Human Research Volunteer Informational Videos

These short videos provide basic information about human research, including clinical trials, medical research, and other kinds of research. They will help potential research volunteers understand how research works, what questions they should ask, and things to think about when deciding whether to participate in a study.

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These short videos provide basic information about human research, including clinical trials, medical research, and other kinds of research. They help potential research volunteers understand how research works, what questions they should ask, and things to think about when deciding whether to participate in a study.

Videos on Clinical Research Basics

What is Medical Research?

Part 1: What is Medical Research?

Deciding to Participate in Clinical Trials

Part 2: Deciding to Participate in Clinical Trials

Questions to Ask Before Volunteering in Clinical Trials

Part 3: Questions to Ask Before Volunteering in Clinical Trials

Explaining Randomization in Clinical Trials

Explaining Randomization in Clinical Trials

How is Medical Research Different from Medical Care?

How is Medical Research Different from Medical Care?

Videos on Other Types of Human Research

Research Use of Information and Samples from Patient Care

Research with Medical Records and Samples from Medical Care

Participating in Social and Behavioral Health Research

Participating in Social and Behavioral Health Research

Videos on Protecting Human Research Volunteers

How Institutional Review Boards (IRB) Protect Human Research Participants

How IRBs Protect Human Research Participants

This video, Informed Consent for Research: What to Expect, provides basic information about informed consent and what to information you'll get to help you decide whether to volunteer for a research study

Informed Consent for Research: What to Expect

This video provides basic information about research with children, why we do it, and how parents and children generally both need to agree for a child to join a research study

Research with Children: What Parents Need to Know

This video discusses why privacy is important for research volunteers and how researchers protect their privacy and the information they provide.

Protecting Your Privacy in Human Research

Voices of Participants Series

Listen to Nancy Recount Her Daughter’s Participation in Research

Listen to Nancy Recount Her Daughter’s Participation in Research

Listen to Abhinav and Sharat Discuss Their Experience Participating in a Clinical Trial

Listen to Abhinav and Sharat Discuss Their Experience Participating in a Clinical Trial


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Listen to Nancy Recount Her Daughter’s Participation in Research

This is an OHRP interview with a mother sharing her experience about her daughter’s participation in research. [15:58]

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Listen to Abhinav and Sharat Discuss Their Experience Participating in a Clinical Trial

This is an OHRP interview with a father and child duo discussing their participation in clinical trials studying the effectiveness of vaccines. [11:57]

Content created by Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP)
Content last reviewed