Voting Member (SGE): Christine Ginocchio, PhD, MT (ASCP)

Christine Ginocchio, PhD, MT (ASCP)

Christine Ginocchio, PhD, MT (ASCP); Chief Scientific and Medical Officer, Quotient Limited, Newton, PA.

Dr. Ginocchio is an internationally recognized expert in the science, medicine, and policies of diagnostic technology.  She has been the principal investigator for more than 60 industry and pharmaceutical clinical trials that include 21 studies of in vitro diagnostic devices for US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clearance.  Dr. Ginocchio has been an invited speaker at over 250 national and international conferences related to diagnostics.  Dr. Ginocchio also serves as Professor of Medicine at Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra Northwell, NY. She has developed an outstanding reputation as an expert in infectious disease diagnostics with over 40 years of experience in laboratory medicine and diagnostic development.  Dr. Ginocchio was the Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Clinical Virology from 2006-2018 and the recipient of the ASM BD award for Research in Clinical Microbiology and the PASCV award for Diagnostic Virology. Dr. Ginocchio has been pivotal in the development of IDSA diagnostics policies, serving on its Diagnostics Task Force, authoring several major IDSA publications, including the “Better Tests, Better Care: Improved Diagnostics for Infectious Diseases” and “Maintaining Life-saving Testing for Patients with Infectious Diseases: Infectious Diseases Society of America, American Society for Microbiology, and Pan American Society for Clinical Virology Recommendations on the Regulation of Laboratory-developed Tests.”

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