FY 2023 Annual Performance Plan and Report - Strategic Goal 5: Objective 5.1

Fiscal Year 2023
Released March, 2022

Topics on this page: Objective 5.1: Promote effective enterprise governance to ensure programmatic goals are met equitably and transparently across all management practices.

Objective 5.1: Promote effective enterprise governance to ensure programmatic goals are met equitably and transparently across all management practices.

HHS is supporting strategies to promote effective enterprise governance and ensure programmatic goals are achieved.  HHS is strengthening governance, enterprise risk management, and strategic decision making across the Department to better pursue opportunities and address risks while creating a culture of change to support continuous improvement in program and mission delivery.

Because this is a new objective, HHS will not include performance measures for Goal 5 Objective 1.  Instead, HHS will provide an update on the Enterprise Risk Management maturity model in subsequent years.

The Office of the Secretary leads this objective.  All divisions are responsible for implementing programs under this strategic objective.  The narrative below provides a brief summary of any past work towards these objectives and strategies planned to improve or maintain performance on these objectives.


Content created by Assistant Secretary for Financial Resources (ASFR)
Content last reviewed