Rethinking Lead Poisoning Prevention

Improving the effectiveness of CDC’s Lead Poisoning Prevention Program.

Executive Summary

CDC’s Lead Poisoning Prevention Program was established in 1991. During that time, focus has shifted from primary prevention to secondary prevention, the number of cooperative agreement partners has changed dramatically, and program funding has undergone drastic cuts.

Interviews with CDC awardees has revealed that they feel under-skilled and resourced, lack tools for collaboration, and need support for primary prevention efforts.

The project team has identified a number of avenues for further exploration. These include identifying solutions to promote collaboration and information sharing opportunities between awardees and CDC’s program staff and exploring options for supporting capacity building and identifying decision support needs.

The project will result in more effective prevention efforts from CDC’s awardees, the ability to develop more consistent approaches to prevention, and higher quality data to allow the CDC to reach its goal of eliminating lead exposures in children.

A project supported by the: HHS Ignite Accelerator

Team Members

Christian Scheel (Project Lead), National Center for Environmental Health, CDC
Cristina Cope, National Center for Environmental Health, CDC
Elise Lockamy, National Center for Environmental Health, CDC
James Hodge, National Center for Environmental Health, CDC


March 2016: Project selected into the HHS Ignite Accelerator
April 2016: Time in the Accelerator began

Project Sponsor

Donna Knutson, Deputy Director, National Center for Environmental Health, CDC