2023 Senior Procurement Executive Excellence Awards

The SPE Excellence Awards program recognizes outstanding service throughout the Department. The deadline for nominations is February 20, 2023

Nominee Information

This does not count toward the 500-word count

Ensure that the nominee’s name is complete, spelled correctly and written as the nominee would like his or her name to appear on a certificate, award, or event program.

The supervisor submitting the nomination form must verify that the employee has met their performance in the previous performance year and is not under disciplinary action (performance or behavior) or any circumstances that would result in the nominee being disqualified as the ideal candidate.

In Section I, please indicate whether this award nomination will be for an individual or a team, and the office being nominated. Please be sure to provide the Award Title. In Section II, enter the nominator’s full name, title, organization, email address and telephone number. In Section III, enter the nominee’s name, title, organization, email address and telephone number. In Section IV, enter the contact information for the nominee’s direct supervisor. For a team award, enter the information in Sections II, III and IV for the primary point of contact for the team. If this nomination is for a team award, please enter the name of each team member in Section V. In Section VI, please provide the supervisor submitting the nomination form to the SPEawards@hhs.gov mailbox for the review panel.

Section I
Is this a nomination for an individual or a team?
Which office is being nominated?
Section II: Nominator’s Information
Section III: Nominee’s Information
Section IV: Nominee’s Direct Supervisor’s Information
Section V: Additional Team Members (Applicable only to a team nomination)
Section Vi: Submitter’s Information – Supervisor or Senior Official submitting the nomination request

Award Narrative

500-word count maximum On the following pages include the award narrative.

These packets are not edited; they are submitted to the board members in the condition that they are received.

Content created by Office of Grants and Acquisition Policy and Accountability (OGAPA)
Content last reviewed