
Our Office supports projects that will dramatically improve the way Department delivers on its mission. Learn more about projects that have been supported by our internal innovation programs.

Applying agile practices to rare disease drug development
Project Supported By:
Create an online platform to encourage greater diversity of translational and clinical innovations
Project Supported By:
Provide real-time notification of sepsis through the electronic health record
Project Supported By:
Testing a training program for Indian Health Service
Project Supported By:
Streamlining and tracking the grant making process
Project Supported By:
Developing a more effective respirator fitting process for front-line emergency responders.
Project Supported By:
Enhancing the capacity of global laboratories to support advanced molecular detection.
Project Supported By:
Preventing opioid overdose in real-time
Project Supported By:
Developing a toolkit to streamline and link human services systems and funding streams
Project Supported By:


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Content created by Office of the Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
Content last reviewed on October 17, 2018