Patient Access to Transportation and Health (PATH)

Driving away one of the key causes of missed appointments for health centers.

Executive Summary

The Administration for Community Living is responsible for increasing access to community supports with a special emphasis on elderly and disabled people. The Health Resources and Services Administration is responsible for improving access to health care by strengthening the health care workforce, building healthy communities and achieving health equity.

The Problem is that Health Centers serving the neediest populations often face high rates of “no-shows” when patients fail to appear for their appointments. These appointments serve as clinician’s opportunities to mitigate expensive chronic and emergent health situations as well as a revenue stream to federally- and donor-funded clinics. Transportation emerged as one of the top reasons for missed appointments.

The Innovation: The ACL/HRSA team recognized the potential of an existing solution whereby military veterans are provided shuttle transport via the Dept. of Transportation in order to reach their appointment locations. Through interviews and co-design sessions, the team learned that key challenges to health centers included not only identifying and sharing transportation options for patients, but also understanding where and how to access additional funding to cover transportation costs.

A project supported by the: HHS Ignite Accelerator

Team Members

Greg Link (Project Lead), ACL/AOA
Danielle Nelson, ACL/AOA
Courtney Hoskins, ACL/AOA
Suma Nair, HRSA/BPHC
Rik Opstelten, Department of Transportation, Office of Rural and Targeted Programs
Paul Perry, Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Transport Program


May 2014: Project selected into the HHS Ignite Accelerator
June 2014: Time in the Accelerator began
September 2014: Time in the Accelerator ended

Project Sponsor

Carol Crecy, Director, Office of Caregiver and Supportive Services, Administration on Aging (AOA), Administration for Community Living (ACL)

Additional Information