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Goal 3: Support Communications to Enhance Informed Vaccine Decision-Making

Developing communication that effectively informs vaccine decision-making, promotes public support for vaccines, and increases compliance with immunization recommendations is a complex process.  Developing effective communication is also profoundly important in reaching immunization coverage goals and protecting the health of people in the United States.  Goal 3 focuses on developing communications and disseminating materials and messages that provide accurate, timely, transparent, and audience-appropriate information about vaccines and vaccination.  

Through its work in communications in this area, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and its partners have set out to reinforce the importance of vaccines and help people make decisions about immunization for themselves and their families across the United States—and the world.  A few examples of these communication efforts can be found in the State of the National Vaccine Plan 2013 Annual Report.  In order to facilitate collaboration and coordination among agencies, the National Vaccine Program Office works to ensure that vaccine communicators are connected and sharing information in order to align communications efforts across HHS.

Selected highlights:

  • Research on adults’ knowledge, attitudes and beliefs with respect to recommended adult immunizations.
  • Establishment of Vaccines.gov website in English and Spanish.
  • Research and efforts to foster human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination among adolescents, including the National Institutes of Health’s Go Healthy Girls web-based intervention.
  • The Food and Drug Administration developed materials for consumers and health care providers, including “Vaccines for Children: A Guide for Parents and Caregivers.”
  • The National Vaccine Program Office’s support of communication materials to promote adult immunization.
  • Collaboration with the new Adult Immunization Task Force, and National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit.

Read more in the full State of the National Vaccine Plan 2013 Annual Report


Content created by Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy (OIDP)
Content last reviewed on March 28, 2016