New York State Department of Social Services, DAB No. 1216 (1991)

Department of Health and Human Services


Appellate Division

SUBJECT: New York State Department
of Social Services
Docket No. 89-154, 89-184, and 89-253
Decision No. 1216

DATE: January 2, 1991


The New York State Department of Social Services (State) appealed
determinations by the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA)
disallowing federal financial participation (FFP) claimed under title
XIX of the Social Security Act (Act). The State claimed FFP in payments
which it determined were made on behalf of individuals eligible for
Medicaid but which were originally charged solely to the State-funded
medical assistance (MA) program. 1/ The State reclassified the payments
as Medicaid payments based on a statistical sample of MA cases which
identified some individuals as eligible for Medicaid during the period
in question on the basis of age (under 21), pregnancy, eligibility for
benefits under title IV-A, or disability. In the case of individuals
eligible on the basis of disability, the State alleged that a disability
determination had been made, but that the individual was not listed in
the State's files as Medicaid-eligible due to a clerical or coding
error. HCFA disallowed the claims on the ground that they were
impermissibly based on a statistical sample.

At the request of the State, the Board stayed proceedings in Docket Nos.
89-154, 89-184, and 89-253 pending the issuance of a decision in several
other New York appeals.involving the permissibility of statistical
sampling. Following the issuance of that decision (New York State Dept.
of Social Services, DAB No. 1134 (1990)), the stay was continued in
order to permit HCFA to determine whether these appeals were entirely
governed by that decision. By letter dated December 18, 1990, counsel
for HCFA advised the Board that it had determined that these appeals
"can be resolved on the same basis as" the appeals which were the
subject of DAB No. 1134, and that it did not object to the issuance of a
summary decision based on DAB No. 1134. 2/

In New York State Dept. of Social Services, DAB No. 1134 (1990), the
Board considered whether the State could properly use a statistical
sample to claim FFP in payments on behalf of individuals whom the State
determined were eligible for Medicaid on the basis of age, pregnancy, or
eligibility for benefits under title IV-A. The Board found that HCFA's
prohibition on sampling was unreasonable as applied to those types of
claims. However, the Board further determined that this did not mean
that the State's claims satisfied all conditions for allowability.
Thus, the Board remanded the appeals to HCFA to determine whether the
individuals in the sample cases were in fact Medicaid eligibles who
received services covered by Medicaid and whether the State's
statistical methodology was valid..Conclusion

Accordingly, we conclude, based on the rationale of DAB No. 1134, that
the claims in question were not properly disallowed on the sole ground
that they were developed using statistical sampling procedures. The
appeals are remanded to HCFA to assess the validity of the sampling
methodology which the State used to establish its claims and other
matters which DAB No. 1134 indicated were left open.

_____________________________ Judith A. Ballard

_____________________________ Alexander G. Teitz

_____________________________ Norval D. (John) Settle Presiding
Board Member.1. Docket No. 89-154 involves a claim for
$4,341,105 FFP for costs incurred during the quarter ended March
31, 1987. Docket No. 89-184 involves a claim for $310,915 FFP
for costs incurred during the quarter ended June 30, 1987.
Docket No. 89-153 involves a claim for $20,557 FFP for costs
incurred during the quarter ended September 30, 1987.

2. The letter listed the appeals which were the subject of DAB No.
1134, but mistakenly referred to DAB No.

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