DAB Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Decisions

Search DAB ALJ decisions by year since 1985, for CMS, SSA, HHS IG, and FDA actions, including civil money penalties, Medicare enrollment/revocation, and exclusions. ALJ decisions may contain links to web pages that are now obsolete.  Current versions of some of these documents can be accessed elsewhere in the DAB section or other HHS subsites. Please note that individuals excluded from Medicare and state health care programs may have been subsequently reinstated. See 42 C.F.R. 1004.130. Information concerning an individual's current status can be obtained from the Office of the Inspector General.

Or, browse ALJ Decisions listed by year.

Advanced Search Tips

Desired Result Advanced Search Tip
Results with all of the words Use “AND” between words and/or phrases. Example: Christensen AND Mooney. Or use a “+” in front of additional words Example: Christensen +Mooney.
Results with the exact phrase Use quotes around phrase. Example: "Voorhees College Early Head Start"
Results with at least one of the words Use “OR” between words and/or phrases. Example: employees OR staff
Results without the words Use a “-” (minus sign) in front of word(s) to exclude. Example: Medicare -Medicaid

Use “NOT” in front of word(s) to exclude. Example: Medicare NOT Medicaid
Results with a specific document type Use "contenttype:" follow by the document type. Example: contenttype:pdf
Results with specific words and/or phrases in the title Use "only title:" follow by words and/or phrases. Example: only title:healthcare
Results with a single wildcard Use "?" to replace a single character. Example: med?caid Note: You cannot use a ? symbol as the first character of a search.
Results with multiple character wildcard Use "*" in any character string. Example: medi* Note: You cannot use a * symbol as the first character of a search.
Content created by Departmental Appeals Board (DAB)
Content last reviewed on September 19, 2016