Past Events

Below is a list of recent OHRP events. If you have any questions, please email

OHRP at NIH Pre-Con - Human Subjects Research: Policies, Clinical Trials, & Inclusion (December 6, 2022)

NIH and HHS experts shared guidance, policies, resources and case studies regarding the basic HHS and NIH policies that apply to research involving human subjects, including clinical trials. In addition, how to prepare a research proposal for review that addresses the regulatory requirement and strategies for developing realistic and scientifically acceptable inclusion plans were also covered.

Trust, Technology and Consent (Reno, Nevada, October 25-26, 2022)

The 2-day in-person Research Community Forum was co-hosted with the University of Nevada in Reno. The event focused on the ethical aspects of human subjects research and the use of emerging technologies, considerations for conducting research with vulnerable populations, and the role of trust in research and research participation. As many as 125 people attended the event. Attendees expressed great satisfaction with the day one interactive workshop and the focus on regulatory requirements for protecting the rights and welfare of human participants in research.

View the agenda here

New Frontiers in human Subjects Research (Indiana Suburb, Indianapolis, September 20-21, 2022)

This Forum was a 2-day in-person Research Community Forum co-hosted with the Indiana University Office of Research Compliance. The event focused on new frontiers and challenges facing human research protection programs and included, among others, an exploration of the IRB’s role in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in research, the institution’s role in ensuring data integrity in online research and in the handling of detrimental research practices. As many as 170 people attended the event. Attendees also welcomed the level of engagement offered by the interactive workshop on day one that focused on applying the human protections regulations.

View the agenda here

"Embracing Diversity and Innovation in Research" - Northwell Health, Feinstein Institutes of Medical Research [OHRP Research Community Forum, May 11-12, 2022]

This virtual event focused on the role of new frontiers and challenges facing human research protection programs, including an exploration of the institution’s role in enhancing research integrity; ethical challenges in review of AI research; the institution’s role in handling detrimental research practices; ensuring data integrity in online research; and how to balance privacy protections with broad data sharing requirements and the open science movement.

Click here to access the agenda

Click here for the speakers biographies

A Conversation with IRB Professionals [OHRP's virtual webinar - April 27, 2022]

A conversation with IRB professionals: Learn what they do and how they can help you navigate protecting human participants in research.

This webinar covered the following:

How IRBs support the preliminary reviews of research studies at institutions What assistance IRBs can give investigators on protecting research subjects Additional roles IRBs play in supporting institutions’ oversight for research.

Webinar Speakers:

  1. Colleen Kohashi, BA, MA, Research Compliance Administrator at the University of California, Berkeley
  2. Myra Luna-Lucero, BA, MA, Ed.D., Research Compliance Director at Teachers College, Columbia University
  3. Alan Stockdale, BA, MA, MS, Ph.D., Human Protections Program Director, Education Development Center

Click here to access a file with details including the link to the event recording.

The ABCs of 104: Understanding exemption categories [Webinar Series on the Basics of the Common Rule - March 4, 2022 & March 23, 2022]

This presentation explains what it means to be exempt from the Common Rule, conditions for the different exemption categories, and when human subjects research may qualify for an exemption according to the Common Rule. IRB administrators, researchers, reviewers, grant administrators, institutional leaders, and anyone who works in an area related to human research will find this presentation helpful.

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What is research, what isn’t, and, who is a human subject anyway? – Explaining Common Rule terms in plain language [Webinar Series on the Basics of the Common Rule - February 25, 2022 & March 30, 2022]

This presentation explains when an activity is or is not considered ‘research’, and who is or is not a ‘human subject’ according to the Common Rule. The webinar is intended to help IRB administrators, researchers (including student researchers), reviewers, grant administrators, institutional leaders, and anyone else who works in an area related to human research understand key terms in the Common Rule.

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Nothing basic about it, but we’ll try to make it so – Common Rule ABCs with OHRP [Webinar Series on the Basics of the Common Rule - February 18. 2022 & April 6, 2022]

This presentation reviews why we have regulations to protect research participants, how they function, and who needs to comply with them. The webinar is intended for anyone looking to understand the general regulatory framework for human research protections.

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Review of Third-Party Research Risk: Is There A Role For IRBs? [Exploratory Workshop - September 24, 2021]

OHRP hosted its 4th annual Exploratory workshop on third-party risks in research. This workshop explored third-party risks that result from different types of research, the limits of risk to third parties, the role of IRBs and more. Watch the video for Session I to learn about who may be third parties impacted by research and what are some of the concerns, ethical and others, regarding risk of research to third parties. Review Session II video for the engaging presentations and discussion on the review of third-party research risks.

Access our event page for the videos, agenda, program book, and more:

Supporting Ethical Research Involving American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) Populations [Workshop - August 26, 2021]

OHRP hosted a virtual workshop on research involving American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) populations with a special welcome address from Dr. Rachel L. Levine. The workshop discussed important considerations for conducting research involving AI/AN populations, including how to incorporate indigenous interests in the design of the research and obtain appropriate approvals. The workshop also provided an overview of helpful materials from the Indian Health Service, and training resources for committees reviewing AI/AN research.

Watch the archived video and find other details about the event at

Content created by Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP)
Content last reviewed