Contact DAB

Immediate Office of the Chair

Phone: 202-565-0200
Fax: 202-565-0224

Mailing address: US Department of Health and Human Services
  Departmental Appeals Board, MS6127
  Immediate Office
  330 Independence Ave. SW
  Washington, DC  20201

Chair, Constance B. Tobias

Senior Advisor to the Chair, Kourtney LeBlanc

Executive Director for Adjudication, Adam Gazaille

Alternative Dispute Resolution Division

Phone: 202-565-0221
Fax: 202-565-0223

Mailing address: US Department of Health and Human Services
  Departmental Appeals Board, MS6132
  Alternative Dispute Resolution Division
  330 Independence Ave. SW
  Washington, DC  20201

Director, Neil Kaufman

Appellate Division

Phone: 202-565-0208
Fax: 202-565-0238

Mailing address: US Department of Health and Human Services
  Departmental Appeals Board, MS6127
  Appellate Division
  330 Independence Ave. SW
  Washington, DC 20201

Director, Judith Pichler

Civil Remedies Division

Civil Remedies Division - HHS/SSA Program

Phone: 202-795-7490

Mailing address: US Department of Health and Human Services
  Departmental Appeals Board, MS6132
  Civil Remedies Division
  330 Independence Ave. SW
  Washington, DC  20201

Director, Joshua Jowers

Team Lead, Elizabeth Fischer Laurie

Civil Remedies Division - FDA Tobacco Program

Phone: 844-880-5720 or 202-690-0327

Mailing address: US Department of Health and Human Services
  Departmental Appeals Board, MS6132
  Civil Remedies Division – FDA Tobacco Program
  330 Independence Ave. SW
  Washington, DC  20201

Director, Meredith Montgomery

Medicare Operations Division

Phone: 866-365-8204 or 202-565-0100
Fax: 202-565-0227

Mailing address: US Department of Health and Human Services
  Departmental Appeals Board, MS6127
  Medicare Operations Division
  330 Independence Ave. SW
  Washington, DC  20201

Executive Director, Angela Roach, Administrative Appeals Judge

Program Support Branch Chief, Carson Hawley

Team Lead, Michael Lanning

Operations Division

Phone: 202-565-0200
Fax: 202-565-0224

Mailing address: US Department of Health and Human Services
  Departmental Appeals Board, MS6127
  330 Independence Ave. SW
  Washington, DC  20201

Director, DuWayne Graham

IT Project Manager, Osmani Baños-Diaz

Content created by Departmental Appeals Board (DAB)
Content last reviewed on February 11, 2021