DAB Divisions

Alternative Dispute Resolution Division

The Alternative Dispute Resolution Division provides Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) services in appeals filed with the Board's other three Divisions (Appellate, Civil Remedies and Medicare Operations Division) The ADR also supports the Dispute Resolution Specialist (Constance Tobias, Chair, Departmental Appeals Board) in carrying out her responsibilities for ADR policy and program development.

Phone: 202-565-0221
Fax: 202-565-0223

Department of Health & Human Services
Departmental Appeals Board, MS 6132
Alternative Dispute Resolution Division
330 Independence Ave., S.W.
Cohen Building, Room G-644
Washington, DC 20201

Appellate Division

The Appellate Division of the DAB provides staff support for the Board Members, who are career civil servants appointed by the Secretary to provide an impartial, independent review of disputes arising in a wide range of HHS programs. The Board's jurisdiction arises from the Board's "charter" at 45 C.F.R. Part 16, program statutes, regulations, and delegations by the Secretary or heads of HHS operating components.

Phone: 202-565-0208
Fax: 202-565-0238

Department of Health & Human Services
Departmental Appeals Board, MS 6127
Appellate Division
330 Independence Ave., S.W.
Cohen Building, Room G-644
Washington, DC 20201

Civil Remedies Division

The Civil Remedies Division (CRD) provides legal and administrative support for the Departmental Appeals Board’s Administrative Law Judges (ALJs).  The ALJs are qualified under the Federal Administrative Procedure Act to conduct hearings on the record.  Generally, the ALJ decision is an initial decision that may be appealed to the Board. If the ALJ decision is not appealed, it is the final administrative decision.

Phone: 202-795-7490
Fax: 202-565-0225
Phone for Tobacco Cases: 844-880-5720

Department of Health & Human Services
Departmental Appeals Board, MS 6132
Civil Remedies Division
330 Independence Ave., S.W.
Cohen Building, Room G-644
Washington, DC 20201

Medicare Operations Division

The Medicare Operations Division provides staff support to the Administrative Appeals Judges (AAJs) and Appeals Officers (AOs) on the Medicare Appeals Council (the Council). The Council provides the final administrative review of claims for entitlement to Medicare and individual claims for Medicare coverage and payment filed by beneficiaries or health care providers/suppliers.

Department of Health & Human Services
Departmental Appeals Board, MS 6127
Medicare Operations Division
330 Independence Ave., S.W.
Cohen Building, Room G-644
Washington, DC 20201


Content created by Departmental Appeals Board (DAB)
Content last reviewed