1982 Board Decisions

An asterisk (*) at the end of the link to a Board decision indicates that the decision was appealed and a federal court decision was issued.

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1982.12.30 DAB373 Nebraska Department of Health
1982.12.30 DAB372 West Virginia Department of Welfare
1982.12.30 DAB371 Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare
1982.12.28 DAB370 Michigan Department of Social Services
1982.12.28 DAB369 San Carlos Apache Tribe of Arizona
1982.12.20 DAB368 Ohio Department of Public Welfare
1982.12.17 DAB367 Oklahoma Department of Human Services
1982.12.15 DAB366 Massachusetts Department of Public Welfare *
1982.12.14 DAB365 Gulf Coast Mental Health Center
1982.12.07 DAB364 Philadelphia Department of Public Health
1982.11.30 DAB363 Tennessee Health Maintenance Organization Plans, Inc.
1982.11.30 DAB362 Health Systems Agency of Southwestern
1982.11.30 DAB361 North Carolina Department of Human Resources *
1982.11.30 DAB360 Bullock County Health Services, Inc.
1982.11.30 DAB359 Ventura County Commission on Human Concerns and Community Development
1982.11.29 DAB358 Maryland Department of Human Resources *
1982.11.15 DAB357 Arkansas Department of Human Services *
1982.11.08 DAB356 Ohio Department of Public Welfare
1982.10.29 DAB355 Council on Rural Service Programs, Inc.
1982.09.30 DAB354 L.B.J. and C. Development Corporation
1982.09.30 DAB353 Tennessee Department of Public Health
1982.09.30 DAB352 Michigan Department of Social Services
1982.09.30 DAB351 United Cerebral Palsy of Illinois, Inc.
1982.09.30 DAB350 Horizon House
1982.09.30 DAB349 Joint Consideration - Legal Fees
1982.09.30 DAB348 Federation of Physicians
1982.09.30 DAB347 Ohio Department of Public Welfare
1982.09.30 DAB346 Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare *
1982.09.29 DAB345 Massachusetts Department of Public Welfare
1982.09.29 DAB344 Maryland Department of Human Resources *
1982.09.28 DAB343 Life Planning/Health Services, Inc.
1982.09.16 DAB342 Michigan Department of Social Services
1982.09.03 DAB341 Health Systems Agency of Central Georgia, Inc.
1982.08.30 DAB340 UCLA School of Medicine
1982.07.30 DAB339 Gila River Indian Community
1982.07.30 DAB338 Vermont Agency of Human Services
1982.06.30 DAB337 Joint Consideration: Reimbursement of Foster Care Services; Oregon, Michigan, Virginia *
1982.06.30 DAB336 Washington Department of Social and Health Services
1982.06.30 DAB335 Massachusetts Department of Public Welfare
1982.06.30 DAB334 California Department of Health Services -- Accounts Receivable
1982.06.30 DAB333 North Carolina Department of Human Resources
1982.06.30 DAB332 New Bedford Area Center for Human Services
1982.06.30 DAB331 Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare
1982.06.30 DAB330 Ohio Developmental Disabilities Planning Council *
1982.06.30 DAB329 North Carolina Department of Human Resources
1982.06.30 DAB328 Marshalls Community Action Agency
1982.06.30 DAB327 Louisiana Department of Health and Human Resources
1982.06.30 DAB326 California Department of Health Services
1982.06.30 DAB325 City of Dayton, Ohio *
1982.06.30 DAB324 Northwest Rural Opportunities, Inc.
1982.06.30 DAB323 Community Relations - Social Development Commission
1982.06.30 DAB322 McLean Hospital
1982.06.30 DAB321 Wayne County Board of Commissioners
1982.06.30 DAB320 Southeast Mississippi Community Action Agency
1982.06.30 DAB319 California Department of Social Services
1982.06.28 DAB318 Oklahoma Department of Institutions
1982.06.28 DAB317 Southeast Mississippi Community Action Agency
1982.06.28 DAB316 California Department of Social Services
1982.06.28 DAB315 Urban Indian Health Board, Inc.
1982.06.24 DAB314 Indiana Public Employee's Retirement Fund *
1982.06.24 DAB313 Economic Opportunities Atlanta, Inc.
1982.06.21 DAB312 Kansas State Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services
1982.06.21 DAB311 New York Department of Social Services
1982.06.14 DAB310 Colorado Department of Social Services
1982.06.07 DAB309 Montana Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services
1982.06.08 DAB308 Child Care Association of Wichita/Sedgwick County
1982.05.28 DAB307 New York State Department of Social Services
1982.05.28 DAB306 Ohio Department of Public Welfare
1982.05.28 DAB305 Ohio Department of Public Welfare
1982.05.28 DAB304 Utah Department of Health
1982.05.28 DAB303 South Carolina Department of Social Services
1982.05.28 DAB302 New York State Department of Social Services
1982.05.26 DAB301 California Department of Aging
1982.05.25 DAB300 The Community Action Commission of the Cincinnati Area
1982.05.25 DAB299A Pennsylvania College of Podiatric Medicine
1982.05.25 DAB299 Pennsylvania College of Podiatric Medicine
1982.05.24 DAB298 Michigan Department of Social Services
1982.05.21 DAB297A California Department of Social Services
1982.05.21 DAB297 California Department of Social Services
1982.05.14 DAB296 Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services *
1982.05.07 DAB295 Hawaii Department of Social Services and Housing *
1982.04.30 DAB294 National Urban League, Inc.
1982.04.30 DAB293 Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare
1982.04.30 DAB292 Combined Community Child Development Services, Inc.
1982.04.30 DAB291 Metropolitan Beaverbrook Mental Health and Retardation Services, Inc.
1982.04.30 DAB290 Michigan Department of Social Services *
1982.04.30 DAB289 National Urban League, Inc.
1982.04.30 DAB288 McClean Hospital
1982.04.30 DAB287 Colorado Department of Social Services
1982.04.30 DAB286 Tennessee Department of Public Health
1982.04.29 DAB285 North Carolina Department of Human Resources
1982.04.29 DAB284 New York State Department of Social Services
1982.04.28 DAB283 Indian Office of Social Services
1982.04.23 DAB282 Washington Department of Social and Health Services *
1982.04.23 DAB281 Alameda County Cost Plan
1982.04.22 DAB280 Washington Department of Social and Health Services
1982.04.20 DAB279 Upstate Medical Center of the State University of New York
1982.04.13 DAB278 Arkansas Department of Human Services
1982.03.31 DAB277 Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare
1982.03.31 DAB276 Wisconsin Department of Health and Social Services
1982.03.31 DAB275 New Hampshire Department of Health and Welfare
1982.03.31 DAB274 New York State Department of Social Services
1982.03.31 DAB273 North Carolina Department of Human Resources
1982.03.31 DAB272 South Carolina Department of Social Services
1982.03.31 DAB271 Illinois Department of Administrative Services
1982.03.31 DAB270 Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare
1982.03.31 DAB269 Texas Department of Human Resources
1982.03.31 DAB268 Foundation of California State University
1982.03.25 DAB267 Tennessee Department of Public Health --Shady Lawn Health Care Center
1982.03.24 DAB266 Idaho Division of Financial Management
1982.03.26 DAB265 Inter-Trbal Council of California, Inc.
1982.03.17 DAB242R Economic Opportunity Agency of Pulaski County, Inc.
1982.03.04 DAB264 Gila River Indian Community
1982.03.04 DAB263 Chapin Medical Center
1982.02.26 DAB262 Massachusetts Department of Public Welfare *
1982.02.26 DAB261 New York Department of Social Services
1982.02.26 DAB260 Joint Consideration - Abortion Funding *
1982.02.25 DAB259 New Jersey Department of Human Services
1982.02.25 DAB258 McLean Hospital
1982.02.23 DAB257 Ohio Department of Public Welfare
1982.02.16 DAB256 South Carolina Department of Social Services
1982.02.10 DAB255 Pennsylvania Deparment of Public Welfare
1982.02.09 DAB254 Somerset Community Action Program
1982.02.05 DAB253 California Department of Social Services
1982.02.08 DAB252 Charles River Health Care Foundation
1982.01.31 DAB251 Hyde Rural Health Deparment
1982.01.28 DAB250 Idaho Deparment of Health and Welfare
1982.01.29 DAB249 New York Department of Social Services
1982.01.20 DAB248 Asian American Drug Abuse Program, Inc.
1982.01.19 DAB247 Missouri Department of Social Services -- Carlson Towers Geriatric Center
1982.01.18 DAB246 Maryland Department of Human Resoures
1982.01.12 DAB245 California Department of Social Services (formerly California Department of Benefit Payments)

Content created by Departmental Appeals Board (DAB)
Content last reviewed on August 28, 2017