FY 2022 Annual Performance Plan and Report - Changed Performance Goals

Fiscal Year 2022
Released June, 2021

Topics on this page: HHS FY 2022 Annual Performance Plan and Report Summary of Changes in Performance Measures Table

FY 2022 Annual Performance Plan and Report Summary of Changes in Performance Measures Table

Division Unique Identifier Change Type Change Reason for Change
ACL ALZ.3 Revised FY 2021 target Revised FY 2021 target from 35 percent to 17 percent New data indicates FY 2021 target should be adjusted downwards
ASA 3.3 Revise FY 2021 target Revised FY 2021 target from 97.5% to 100% The new target corresponds to the FISMA Cross-Agency Priority Goal A.3. Authorization Management.
ASA 3.4 Discontinued performance goal Discontinued FY 2021 and future year targets Throughout the history of the scorecard, sub-category measures of the scorecard have changed and retired. The House Committee on Oversight and Reform has signaled several more changes over the coming year, which creates uncertainty that would challenge HHS's ability to execute on such a broad goal. Recommend focusing on other priorities that provide better metrics (e.g., increase percentage of systems with an Authority to Operate) in measuring performance across HHS in meeting strategic plan goal 5.3. Specific and meaningful contributions to FITARA are accounted for in other performance metrics (e.g., ATO) and goals as documented in other parts of the budget justifications.
CDC 7.2.7c Added a new performance goal Added 7.2.7c: Reduced the age-adjusted rate of overdose deaths involving natural and semisynthetic opioids (T40.2) or methadone (T40.3) as a contributing cause of death among states funded through CDC's multi-state surveillance and prevention cooperative agreement (per 100,000 residents) This measure captures methadone and thus better captures overdoses related to prescription opioids.

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Content created by Assistant Secretary for Financial Resources (ASFR)
Content last reviewed