FY 2019 Annual Performance Plan and Report - Goal 3 Objective 3

Fiscal Year 2019
Released April, 2018

Goal 3. Objective 3: Support strong families and healthy marriage, and prepare children and youth for healthy, productive lives

Families are the cornerstone of America’s social fabric.  A strong family can lead to many positive outcomes for the health, social, and economic status of both adults and children.  People live longer, have less stress, and are more financially stable in a healthy family environment where both parents are present, share the responsibility of the household, and raise the children.  Additionally, in these households, children tend to be healthier, both mentally and physically, and are better able to have their fundamental needs met.

The Department supports healthy families and youth development through collaborations across the Federal Government and with States, territories, community partners, Tribal governments, and faith-based organizations.  Head Start served 1.1 million children from birth to age 5 and pregnant women in 2015–2016, and approximately 1.4 million children per month received child care assistance in 2015.  Recommendations for best practices for early child development are shared with partners across the country. Transitions from youth to adulthood are supported through the promotion of strength-based approaches, multisector engagement, and youth engagement efforts.

Through programs like the Healthy Marriage and Relationship Education Grant Program, the Department funds organizations (including faith-based and community organizations) across the country to provide comprehensive healthy relationship and marriage education services, as well as job and career advancement activities to promote economic stability and overall improved family well-being.

The Office of the Secretary leads this objective.  The following divisions are responsible for implementing programs under this strategic objective: ACF, ACL, CDC, HRSA, IHS, OASH, and SAMHSA. 

Objective 3.3 Table of Related Performance Measures

Reduce the proportion of Head Start preschool grantees receiving a score in the low range on any of the three domains on the basis of the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS: Pre-K) (Lead Agency - ACF; Measure ID - 3A)
Measure FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019
Target Set Baseline 23 % 27 % 26 % 25 % 24 % 15 % Prior Result -1PP
Result 25 % 31 % 23 % 22 % 24 % 16 % Jan 31, 2019 Jan 31, 2020
Status Baseline Target Not Met Target Exceeded Target Exceeded Target Exceeded Target Exceeded Pending Pending

The ACF Office of Head Start (OHS) is striving to increase the percentage of Head Start children in high-quality classrooms.  Progress is measured by reducing the proportion of Head Start grantees scoring in the low range (below 2.5) in any domain of the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS: Pre-K). This research-based tool measures teacher-child interaction on a seven-point scale in three broad domains: Emotional Support, Classroom Organization, and Instructional Support.  Research findings underscore the importance of teacher-child interactions as a demonstrated measure of classroom quality.  Now OHS assesses each Head Start grantee using the CLASS instrument during onsite monitoring reviews.  Data from the FY 2017 CLASS reviews indicates that 16 percent of grantees scored in the low range, greatly exceeding the target of 24 percent. In FY 2018 and 2019, ACF plans to reduce the proportion of grantees scoring in the low range by at least one percentage point, year over year.

Reduce the proportion of children and adolescents ages 2 through 19 who are obese (Lead Agency - CDC; Measure ID - 4.11.10b)20
Measure FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019
Target Set Baseline N/A N/A N/A 15.7 % N/A 15.2 % N/A
Result 16.9 % N/A 17.2 % N/A 18.5 % N/A Oct 31, 2019 N/A
Status Baseline N/A Historic Actual N/A Target Not Met N/A Pending N/A

CDC funds a number of interventions that target obesity as well as related chronic diseases. The percentage of all children and adolescents (ages two to 19 years) that have obesity increased from 16.8% in FY 2008 to 18.5% in FY 2016.  In children ages 2 to 5, the prevalence of obesity has fluctuated over time. Following a significant decrease from 13.9% in 2003-2004 to 8.9% in 2011-2014, the prevalence of obesity increased to 13.9% in 2015-2016. Research shows behaviors that influence excess weight gain include eating high-calorie, low-nutrient foods and beverages, not getting enough physical activity, sedentary activities such as watching television or other screen devices, medication use, and sleep routines.  Public health practitioners can educate individuals about healthy lifestyle choices and ways to improve their diet and increase physical activity.  However, it can be difficult for children and parents to make healthy food choices and get enough physical activity when they live, work and play in environments that do not support healthy habits.  Places such as childcare centers, schools, or communities can affect diet and activity through the foods and drinks offered and the opportunities provided for physical activity.  In FY 2018 and 2019, CDC will continue promoting good nutrition and physical activity in children and adolescents to help prevent childhood obesity.

Maintain the proportion of youth living in safe and appropriate settings after exiting ACF-funded Transitional Living Program (TLP) services. (Lead Agency - ACF; Measure ID - 4A)
Measure FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019
Target 86 % 86 % 86 % 86 % 86 % 87 % 90 % 90 %
Result 89.4 % 87.7 % 87.8 % 88.2 % 91.6 % Jan 31, 2018 Jan 31, 2019 Jan 31, 2020
Status Target Exceeded Target Exceeded Target Exceeded Target Exceeded Target Exceeded Pending Pending Pending

The Transitional Living Program (TLP) supports community-based, adult-supervised residences for youth ages 16 to under 22 who cannot safely live with their own families, or for whom living with their families provides undue hardships. This long-term shelter program offers otherwise homeless youth housing for up to 18 months and provides the educational, employment, health care and life skills necessary for youth to transition into self-sufficient living.  The TLP safe and appropriate exit rate is the percentage of TLP youth (aged 16-21) discharged during the year who find immediate living situations that are consistent with independent living.  The vast majority of youth (72 percent) were between the ages of 18 and 20 when they entered the program.  Nearly 25 percent of these youth had been in the child welfare system and almost 12 percent had been involved in the juvenile justice system.  During FY 2016, TLP programs exceeded the 87 percent target for this measure by attaining a 91.6 percent safe exit rate. Because safe and stable housing is one of the core outcomes for the TLP program, ACF proposes to keep this performance standard and increase the annual target to 90 percent. In FY 2018 and 2019, ACF will continue to work with grantees to ensure that appropriate service delivery and technical assistance systems are in place to provide increased support to at-risk youth.

Increase the number of participants in ACF-funded healthy marriage and relationship education services (Lead Agency – ACF) 21
Measure FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019
Target N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Pending Pending Pending
Result N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Mar 31, 2018 Mar 31, 2019 Mar 31, 2020
Status N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Pending Pending Pending

This is a new measure.  ACF will report the first full year of actual results in FY 2018; once trend data is established, ACF will set future year targets and develop its performance plan.

20 The data for this performance goal is collected and reported every other year.

21 This is a new measure.  ACF is in the process of collecting data and determining targets.


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Content last reviewed