August Toolkit – Vaccinations

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Infants and children tend to need more vaccinations because they haven’t been exposed to many unwelcome germs and viruses. But did you know that adults regularly need vaccinations too? Vaccines have significantly reduced the risk of various infectious diseases that have historically threatened infants, children, and adults.

Depending on your age, health conditions, vaccination history, and lifestyle factors, there may be vaccinations or boosters that would benefit you. Complete the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s Adult Vaccine Assessment to get a list of vaccines you may need — beyond your yearly flu shot — based on your answers. Discuss this list with your health care provider.

Why vaccinate?

There are three primary reasons to get vaccinated:

  • Protect yourself from serious diseases. Vaccinations introduce weakened or inactive parts of germs (viruses or bacteria) to your immune system so that it can help your body recognize them later. When the immune system recognizes a germ, it can more easily overpower the threatening invader if you are exposed again. Read more about how vaccines work.
  • Shield others. Getting vaccinated is not just something to do for yourself. Keeping up with your vaccines and boosters also protects your family, friends, and co-workers from harmful diseases. If your body recognizes a disease-causing agent in your system right away, it can fight it before you can spread it to others or get sick yourself.
  • Fewer sick days. Vaccines can keep you healthy and help you avoid missing work or time with your family and friends. As a busy adult, staying up to date on your vaccinations helps you spend your time the way you want—instead of sick in bed.

What vaccinations are recommended?

Vaccines are recommended for adults based on age, health conditions, job, and other factors. Consult with your health care provider to find out if you are up to date on your recommended vaccines. Find vaccine recommendations and schedules for:

What if I'm traveling?

If you plan to travel, you may need to take extra precaution by getting vaccinated for some of the diseases you may encounter in the country that you're visiting. Make sure you're up to date on all recommended vaccinations by checking in with your health care provider before you leave the country. Learn more at the CDC’s Travel Health site.

Vaccinations Toolkit

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Content created by Program Support Center (PSC)
Content last reviewed