The NIH Clinical Center Intern Accessibility Program

Designing and testing a remote internship program at the NIH Clinical Center.

Executive Summary

Each year, the National Institutes for Health (NIH) receives more than 7,000 applications for 1,000 summer internship opportunities. The NIH Clinical Center proposes to increase the number and diversity of students participating in the program. The NIH Clinical Center will pilot this idea with a handful of interns and mentors from the upcoming class.

A project supported by the: HHS Ignite Accelerator

Team Members

Terra Miller (Project Lead), NIH
Jennifer Simmons, NIH
Walter Jones, NIH
Steve Bergstrom, NIH


December 2013: Project selected into the HHS Ignite Accelerator
January 2014: Time in the Accelerator began
April 2014: Time in the Accelerator ended

Project Sponsor

Frederick P. Ognibene, Director, Office of Clinical Research Training and Medical Education, NIH