Division of Budget Policy, Execution, and Review (BPER)

There are four branches in the Division of Budget Policy, Execution, and Review in the Office of Budget (OB), Office of the Assistant Secretary for Financial Resources (ASFR):

Budget and Performance Policy Branch (BPP) 

The Budget and Performance Policy Branch coordinates the collection of cross-cutting budget data, the submission of the Department’s budget justifications, Department-wide performance management activities, and other efforts to integrate performance with budget submissions.  These efforts include preparing numerous budget and performance documents and monitoring compliance with the GPRA Modernization Act and other related legislation and guidance.

Fiscal and Legal Review Branch (FLR)

The Fiscal and Legal Review branch provides expertise in budget execution and appropriations law. This branch carries out Department-wide budget execution functions, including apportionments, Treasury warrants, and budget execution data requests. FLR also provides technical analysis of appropriations bills and authorizing legislation with an impact on spending authority.

Congressional Liaison Branch (CLB)

The Congressional Liaison Branch provides technical expertise in tracking and reporting on appropriations and budget-related legislation, serves as the HHS point of contact with Appropriations staff, coordinates preparation for the Secretary's appropriations and budget-related hearings, and manages information requests from Congressional Appropriations Committees.

Business Operations Branch (BOB)

The Business Operations Branch provides technical and administrative support for Budget and Performance IT systems such as the Program Performance Tracking System (PPTS) and the Financial Information Reporting System (FIRS).  BOB also provides internal operations support for the Office of Budget.

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