
Our Office supports projects that will dramatically improve the way Department delivers on its mission. Learn more about projects that have been supported by our internal innovation programs.

Leveraging natural language processing to analyze grant portfolio data.
Project Supported By:
Bridging the gap between early stage companies funded by the NIH and the right partners to move their products forward
Project Supported By:
Identifying specific challenges to the public access policy for research data at HHS.
Project Supported By:
Online Marketplace for Buying Commodities
Project Supported By:
Connecting public health labs to providers
Project Supported By:
Creating a system to verify medical device unique identifiers in the field.
Project Supported By:
Streamlining processes and services in the Office of Administration at ACF.
Project Supported By:
Re-designing how to communicate and visualize NIH’s wellness information.
Project Supported By:


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Content created by Office of the Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
Content last reviewed on October 17, 2018