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Background and History of the Vaccines National Strategic Plan

The Vaccines National Strategic Plan 2021-2025 (Vaccine Plan) guides and facilitates coordination and planning towards an optimized immunization system in the United States over the course of the next five years.

The National Vaccine Plan 2010

HHS issued the last version of this plan to articulate a comprehensive strategy to improve and enhance the use of vaccines in the United States. The 2010 National Vaccine Plan was a 10-year plan (2010–2020) with a comprehensive strategy to enhance all aspects of vaccines and vaccination including: research and development, supply, financing, distribution, safety, informed decision making by consumers and health care providers, vaccine-preventable disease surveillance, vaccine effectiveness and use monitoring, and global cooperation.

The 2010 Plan was organized around five overarching and interconnected goals to mobilize diverse stakeholders to prevent vaccine-preventable diseases and improve public health through vaccination:

  • Develop new and improved vaccines.
  • Enhance the vaccine safety system.
  • Support communications to enhance vaccine decision-making.
  • Ensure a stable supply of, access to, and better use of recommended vaccines.
  • Increase global prevention of death and disease through safe and effective vaccination.

The 2010 National Vaccine Plan expanded these goals with 34 supporting objectives and nearly 150 strategies. Learn more about the 2010 National Vaccine Plan.

National Vaccine Implementation Plan 2012

In 2012, the National Vaccine Implementation Plan was released. It articulated activities that federal partners committed to conduct in support of the priorities for the first five years of the 2010 National Vaccine Plan. Two separate mid-course reviews by the National Vaccine Program (NVP) Office and the National Vaccine Advisory Committee assessed progress made since the 2010 National Vaccine Plan, identified areas of focus for the remaining time horizon, and suggested additional indicators to measure progress. Learn more about the National Implementation Plan.

National Adult Immunization Plan 2016

In 2016, HHS released a separate National Adult Immunization Plan that focused on priorities and strategies to improve immunization rates for adults in the United States. The National Adult Immunization Plan set forth four goals, 15 objectives, and 78 strategies, and included indicators that could be used to monitor progress. It was accompanied by an implementation guide that identified implementation priorities for the four goals and suggested potential activities that stakeholders could undertake to implement the plan. The current Vaccine Plan, as reflected in the plan’s vision, includes a lifespan approach and incorporates goals and objectives to improve vaccination rates to prevent diseases in the United States across the lifespan of people who receive vaccines. Learn more about the 2016 National Adult Immunization Plan.

National Vaccine Plan 1994

The inaugural plan, completed in 1994, defined activities to achieve the NVP’s mission through coordinated action by federal agencies, state and local governments, and private sector partners, including manufacturers and health care providers. Learn more about the 1994 National Vaccine Plan.

OIDP will continue to lead coordination of federal implementation of the Vaccine Plan. Other stakeholders are encouraged to develop implementation plans for vaccines-related issues within their purview. Learn more about the development of the plan.

Additional Resources

Content created by Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy (OIDP)
Content last reviewed on January 19, 2021