higher value work and modernization efforts. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 3.300 Gross 0 Gross
444 CCSQ reduced independent tetsing contract by using automation and embedding testers on sprint teams. 7/1/2019 Other Multiple Savings used for higher value work and modernization efforts. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 10.300 Gross 0 Gross
445 CCIIO general program support services contract 8/1/2019 Other 009-000267389 Contract re-competed wtith new SOW and contract type. Competitive source selection resulted in savings. Savings used for other priorities. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.793 Gross 0 Gross
446 CCIIO Marketplace Systems Integrator software license consolidation 7/23/2019 Software License Management 009-000267389 As part of cloud migration project, consolidated licenses used by Application Development Organizations. Some planned costs in option year were not incurred. Savings used for other priorities. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 10.215 Gross 0 Gross
447 CCIIO Cloud Computing Services 6/22/2019 Other 009-000267389 Re-pricing of cloud computing services (right-sizing after cloud migration) reduced funding needed. Savings used for other priorities. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 38.600 Gross 0 Gross
448 CCIIO MLMS software consolidation 12/31/2018 Software License Management 009-000267389 Software consolidation enabled less funding to be used on MLMS. Savings used for other priorities. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 2.378 Gross 0 Gross
449 OACT replaced Intercall contract with Webex for large conference calls for bid calls 12/11/2019 Other NA By using the updated Webex for large conference calls, OACT avoided having to use contract funds to secure Intercall- allowing funds to be used for other priorities. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.011 Gross 0 Gross
450 Move to SAS Viya ELA from SAS 9.4 1/12/2020 Software License Management Multiple Reduced Licensing cost for SAS products by leveraging lower cost products on and enterprise lisensing agreement. Savings used for other priorities. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.600 Net
451 ESSG/DMSS independent testing contract was eliminated 1/1/2020 Other Multiple Multi-system independent testing contract ended and activities rolled into modernized agile sdlc. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.000 Gross
452 CBO/CSR Retirement 1/1/2020 Other 009-000236620 Used for other priorities cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.180 Gross
453 OC/WETG AWS Reserve Instance purchase 5/1/2019 Other Multiple The purchase of Reserve Instances enabled us to cut back on high usage costs. Savings used for other priorities. cost savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 2.600 Gross
454 OC/WETG Blast Services 9/1/2019 Software License Management Multiple Cutting back on the Blast Professional service hours enabled a cost savings of $557,040. Savings used for other operational priorities. cost avoidace 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.557 Gross
455 Option Year 4 of CCW Contract 1/10/2019 Software License Management 009-000339370 De-scoped contract to remove CMMI SAS licenses costs covered by OIT. Savings used for other CMMI operational needs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.350 Net 0 Gross
456 Option Year 5 of CCW Contract 12/12/2019 Other 009-000339370 De-scoped CMMI requirements to remove specialized analytic and technical support for the State Innovation Model. Savings used for new CMMI model VRDC access and development needs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 1.000 Gross
457 Migrated from using the proprietary Oracle database software to using open-source PostgreSQL one year earlier (BHSIS) 2/19/2020 Other 009-000001417 To be determined by the Contracting Officer cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.500 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross
458 Moving to the SAMHSA GovCloud (OTP EXTRANET) 2/19/2020 Data Center
To be determined by the Contracting Officer cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.120 Gross
459 Reduce IT costs and supports associated due to some work was not requested by SAMHSA( BRSS TACS) 2/19/2020 Other
To be determined by the Contracting Officer cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.173 Gross 0 Gross
460 Using Sharepoint Service 2/20/2020 Other 009-000350589 Used for other business needs cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.050 Gross
461 Using Endnote X9 2/20/2020 Other 009-000350589 Used for other business needs cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.001 Gross
462 Using laptop refresh share service (ITIO) 2/20/2020 Other 009-000349487 Used for other business needs cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 2.000 Gross
463 HHS BPA Cost Avoidance 6/20/2019 Software License Management 009-000439257 Using HHS BPA provided cost avoidances on the annual customer relationship software licenses and platform cost. These davings can be re-invested into other mission serivces. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 19.000 Gross
464 AFCARS and FFPSA Acquisitions 6/20/2019 Other 009-000451592 In planning for the AFCARS and FFPSA IT Solutions it was determined that both solutions compliment one another. By joining two acquisition teams together cost-avoidance was created. These savings can be re-invested into other mission services. cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.542 Gross
465 CWF PSO 9/12/2019 Other 009-000004253 Used for other priorities cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.500 Gross
466 IHCCS PSO 9/19/2019 Other Multiple Used for other priorities cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.135 Gross 2.369 Gross
467 IHCCS PSO 11/14/2019 Other Multiple Used for other priorities cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.360 Gross 18.172 Gross
468 IHCCS PSO 12/23/2019 Other Multiple Used for other priorities cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.650 Gross
469 Cloud IT Operations PSO 9/12/2019 Other 009-000420050 Used for other priorities cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.386 Gross
470 Consolidation of Help Desk clins 6/1/2018 Other 009-000316812 Savings used for other needs. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 6.095 Net 0 Gross
471 Retirement of PQP Mobility (IT system) CDER 10/1/2018 Other 009-000338730 Reinvested funds into FDA CDER Marketplace for Regulatory Data cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.420 Gross 0.216 Gross
472 HHS Vmware Enterprise Agreement 1/31/2020 Other 009-000407142 Resultant savings of FY20 funding of $119k for Vmware maintenance. Annually the mainteance increases to to previous procurements that had multiyear maintenance included and we have been adjusting our budget accordingly. To cover the maintenance in FY20 we were originally short the funding and would have had to re-allocate funding but will not need to do this now. We also are able to budget more accurately FY21 for VMware maintenance. cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.119 Gross
473 Removal of Kofax Standard Support software 6/12/2020 Software License Management 009-000349487 Used for other business needs cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.043 Gross
474 Moving to the SAMHSA GovCloud (OTP EXTRANET) 6/12/2020 Data Center 009-000006223 To be determined by the Contracting Officer cost-avoidance 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.120 Gross
475 Removal of Mindbreeze Solfware 6/12/2020 Software License Management 009-000349487 Used for other business needs cost-savings 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0 Gross 0.054 Gross

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