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Results of the 2017 Annual Employee Survey

Employee Viewpoint Survey Home

Item Item Text Percent

Disagree %
1 *I am given a real opportunity to improve my skills in my organization. 72.11% 28.20% 43.91% 13.60% 9.87% 4.41% 14.28% N/A 43,009
2 I have enough information to do my job well. 75.77% 24.18% 51.59% 12.66% 8.92% 2.64% 11.57% N/A 42,906
3 I feel encouraged to come up with new and better ways of doing things. 67.86% 29.19% 38.68% 15.73% 10.97% 5.44% 16.40% N/A 42,759
4 My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 77.85% 36.16% 41.69% 12.50% 6.25% 3.40% 9.65% N/A 42,883
5 I like the kind of work I do. 86.28% 44.14% 42.14% 9.24% 3.06% 1.41% 4.47% N/A 42,769
6 I know what is expected of me on the job. 82.93% 35.55% 47.37% 9.74% 5.09% 2.24% 7.33% N/A 42,677
7 When needed I am willing to put in the extra effort to get a job done. 97.06% 67.92% 29.14% 2.00% 0.48% 0.45% 0.94% N/A 42,844
8 I am constantly looking for ways to do my job better. 92.72% 52.99% 39.73% 6.12% 0.77% 0.38% 1.15% N/A 42,844
9 I have sufficient resources (for example, people, materials, budget) to get my job done. 56.07% 15.23% 40.83% 15.88% 18.76% 9.29% 28.05% 96 42,854
10 *My workload is reasonable. 63.45% 15.20% 48.25% 15.46% 14.20% 6.89% 21.09% 65 42,784
11 *My talents are used well in the workplace. 65.20% 21.32% 43.88% 15.39% 12.06% 7.34% 19.40% 163 42,312
12 *I know how my work relates to the agency's goals and priorities. 87.83% 38.21% 49.62% 7.91% 2.63% 1.63% 4.26% 115 42,667
13 The work I do is important. 92.29% 54.21% 38.08% 5.57% 1.36% 0.78% 2.15% 84 42,506
14 Physical conditions (for example, noise level, temperature, lighting, cleanliness in the workplace) allow employees to perform their jobs well. 72.96% 29.49% 43.46% 12.50% 9.33% 5.21% 14.54% 172 42,697
15 My performance appraisal is a fair reflection of my performance. 74.72% 31.48% 43.24% 12.26% 7.30% 5.72% 13.03% 503 42,364
16 I am held accountable for achieving results. 87.21% 36.02% 51.19% 9.36% 2.22% 1.21% 3.43% 163 42,547
17 *I can disclose a suspected violation of any law, rule or regulation without fear of reprisal. 66.14% 28.79% 37.36% 18.09% 7.63% 8.14% 15.77% 2,460 40,309
18 My training needs are assessed. 57.74% 18.42% 39.32% 22.29% 13.18% 6.79% 19.97% 388 42,428
19 In my most recent performance appraisal, I understood what I had to do to be rated at different performance levels (for example, Fully Successful, Outstanding). 72.35% 31.44% 40.91% 13.04% 8.78% 5.83% 14.62% 887 42,126
20 *The people I work with cooperate to get the job done. 79.07% 34.77% 44.30% 11.42% 6.70% 2.81% 9.52% N/A 42,978
21 My work unit is able to recruit people with the right skills. 50.71% 12.93% 37.78% 22.79% 17.14% 9.36% 26.50% 1,381 41,573
22 Promotions in my work unit are based on merit. 46.26% 13.61% 32.65% 27.26% 14.47% 12.01% 26.48% 3,672 39,185
23 In my work unit, steps are taken to deal with a poor performer who cannot or will not improve. 37.50% 9.45% 28.05% 29.48% 18.39% 14.63% 33.02% 5,513 37,330
24 *In my work unit, differences in performance are recognized in a meaningful way. 43.85% 11.43% 32.42% 27.84% 17.20% 11.11% 28.31% 3,101 39,743
25 Awards in my work unit depend on how well employees perform their jobs. 52.89% 15.07% 37.83% 23.81% 12.66% 10.64% 23.30% 3,152 39,600
26 Employees in my work unit share job knowledge with each other. 76.38% 29.30% 47.08% 12.55% 6.78% 4.30% 11.07% 209 42,648
27 The skill level in my work unit has improved in the past year. 62.92% 22.16% 40.76% 24.87% 7.52% 4.69% 12.21% 1,835 41,060
28 How would you rate the overall quality of work done by your work unit? 87.40% 51.02% 36.37% 10.33% 1.53% 0.74% 2.27% N/A 42,927
29 *The workforce has the job-relevant knowledge and skills necessary to accomplish organizational goals. 77.62% 21.82% 55.80% 14.19% 5.98% 2.21% 8.19% 747 41,610
30 Employees have a feeling of personal empowerment with respect to work processes. 55.53% 14.69% 40.84% 22.87% 14.73% 6.86% 21.59% 1,201 41,108
31 Employees are recognized for providing high quality products and services. 60.47% 17.77% 42.70% 20.44% 12.50% 6.59% 19.09% 936 41,326
32 Creativity and innovation are rewarded. 51.83% 16.11% 35.72% 25.82% 14.17% 8.17% 22.35% 1,457 40,741
33 Pay raises depend on how well employees perform their jobs. 36.21% 9.82% 26.40% 29.79% 20.28% 13.72% 34.00% 4,107 38,001
34 Policies and programs promote diversity in the workplace (for example, recruiting minorities and women, training in awareness of diversity issues, mentoring). 63.63% 20.51% 43.13% 23.72% 7.26% 5.39% 12.65% 2,969 39,288
35 Employees are protected from health and safety hazards on the job. 82.92% 29.89% 53.03% 11.48% 3.53% 2.08% 5.60% 879 41,398
36 My organization has prepared employees for potential security threats. 77.84% 24.83% 53.01% 14.32% 5.56% 2.28% 7.84% 772 41,335
37 Arbitrary action, personal favoritism and coercion for partisan political purposes are not tolerated. 60.04% 22.13% 37.91% 20.40% 9.73% 9.82% 19.55% 2,864 39,306
38 Prohibited Personnel Practices (for example, illegally discriminating for or against any employee/applicant, obstructing a person's right to compete for employment, knowingly violating veterans' preference requirements) are not tolerated. 71.91% 28.96% 42.95% 17.12% 4.96% 6.01% 10.97% 4,081 38,051
39 My agency is successful at accomplishing its mission. 81.63% 30.30% 51.33% 13.60% 3.09% 1.68% 4.77% 665 41,578
40 *I recommend my organization as a good place to work. 74.84% 32.69% 42.15% 15.95% 6.08% 3.13% 9.21% N/A 42,268
41 *I believe the results of this survey will be used to make my agency a better place to work. 54.39% 20.65% 33.74% 24.78% 12.01% 8.82% 20.83% 3,108 39,260
42 My supervisor supports my need to balance work and other life issues. 83.44% 48.78% 34.66% 8.31% 4.28% 3.97% 8.25% 190 42,101
43 My supervisor provides me with opportunities to demonstrate my leadership skills. 72.73% 38.54% 34.19% 14.16% 7.45% 5.67% 13.12% 155 42,073
44 Discussions with my supervisor about my performance are worthwhile. 69.92% 35.62% 34.30% 15.48% 7.93% 6.68% 14.60% 384 41,711
45 My supervisor is committed to a workforce representative of all segments of society. 74.42% 38.95% 35.47% 17.14% 3.94% 4.50% 8.44% 3,000 39,110
46 My supervisor provides me with constructive suggestions to improve my job performance. 68.73% 33.47% 35.26% 16.63% 8.40% 6.24% 14.64% 196 41,863
47 Supervisors in my work unit support employee development. 73.53% 36.78% 36.76% 14.45% 6.24% 5.77% 12.02% 607 41,562
48 My supervisor listens to what I have to say. 80.34% 45.37% 34.97% 10.21% 5.82% 3.63% 9.45% N/A 42,224
49 My supervisor treats me with respect. 83.61% 50.37% 33.24% 8.74% 4.24% 3.41% 7.65% N/A 42,112
50 In the last six months, my supervisor has talked with me about my performance. 81.83% 41.84% 39.99% 9.07% 6.37% 2.72% 9.10% N/A 42,111
51 I have trust and confidence in my supervisor. 73.11% 43.55% 29.56% 13.76% 6.71% 6.42% 13.13% N/A 42,110
52 Overall, how good a job do you feel is being done by your immediate supervisor? 75.81% 47.68% 28.13% 14.75% 5.17% 4.28% 9.45% N/A 42,158
53 In my organization, senior leaders generate high levels of motivation and commitment in the workforce. 53.08% 17.22% 35.86% 23.77% 13.46% 9.69% 23.15% 1,183 40,770
54 My organization's senior leaders maintain high standards of honesty and integrity. 61.90% 23.24% 38.67% 22.00% 8.12% 7.98% 16.10% 2,813 39,055
55 Supervisors work well with employees of different backgrounds. 72.09% 26.72% 45.37% 17.48% 5.67% 4.76% 10.43% 1,940 39,767
56 *Managers communicate the goals and priorities of the organization. 68.33% 21.60% 46.73% 17.86% 8.40% 5.41% 13.81% 756 40,961
57 Managers review and evaluate the organization's progress toward meeting its goals and objectives. 68.16% 21.61% 46.55% 20.27% 6.83% 4.75% 11.57% 2,592 39,098
58 Managers promote communication among different work units (for example, about projects, goals, needed resources). 61.99% 20.33% 41.66% 20.11% 10.64% 7.25% 17.90% 1,353 40,391
59 Managers support collaboration across work units to accomplish work objectives. 65.87% 22.32% 43.55% 19.05% 8.68% 6.40% 15.08% 1,321 40,449
60 Overall, how good a job do you feel is being done by the manager directly above your immediate supervisor? 67.31% 31.80% 35.51% 19.51% 6.96% 6.21% 13.18% 2,318 39,518
61 I have a high level of respect for my organization's senior leaders. 64.44% 27.94% 36.49% 20.67% 8.35% 6.55% 14.90% 768 41,068
62 Senior leaders demonstrate support for Work/Life programs. 66.36% 27.33% 39.03% 21.38% 7.14% 5.12% 12.26% 3,499 38,351
63 *How satisfied are you with your involvement in decisions that affect your work? 59.61% 18.38% 41.23% 21.04% 14.52% 4.83% 19.35% N/A 41,740
64 *How satisfied are you with the information you receive from management on what's going on in your organization? 57.64% 17.15% 40.49% 21.95% 14.91% 5.50% 20.41% N/A 41,670
65 *How satisfied are you with the recognition you receive for doing a good job? 59.16% 20.92% 38.24% 20.66% 13.49% 6.69% 20.17% N/A 41,622
66 How satisfied are you with the policies and practices of your senior leaders? 52.33% 15.06% 37.27% 28.77% 12.76% 6.14% 18.90% N/A 41,548
67 How satisfied are you with your opportunity to get a better job in your organization? 41.48% 13.27% 28.21% 29.82% 17.56% 11.14% 28.70% N/A 41,605
68 How satisfied are you with the training you receive for your present job? 61.17% 18.79% 42.38% 22.18% 11.39% 5.25% 16.65% N/A 41,559
69 *Considering everything, how satisfied are you with your job? 74.18% 27.29% 46.89% 14.79% 7.66% 3.37% 11.03% N/A 41,630
70 Considering everything, how satisfied are you with your pay? 65.28% 21.49% 43.79% 16.41% 12.78% 5.53% 18.31% N/A 41,668
71 *Considering everything, how satisfied are you with your organization? 69.53% 22.96% 46.56% 18.13% 8.35% 3.99% 12.34% N/A 41,650
79 How satisfied are you with the following Work/Life programs in your agency? Telework 85.44% 47.96% 37.48% 8.04% 4.64% 1.89% 6.53% 533 29,789
80 How satisfied are you with the following Work/Life programs in your agency? Alternative Work Schedules (AWS) 90.88% 53.76% 37.12% 6.15% 2.04% 0.94% 2.98% 368 12,900
81 How satisfied are you with the following Work/Life programs in your agency? Health and Wellness Programs (for example, exercise, medical screening, quit smoking programs) 85.31% 34.59% 50.73% 11.92% 2.24% 0.53% 2.77% 623 10,836
82 How satisfied are you with the following Work/Life programs in your agency? Employee Assistance Program (EAP) 80.67% 32.73% 47.94% 15.41% 2.70% 1.21% 3.91% 673 4,813
83 How satisfied are you with the following Work/Life programs in your agency? Child Care Programs (for example, daycare, parenting classes, parenting support groups) 75.07% 34.94% 40.13% 19.58% 3.43% 1.93% 5.35% 430 1,565
84 How satisfied are you with the following Work/Life programs in your agency? Elder Care Programs (for example, support groups, speakers) 72.05% 30.33% 41.72% 25.43% 1.77% 0.74% 2.52% 463 1,012

* AES prescribed items as of 2017 (5 CFR Part 250, Subpart C)
** Unweighted count of responses excluding 'Do Not Know' and 'No Basis to Judge'
Percentages are weighted to represent the Agency's population.

Graphic indicating field period (May 11 through June 22, 2017), sample or census, surveys completed, surveys administered, and response rate.
Content created by Office of Human Resources (OHR)
Content last reviewed