New York State Department of Social Services, DAB No. 1445 (1993)

  Department of Health and Human Services


     Appellate Division

SUBJECT:        New York State              DATE: October 21, 1993
    Department of Social Services
   Docket No. A-93-245 Decision No. 1445


The New York State Department of Social Services (NYSDSS) appealed a
September 1, 1993 determination by the Division of Cost Allocation (DCA)
disallowing $448,258 in federal financial participation (FFP).  The
disallowed costs were associated with NYSDSS's lease arrangement for its
headquarters in Albany, known as the Ten Eyck building, during the
period of April 1, 1992 to March 31, 1993.  The amount disallowed
represented the difference in FFP between lease costs claimed by NYSDSS
and a use allowance to which DCA determined NYSDSS was entitled for the
space costs.

NYSDSS argued that it was entitled to the larger amount (including
amounts attributable to interest costs) on several grounds.  NYSDSS
summarized its arguments as follows:

 Interest is allowable as a cost of space under the existing
 lease/purchase agreement.  The Department's claim is allowable
 pursuant to [Office of Management and Budget Circular] A-87
 attachment B, C.2.a.  The first occupancy date of October 1,
 1980 established in that provision is unreasonable and should
 not bar reimbursement.  The distinction in OMB Cir. A-87 between
 public and private landlords for lease/purchase contracts is
 unreasonable and rent paid to a public landlord should be
 subject to FFP in the same manner and extent as rent paid to a
 private landlord.  The reimbursement paid to the State should be
 subject to the same rules governing payments made by federal
 agencies to their contractors.  Federal agencies regularly pay
 their contractors interest under a variety of contracts.
 Finally, Congress through the Tax Reform Act of 1986, encouraged
 states to borrow money to meet their costs of operation and thus
 this federal legislation creates an exception to OMB Cir. A-87,
 Attachment B, D.7.

Notice of Appeal at 2.  NYSDSS noted that this appeal is "substantially
similar" to the issues decided in New York State Dept. of Social
Services, DAB No. 1336 (1992), and indicated that NYSDSS would not
object to a summary decision based on the record in DAB No. 1336.  Id.
Another summary judgment for a prior time period based on substantially
similar facts was issued in New York State Dept. of Social Services, DAB
No. 1377 (1993).

The decision in DAB No. 1336 addressed each of the arguments raised by
NYSDSS and found that none of them had merit.  Rather, we concluded that
interest costs for the Ten Eyck building were unallowable under the
plain terms of OMB Circular A-87 and that only a use allowance was
permissible for the costs of space in that building.

In acknowledging the appeal, the Presiding Board Member proposed to
issue a summary decision unless DCA objected to that procedure within 14
days.  The 14 days have expired, and the Board has received no objection
from DCA.

Therefore, we sustain the disallowance of $448,258 based on DAB No.
1336, which we incorporate by reference.


     Donald F. Garrett


     Norval D. (John) Settle


     Judith A. Ballard Presiding
     Board Member

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