Technical Assistance for Medicare Providers and Applicants

OCR's technical assistance materials to help providers and applicants develop their policies and procedures for compliance with the civil rights laws and regulations enforced by OCR. The materials provide applicable regulatory citations and sample policies and procedures for each requirement.

Medicare providers and businesses applying for Medicare must have:

  1. To obtain a civil rights clearance, go to the Assurance of Compliance Portal and submit the required information.

  2. Nondiscrimination Policies and Notices that prohibit discrimination in the provision of treatment and services on the bases of race, color, national origin, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity), age, or disability. These notices must cite the Federal regulations enforced by OCR.
  3. Policies and procedures to identify and communicate orally and in writing with persons who have limited-English proficiency (LEP). 

  4. Policies and procedures to ensure effective communication and auxiliary aids for persons with disabilities.

  5. A description of how Medicare providers and applicants make their program accessible to persons with disabilities.

  6. An explanation for any age restrictions that exist in the Medicare provider or applicant's program. Learn more about the regulatory requirements

  7. A Grievance Procedure which incorporates minimum due process standards for patients with a disability.




Content created by Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
Content last reviewed