New York State Department of Social Services, DAB No.929 (1987)


Department of Health and Human Services

SUBJECT:    New York State  Department of Social Services

Docket No. 87-197
Decision No. 929

DATE:  December 31, 1987


The New York State Department of Social Services (State) appealed the
disallowance by the Administration for Children, Youth and Families,
Office of Human Development Services, of $111,371 in federal financial
participation (FFP) claimed by the State under the Foster Care Program,
Title IV-E of the Social Security Act.  1/  The amount disallowed
represented increasing adjustments of FFP, claimed on the State's
Quarterly Statements of Expenditures dated June 27, 1986 and December
30, 1986.

The amount in dispute was claimed for expenditures incurred in quarters
in fiscal year 1984 and fiscal years prior to 1984.  The disallowance
stated that claims for fiscal year 1980 and after had to be filed within
two years after the calendar quarter in which the State made the
expenditures, as required by section 1132 of the Social Security Act and
45 C.F.R. 95.7, and that the claims disallowed had not been filed within
that time.

The State repeated the arguments pertaining to the applicability of the
relevant filing requirements which it had put forward in Board Docket
Nos. 83-170 and 83-180, but rejected by the Board in New York State
Department of Social Services, DGAB No. 521 (1984). 2/  The State
admitted that its interpretation of the filing requirements was not
consistent with the Board's decision in DGAB No. 521, and requested the
Board to issue a summary decision based upon our holding in DGAB No.
521.  The State submitted no new argument why DGAB No. 521 was wrong,
and did not claim that there were any material factual differences to
distinguish this case from DGAB No. 521.  The Office of Human
Development Services had no objection to issuance of a summary decision.

We conclude that the claims disallowed here are barred by statutory and
regulatory filing requirements, and sustain the disallowance of $111,371
based on Decision No. 521, the reasoning of which we incorporate herein.



                            ________________________________ Judith A.


                            ________________________________ Norval D.
                            (John) Settle


                            ________________________________ Alexander
                            G. Teitz Presiding Board Member


1.     The notice of disallowance (dated October 20, 1987) listed claims
totalling $187,597.  The State originally contested $112,362 of the
disallowance in its notice of appeal.  Of this amount, $111,371
pertained to claims filed on June 27, 1986 and December 30, 1986.  In
addition, the State contended that the disallowance relating to a claim
filed on December 30, 1986 was overstated by $991; the Office of Human
Development Services agreed, leaving the amount on appeal before us at

2.     The State argued that the expenditures underlying the claims were
not incurred until they were reclassified by the State as being eligible
for federal funding under Title IV-E.  In addition, the State's position
was that the claims were exempt from the filing restrictions because the
expenditures involved audit exceptions, or adjustments to prior year
costs.  These arguments were rejected by the Board in DGAB No. 521.


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