Your Healthiest Self

Re-designing how to communicate and visualize NIH’s wellness information.

Executive Summary

Many people seek health information from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) when they, a friend, or family member learn they have a disease. Partly because of this, NIH research is sometimes presented to the public as a collection of diseases and problems to be solved. This team aims to redesign how NIH communicates our health and wellness information and provide tips for staying healthy in each area. These include physical, emotional, and mental health, social connections, cultural influences, and your environment.

“Your Healthiest Self” aims to shift this focus. Our goal is to change the way NIH interacts with the public. NIH researchers explore many aspects of health and wellness. This includes physical and mental health, social connections, cultural influences, and the environment. This team will create a visual overview of all these areas. This team aims to show each area of human health that NIH studies, as well as include ways for people to improve their well-being in each area.

A project supported by the: HHS Ignite Accelerator

Team Members

Tianna Hicklin (Project Lead), NIH
Harrison Wein, NIH
Marin Pearson Allen, NIH


January 2017: Project selected into the HHS Ignite Accelerator
February 2017: Time in the Accelerator began