Prototyping an app that makes vaccination information digital and portable.

Executive Summary

Vaccination records are still kept on paper, which makes accessing that information time-consuming and inefficient. When people need their vaccination records, they need them quickly.

No one likes paperwork. It wastes valuable time that could be spent doing other things. Also, parents rarely use the vaccination booklet given to them when their child is born. They feel it is the responsibility of their provider to keep track of all the information. However, when they do need that information they find getting that information from their provider can be difficult. Dropping off, filling out and picking up school forms often requires extra trips to a provider’s office and a race against the clock to fill out forms before school/camp starts.

This project prototyped an app that visualized vaccination records in electronic format. This way, the information can be shared quickly, take less time to authenticate, and provide more vaccine information to consumers.

A project supported by the: HHS Ignite Accelerator

Team Members

Rachel Hornstein (Project Lead), ASPE
Dan Duplantier, ASPE
Judy Mendel, NVPO


June 2015: Project selected into the HHS Ignite Accelerator
July 2015: Time in the Accelerator began
September 2015: Time in the Accelerator ended

Project Sponsor

Jim Scanlon, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, OS, Office of Science and Data Policy, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE)

Additional Information