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Vaccines National Strategic Plan

The Vaccines National Strategic Plan 2021–2025 (Vaccine Plan), released on January 19, 2021, is a newly revised roadmap in the coordination of vaccine development and use in the United States. Building on the 2010 National Vaccine Plan, two mid-course reviews of the 2010 Plan, and the 2016 National Adult Immunization Plan—released as a result of the National Vaccine Advisory Committee’s recommendations to the Department of Health and Human Services on the Standards for Adult Immunization Practices in 2014—the current Vaccine Plan addresses newly emerging challenges since these reports were published.

The Vaccine Plan:

  • Uses a lifespan approach to vaccination.
  • Contains a five-year time frame instead of 10 years to provide more flexibility to course correct if needed.
  • Includes indicators and quantitative five-year and 10-year targets to measure progress.

Plan Vision and Goals

The Vaccine Plan sets forth a clear vision for how the United States will be a place where vaccine-preventable diseases are eliminated through safe and effective vaccination across the lifespan.In support of this vision, the Vaccine Plan includes five major goals, which frame the plan’s objectives, and strategies that articulate actions to accomplish each objective, and indicators with measurable targets to monitor progress. Learn more about this plan’s vision and goals.

Plan Development

Coordinated by the Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy (OIDP), Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH), Department of Health and Human Services, the Vaccine Plan was developed collaboratively with federal agency partners. Stakeholders and the public had significant input into the development of this plan, through a variety of opportunities for public comment. The Vaccine Plan is intended to strengthen vaccination infrastructure across both the public and private sectors to prevent vaccine-preventable diseases and to support ongoing monitoring of vaccine safety in the United States. It focuses on policies related to vaccines routinely used across the lifespan to prevent diseases in the United States. Its success depends on the active participation and coordinated action of a broad mix of stakeholders from various sectors, both public and private.

OIDP will continue to lead coordination of federal implementation of the Vaccine Plan. Other stakeholders are encouraged to develop implementation plans for vaccines-related issues within their purview. Learn more about the development of the plan.

Additional Resources

Content created by Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy (OIDP)
Content last reviewed on January 19, 2021