Print out this checklist to help guide you and confirm you have met all necessary requirements before launching your site. This list condenses the most important federal and Department guidelines and best practices for federal websites. Details on source of requirements and implementation of checklist items can be found on or by following the links provided for more information.
Website Requirements
Host the website on a .gov - PDF. |
Provide a link to the homepage from every page on the website. |
Display a statement of content ownership or management on every page. |
Include an About Us page that explains the site’s mission, governance, and responsible parties. |
Provide an easily findable way for users to contact you. |
Includes a search function to help the public easily locate information. |
Link to a policy that explains your agency's criteria for choosing external sites. |
Include a link to a page describing your privacy policies. |
Provide links to plug-ins for all non-html files or page elements. |
Provide a link that explains how users can access information under the Freedom of Information Act. |
Link to and in the footer of your website. |
Provide a user-friendly message for a 404 error page. |
Do not post empty pages or pages “under construction.” |
Do not link to political sites or use the site for direct or indirect lobbying. |
Conduct a 508 assessment to ensure your site is accessible to people using assistive technologies. |
Obtain OMB approval for any efforts to collect information from the public. |
Obtain permission for any copyrighted material that may appear on your site. |
Use standard colors for visited and unvisited links. |
Use meaningful language for links rather than “click here.” |
Indicate the file type and size for downloadable files. |
Present links to foreign language materials in their language. |
Use an exit notification to identify and disclaim links to non-federal government Web sites. |
Acknowledge with an automated response whenever a user submits either a completed form. |
Design check box controls to allow users to select one or more items, clear checked box selections, and select an option by clicking on either the box itself or its label. |
Clearly and consistently distinguish required data entry fields from optional data entry fields. |
Provide radio buttons to choose one response from mutually exclusive options. |
Managing the Website
Document and enforce your sites content management roles, procedures, and style guide. |
Establish a plan and schedule to review and archive old content. |
Set up an analytics program to gather information about your users’ behavior, review data, and make site improvements. |
Consult your records officer to determine the retention schedule and format for your web records. |
Keep in mind: