September Toolkit - Ponder Your Plate

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What nourishment strategies work best for your mind and body? There are some common elements to healthful eating patterns and behaviors, and countless ways to meet your individual needs. Explore the tips below to round out your nutrition routine.

  • Know your nutrition needs. Find out how much and which foods you need to nourish your body by calculating your MyPlate Plan.
  • Keep general ideas in mind. Consider choosing foods that increase your dietary fiber, calcium, and vitamin D, and decrease added sugars, saturated fat, and sodium. The Nutrition Facts label can help! 
  • Be aware of portion distortion. Find out How to Avoid Portion Size Pitfalls to Help Manage Your Weight.
  • Celebrate small changes. Eating healthy is important and small changes to make healthier choices will add up to big wins. Find Your Healthy Eating Style and create your game plan for success!
  • Tune in to you. Paying close attention to your body can help you notice signals that you’re full and help you better enjoy your food. Learn more about Mindfulness for your Health.
  • Reflect. Replace. Reinforce. Ever wonder why you have specific cravings, such as sweet or salty, or why certain situations “trigger” eating even though you’re not hungry? Check out Eating Habits for more information.
  • Savor the flavor. Explore tips and strategies for ways to focus on the full eating experience at Mindful Eating.
  • Fuel up first. Energize your mind and body with a savory Breakfast Burrito or a yummy No Bake Breakfast Cookie.
  • Test your tastebuds. Trying new foods isn’t just for children. Our taste changes throughout life, so keep exploring and trying new foods! Discover Foods here.

Ponder Your Plate Toolkit

September ponder
Content created by Program Support Center (PSC)
Content last reviewed