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News Releases

Collected by: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Archived since: Sep, 2013


This collection includes HHS news and announcements from 1991+.

Subject:   Government - US Federal Science & Health

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Title: 2014 HHS News Releases


Description: 2014 news releases of the US Department of Health and Human Services

Captured 2 times between Jun 18, 2015 and Jan 27, 2017

Title: Obama administration takes additional steps to strengthen the federal background check system


Description: Today, as part of President Obama's continuing efforts to reduce gun violence, the Department of Health and Human Services issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) to remove unnecessary legal barriers under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule that may prevent states from reporting certain information to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).

Captured once on Jan 27, 2017

Title: HHS strengthens community living options for older Americans and people with disabilities


Description: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a final rule today to ensure that Medicaid's home and community-based services programs provide full access to the benefits of community living and offer services in the most integrated settings.

Captured 2 times between Jan 27, 2017 and Jan 28, 2017

Title: 50th Anniversary of the Surgeon General's Report on Smoking and Health


Description: Today we commemorate the 50th anniversary of the first Surgeon General's Report on smoking and health.

Captured once on Jan 27, 2017

Title: 50th Anniversary of the Surgeon General's Report on Smoking and Health


Description: Fifty years ago today was a tipping point in recognizing and reversing the deadly epidemic caused by smoking.

Captured once on Jan 27, 2017

Title: 50th Anniversary of the Surgeon General's Report on Smoking and Health


Description: Fifty years ago today, Dr. Luther Terry released the landmark Surgeon General's Report – the first of its kind on smoking and health – concluding that smoking causes lung cancer.

Captured once on Jan 27, 2017

Title: Nearly 2.2 million Americans selected plans in the Health Insurance Marketplace from October through December


Description: Nearly 2.2 million people have selected plans from the state and federal marketplaces by Dec. 28, 2013 (the end of third reporting period for open enrollment), Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced today.

Captured once on Jan 27, 2017

Title: HHS makes progress on Health IT Safety Plan with release of the SAFER Guides


Description: A new set of guides and interactive tools to help health care providers more safely use electronic health information technology products, such as electronic health records (EHRs), are now available at

Captured once on Jan 27, 2017

Title: El director general de Servicios de Salud informa que 5.6 millones de niños en los EE. UU. morirán en forma prematura a menos que las tasas de tabaquismo actuales disminuyan


Description: Aproximadamente 5.6 millones de niños vivos en la actualidad en los Estados Unidos —es decir 1 de cada 13 niños menores de 18 años— morirán en forma prematura por enfermedades relacionadas con el tabaquismo, a menos que las tasas actuales de tabaquismo disminuyan, según un nuevo informe del director general de Servicios de Salud.

Captured once on Jan 27, 2017

Title: Observing Martin Luther King Jr. Day


Description: Today, we honor the remarkable life of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his legacy of fighting for racial equality, human rights and economic justice.

Captured 2 times between Jan 27, 2017 and Jan 28, 2017

Title: Surgeon General report says 5.6 million U.S. children will die prematurely unless current smoking rates drop


Description: Approximately 5.6 million American children alive today – or one out of every 13 children under age 18 – will die prematurely from smoking-related diseases unless current smoking rates drop, according to a new Surgeon General's report.

Captured 2 times between Jan 27, 2017 and Jan 28, 2017

Title: New committee to advise HHS on needs of children in disasters


Description: The needs of children in disasters will be the focus of an advisory committee of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Captured once on Jan 27, 2017

Title: US and UK working to strengthen use of health IT for better patient care


Description: As the use of health information technology (health IT) grows in both the United States and the United Kingdom, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and U.K. Secretary of State for Health Jeremy Hunt today signed a bi-lateral agreement for the use and sharing of health IT information and tools.

Captured once on Jan 27, 2017

Title: Medicare's delivery system reform initiatives achieve significant savings and quality improvements - off to a strong start


Description: Today, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released findings on a number of its initiatives to reform the health care delivery system.

Captured once on Jan 27, 2017

Title: American Heart Month


Description: Heart disease is responsible for 1 of every 4 deaths in the United States, making it the leading cause of death in our nation. As we observe American Heart Month, there are some key steps you and your loved ones can take to protect against heart disease.

Captured 2 times between Jan 27, 2017 and Jan 28, 2017

Title: HHS strengthens patients' right to access lab test reports


Description: As part of an ongoing effort to empower patients to be informed partners with their health care providers, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has taken action to give patients or a person designated by the patient a means of direct access to the patient's completed laboratory test reports.

Captured 2 times between Jan 27, 2017 and Jan 28, 2017

Title: Statement by Secretary Kathleen Sebelius on African American History Month


Description: Today, we celebrate the beginning of African American History Month, a time for all Americans to recognize the countless contributions African Americans have made to our nation, including major advances in scientific research and public health.

Captured once on Jan 27, 2017

Title: HHS funds drug for bioterrorism, antimicrobial-resistant infections


Description: A new drug to help protect the public against two bioterrorism threats and provide a new option to treat antibiotic-resistant infections will advance in development under a public-private partnership, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) announced today.

Captured 2 times between Jan 27, 2017 and Jan 28, 2017

Title: Statement by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius on CVS Tobacco Announcement


Description: The Department of Health and Human Services applauds CVS Caremark Corp. for their leadership in helping to make the next generation tobacco-free.

Captured 2 times between Jan 27, 2017 and Jan 28, 2017

Title: Eight in 10 uninsured Latinos may qualify for Medicaid, CHIP or lower costs on monthly premiums in the Health Insurance Marketplace


Description: A new report issued today by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) finds that that nearly 8 in 10 uninsured Latinos may qualify for Medicaid, the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP),  or lower costs on monthly premiums through the Health Insurance Marketplace.

Captured once on Jan 27, 2017

Title: Ocho de cada 10 latinos sin seguro podrían calificar para Medicaid, el Programa CHIP o una reducción del costo de sus primas mensuales a través del Mercado de Seguros de Salud


Description: Según un nuevo informe publicado hoy por el HHS, aproximadamente 8 de cada 10 latinos sin seguro podrían calificar para Medicaid, el Programa de Seguro Médico para Niños (CHIP) o una reducción del costo de sus primas mensuales a través del Mercado de Seguros de Salud.

Captured 2 times between Jan 27, 2017 and Jan 27, 2017

Title: Enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplace increases by 53 percent in January


Description: Enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplace continued to rise in January, with a 53 percent increase in overall enrollment over the prior three month reporting period, with young adult enrollment outpacing all other age groups combined, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced today.

Captured 2 times between Jan 27, 2017 and Jan 28, 2017

Title: Nations Commit to Accelerating Progress against Infectious Disease Threats


Description: Today the United States joined 26 countries, the World Health Organization (WHO), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), to accelerate progress toward a world safe and secure from the threat of infectious disease, and committing to the goals of the Global Health Security Agenda.

Captured once on Jan 27, 2017

Title: HHS selects winners in idea challenge for emergency response


Description: Three innovative solutions are winners of an idea challenge to help communities support patients who depend on durable medical equipment (DME), such as oxygen concentrators and portable ventilators, during emergencies.

Captured once on Jan 27, 2017

Title: Next edition of electronic health record technology certification criteria issued


Description: The HHS Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) today issued proposals for the next edition (the "2015 Edition") of electronic health record (EHR) technology certification criteria.

Captured once on Jan 27, 2017

Title: Departments of Justice and Health and Human Services announce record-breaking recoveries resulting from joint efforts to combat health care fraud

URL: joint-efforts-to-combat-health-care-fraud.html

Description: Attorney General Eric Holder and HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius today released the annual Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control (HCFAC) Program report showing that for every dollar spent on health care-related fraud and abuse investigations through this and other programs in the last three years, the government recovered $8.10.

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Title: National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month


Description: March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month.

Captured once on Jan 27, 2017

Title: County Government Settles Potential HIPAA Violations


Description: Skagit County, Washington, has agreed to settle potential violations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Privacy, Security, and Breach Notification Rules.

Captured once on Jan 27, 2017

Title: Enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplace climbs to 4.2 million in February

URL: .html

Description: Enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplace continued to rise in February to a five-month total of 4.2 million.

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Title: HHS establishes new network to perform clinical studies


Description: HHS today established a network of five clinical research organizations that will design and conduct clinical studies needed to develop medical countermeasures – drugs, vaccines, and diagnostic tests that help protect health against bioterrorism, pandemic influenza, and other public health emergencies.

Captured once on Jan 27, 2017

Title: Eight out of 10 uninsured Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders may be eligible for Medicaid, CHIP or tax credits in the Health Insurance Marketplace

URL: pacific-islanders-may-be-eligible-for-medicaid-chip-or-tax-credits-in-the-health-insurance-marketplace.html

Description: According to a new report released today by HHS, 8 out of 10 (1.6 million) uninsured Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (AANHPIs) may be eligible for coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace and could qualify for Medicaid, the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), or tax credits to help with the cost of premiums.

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Title: Observing LGBT Health Awareness Week


Description: LGBT Health Awareness Week is an important time to bring attention to the unique health needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Americans and to highlight the progress we've made in our work to ensure LGBT Americans have the same rights and protections as other Americans, especially through implementation of the Affordable Care Act.

Captured once on Jan 27, 2017

Title: HHS releases security risk assessment tool to help providers with HIPAA compliance


Description: A new security risk assessment (SRA) tool to help guide health care providers in small to medium sized offices conduct risk assessments of their organizations is now available from HHS.

Captured once on Jan 27, 2017

Title: New interactive video aims to better protect research subjects and reduce research misconduct in clinical research


Description: The Research Clinic, a Web-based interactive training video aimed at teaching clinical and social researchers how to better protect research subjects and avoid research misconduct, was released today by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Research Integrity (ORI) and Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP).

Captured once on Jan 27, 2017

Title: Statement from Acting Surgeon General Boris Lushniak about National Asbestos Week, April 1-7, 2014


Description: National Asbestos Awareness Week, April 1 – 7, is an important opportunity to focus on the public health issues associated with asbestos exposure and related illnesses.

Captured once on Jan 27, 2017

Title: HHS announces important Medicare information for people in same-sex marriages


Description: Today, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that the Social Security Administration (SSA) is now able to process requests for Medicare Part A and Part B Special Enrollment Periods, and reductions in Part B and premium Part A late enrollment penalties for certain eligible people in same-sex marriages.

Captured once on Jan 27, 2017

Title: National Autism Awareness Month


Description: Every day, the millions of Americans living with autism and their families face unique and daunting challenges that many of us will never fully appreciate. During National Autism Awareness Month, we renew our commitment to better understand autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and improve the lives of individuals living with it.

Captured once on Jan 27, 2017

Title: Proposed health IT strategy aims to promote innovation, protect patients, and avoid regulatory duplication


Description: Proposed health IT strategy aims to promote innovation, protect patients, and avoid regulatory duplication.

Captured once on Jan 27, 2017

Title: Updated Action Plan to Combat Viral Hepatitis Released


Description: Today, federal partners launched an updated Action Plan for the Prevention, Care and Treatment of Viral Hepatitis (2014-2016), building upon the nation's first comprehensive cross-agency action plan to combat viral hepatitis.

Captured once on Jan 27, 2017

Title: HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius Statement on National Minority Health Month


Description: HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius Statement on National Minority Health Month.

Captured once on Jan 27, 2017

Title: National Public Health Week


Description: National Public Health Week is a time to recognize progress we have made in strengthening and protecting the public health and to rededicate ourselves to the work of improving the health and well-being of Americans by preventing disease, supporting medical research, and promoting safer and healthier communities.

Captured once on Jan 27, 2017

Title: HHS announces progress in disease prevention and health promotion


Description: The nation's health is improving in more than half of the critical measures that are known to have major influence in reducing preventable disease and death, according to a new report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Captured once on Jan 27, 2017

Title: Historic release of data gives consumers unprecedented transparency on the medical services physicians provide and how much they are paid


Description: Historic release of data gives consumers unprecedented transparency on the medical services physicians provide and how much they are paid.

Captured once on Jan 27, 2017

Title: Take action to be ready and resilient


Description: Take action to be ready and resilient, A statement by Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response Nicole Lurie, M.D..

Captured once on Jan 27, 2017

Title: New National Biodefense Science Board members to advise HHS


Description: Six experts from outside the federal government will join the National Biodefense Science Board (NBSB) to provide advice and guidance to HHS' assistant secretary for preparedness and response, and to the HHS Secretary, on preventing, preparing for, and responding to adverse health effects of public health emergencies.

Captured once on Jan 27, 2017

Title: 44th Anniversary of Earth Day


Description: Today, April 22, 2014, marks the 44th celebration of Earth Day in the United States — a day when we can all take time to appreciate the connection between our environment and health.

Captured once on Jan 27, 2017

Title: Stolen laptops lead to important HIPAA settlements


Description: Two entities have paid the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights (OCR) $1,975,220 collectively to resolve potential violations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy and Security Rules.

Captured once on Jan 27, 2017

Title: 2014 National Alzheimer's Disease Plan Available


Description: HHS today released the National Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease: 2014 Update, reflecting the nation's progress toward accomplishing goals set in 2012 and current action steps to achieving them.

Captured once on Jan 27, 2017

Title: Enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplace totals over 8 million people


Description: Enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplace surged to eight million at the end of the first enrollment period, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced today.

Captured 2 times between Jan 27, 2017 and Jan 28, 2017

Title: Observing Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month


Description: In May, we celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month and recognize the many contributions of these diverse and culturally rich communities to the fabric of American life.

Captured once on Jan 27, 2017

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This is archived HHS content.