1981 Board Decisions

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1981.12.31 DAB244 California Department of Health Services
1981.12.31 DAB243 Colorado Department of Social Services
1981.12.31 DAB242 Economic Opportunity Agency of Pulaski County, Inc.
1981.12.31 DAB241 Prince George's Foundation for Medical Care, Inc.
1981.12.18 DAB240 National Capital Medical Foundation, Inc.
1981.12.16 DAB239 Central New York Health Systems Agency, Inc.
1981.12.10 DAB238 New York Department of Social Services
1981.12.08 DAB237 Eastern Massachusetts Professional Standards Review Organization, Inc.
1981.12.08 DAB236 Idaho Professional Review Organization
1981.11.30 DAB234 California Department of Health Services
1981.11.30 DAB233 Missouri Department of Social Services
1981.11.30 DAB232 Washington County Opportunities, Inc.
1981.11.30 DAB231 Joint Consideration: "Institutions for Mental Diseases"*
1981.12.01 DAB230 Indiana Department of Public Welfare
1981.11.30 DAB229 Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
1981.11.30 DAB228 West Virginia Department of Welfare
1981.11.29 DAB215R Minnesota Department of Public Welfare
1981.11.06 DAB227 Southern Alameda County Head Start Program, Inc.
1981.10.30 DAB226 Ohio Department of Public Welfare
1981.10.30 DAB225 Colorado Department of Social Services
1981.10.29 DAB224 Michigan Department of Social Services
1981.10.29 DAB223 New Mexico Human Services Department
1981.10.29 DAB222 Alcoholism Center for Women
1981.10.21 DAB221 Health Systems Agency of Western New York
1981.10.21 DAB220 Illinois Department of Public Aid
1981.10.07 DAB202R Florida Farmworkers Council, Inc.
1981.09.30 DAB219 Ohio Department of Public Welfare
1981.09.30 DAB218 Colorado Department of Social Services*
1981.09.30 DAB217 Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare
1981.09.28 DAB216 New Jersey Department of Human Services
1981.09.24 DAB215 Minnesota Department of Public Welfare
1981.09.23 DAB214 Missouri Department of Social Services
1981.09.22 DAB213 Texas Department of Human Resources
1981.09.18 DAB212 Manila Westhaven Parent Council, Inc.
1981.09.08 DAB193R Missouri Department of Social Services
1981.08.31 DAB211 New Mexico Department of Human Services
1981.08.31 DAB210 Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene*
1981.08.31 DAB209 California Department of Health Services
1981.08.31 DAB175R Missouri Department of Social Services
1981.08.28 DAB208 Virginia Department of Health
1981.08.28 DAB207 Georgia Department of Medical Assistance
1981.08.28 DAB206 Marshalls Community Action Agency
1981.08.21 DAB205 Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare
1981.08.07 DAB204 New York State Department of Social Services
1981.07.31 DAB203 California Department of Health Services
1981.07.31 DAB202 Florida Farmworkers Council, Inc.
1981.07.31 DAB201 Family Health Program, Inc.
1981.07.31 DAB200 Colorado Department of Social Services
1981.07.31 DAB199 New Jersey Department of Human Services*
1981.07.27 DAB198 South Dakota Department of Social Services
1981.07.01 DAB166R Social Services Board of North Dakota
1981.06.30 DAB197 Eastern Virginia Medical Authority
1981.06.30 DAB196 Lakota Indian Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program, Inc.
1981.06.30 DAB195 New Jersey Department of Human Services*
1981.06.30 DAB194 Utah Department of Social Services
1981.06.30 DAB193 Missouri Department of Social Services
1981.06.30 DAB192 Georgia Department of Medical Assistance
1981.06.24 DAB191 Ohio Department of Public Welfare
1981.06.17 DAB190 Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare
1981.06.17 DAB189 West Virginia Department of Welfare
1981.06.18 DAB156R Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
1981.05.31 DAB188 Louisiana Department of Health and Human Resources
1981.05.31 DAB187 Colorado Department of Social Services*
1981.05.31 DAB186 City of Hope National Medical Center
1981.05.31 DAB185 Southeast Mississippi Community Action Agency
1981.05.31 DAB184 Nebraska Department of Public Welfare
1981.05.29 DAB183 Connecticut Department of Social Services
1981.05.29 DAB182 California Department of Health Services - San Joaquin Foundation
1981.05.29 DAB181 New York Department of Social Services
1981.05.29 DAB180 South Dakota Department of Social Services
1981.05.28 DAB179 Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
1981.05.27 DAB178 Utah Department of Social Services
1981.05.27 DAB177 South Carolina Department of Social Services
1981.05.26 DAB176 Washington Department of Social and Health Services*
1981.04.30 DAB175 Missouri Department of Social Services
1981.04.30 DAB174 Nebraska Department of Public Welfare
1981.04.30 DAB173 Ohio Department of Public Welfare
1981.04.30 DAB172 Maine Department of Human Services
1981.04.30 DAB171 Montana Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services*
1981.04.30 DAB170 California Department of Health Services*
1981.04.30 DAB169 Colorado Department of Social Services*
1981.04.30 DAB168 Utah Department of Health
1981.04.30 DAB167 Tennessee Department of Public Health
1981.04.30 DAB166 Social Service Board of North Dakota
1981.04.30 DAB165 Michigan Department of Social Services
1981.04.30 DAB164 New Jersey Department of Human Services
1981.04.28 DAB163 Social Science Education Consortium, Inc.
1981.04.28 DAB162 GLEAMS Human Resource Commission, Inc.
1981.04.15 DAB161 Massachusetts Department of Public Welfare
1981.03.31 DAB160 California Department of Benefit Payments*
1981.03.31 DAB159 California Department of Health Services
1981.03.31 DAB158 California Department of Health Services
1981.03.31 DAB157 Kentucky Department for Human Resources
1981.03.19 DAB156 Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
1981.03.20 DAB155 Massachusetts Department of Public Welfare
1981.03.18 DAB154 New Jersey Department of Human Services
1981.02.27 DAB153 New Jersey Department of Human Services*
1981.02.27 DAB152 Organized Community Action Program, Inc.
1981.02.26 DAB151 New York Department of Social Services
1981.02.24 DAB150 Indiana Department of Public Welfare
1981.02.03 DAB149 South Carolina Department of Social Services
1981.02.02 DAB148 New Jersey Department of Human Services
1981.01.29 DAB147 Family Health Care, Inc.
1981.01.29 DAB146 New Jersey Department of Human Services*
1981.01.29 DAB145 Washington State University
1981.01.29 DAB144 University of Tennessee College of Pharmacy
1981.01.26 DAB143 Tennessee Department of Public Health Shady Lawn Health Care Center
1981.01.21 DAB142 South Dakota Department of Social Services
1981.01.05 DAB141 Montana Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services

Content created by Departmental Appeals Board (DAB)
Content last reviewed on October 6, 2016