ANA's DataQuest Project

Liberating ACF’s existing Native American data to improve reporting and understanding of Native children, families, and communities.

Executive Summary

Data from the Administration for Children & Families (ACF) is invisible, inaccessible, unorganized and separate, yet it is supposed to help decision makers. A large amount of time is spent hunting down, preparing, compiling, and packaging data across various platforms, systems, and processes.

We hope to gain a better understanding of the data ACF has, how it’s used, and could be used to more effectively inform decision makers.

Possible solutions thus far:

  • Map data so people know what we have
  • Aggregate data across ACF making it potentially more useful
  • Share data

Potential impact:

  • Time and effort will be saved
  • Information about Native communities can be communicated across ACF
  • It will be possible to identify gaps is what we know

A project supported by the: HHS Ignite Accelerator

Team Members

Camille Loya (Project Lead), Administration for Native Americans, ACF
Joshuah Marshall, Administration for Native Americans, ACF
Alek Hartwick, Administration for Native Americans, ACF
Kenneth Akwuole, Administration for Native Americans, ACF


March 2016: Project selected into the HHS Ignite Accelerator
April 2016: Time in the Accelerator began

Project Sponsor

Kim Romine, Deputy Commissioner, Administration for Native Americans, ACF

Contributing Partners: 

Brent Huggins, Administration for Native Americans, ACF
Heather Zenone, Administration for Children, Youth, and Families, ACF