April Toolkit – Recharge with Nature

April recharge

Find your outlet for experiencing nature and its associated health benefits. Research continues to emerge regarding nature’s positive impact on our physical, cognitive, and emotional health. Explore the tips below—a recharge awaits!

  • Bring the outside inside. Pictures of your favorite nature scenes, a soothing screen saver, fresh flowers, or indoor plants can provide health benefits without leaving the comfort of your home. Check out more ways you can Bring Nature Indoors when you’re staying home.
  • Find nature nearby. Catch a glimpse of the natural environment on the sidewalks of your neighborhood, in your community park, or right outside your window. Wherever you choose to venture, make sure to Stay Active While Social Distancing.
  • Savor your surroundings. Whether you are looking out your window, sitting on your porch, or walking on your favorite path, spend a moment taking in what is around you. Visit Wellness in Nature for suggestions on how to get a healthy dose of nature—wherever you are.
  • Tune in. Listening to the melodies of nature—babbling brooks, bird songs, wind whistling through the trees— can provide health benefits, too! If you can't make it outside or are in an urban area, try listening to your favorite nature sounds via apps or recordings. For more information, visit Why Sounds Matter.
  • Soak up the sun…while being sun safe! Sunlight helps our bodies produce vitamin D and spending just a few minutes in it can help to boost moods and energy levels. Remember these Sun Safety Tips when venturing outdoors.
  • Put down some roots. A home garden can be a source of food, physical activity, and beauty. The wildlife in your area might thank you too! For more information, visit Home Gardening.
  • Shop and dine outside. Spring is the time for fresh fruits and veggies and a great way to find these is to visit your nearby farmers’ market! Visit the National Farmers Market Directory to find your closest market.
  • Sync up your sleep cycle. Daylight and darkness play a vital role in telling our bodies when to be alert and when it’s time to rest. To learn more about how light impacts sleep and health, visit Tick Tock: Your Body Clocks.

Recharge with Nature Toolkit

Homepage April recharge


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