CDCOLOGY: A Microtasking Project

Testing a platform for connecting CDC staff with public health students.

Executive Summary

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention built and piloted a web-based crowdsourcing platform that cultivates student engagement with CDC. Students become “CDCOLOGISTs” and learn about the importance of public health through the completion of short challenges posted by CDC staff. The platform, the first of it’s kind in HHS, became known as CDCOLOGY. By allowing fresh, creative solutions to influence CDC’s programs and providing personalized educational feedback, CDCOLOGY provides for a unique student-staff interaction. Following Ignite, this team received $10,000 and dedicated time from their home office to work on the next phase of their efforts.

A project supported by: HHS Ignite Accelerator

Team Members

Diana Yassanye (Project Lead), CDC
Chelsea Cipriano, HHS
James Rajotte, CDC
Jacinta Smith, CDC


July 2013: Selected into the HHS Ignite Accelerator
August 2013: Time in the Accelerator begins
February 2014: Time in the Accelerator ends

Project Sponsor

Serena Vinter, Public Health Analyst, Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response, CDC

Additional Information