Printable Informational Materials

Below is a list of printable informational materials from the About Research Participation collection. We invite you to print and share them freely; no further permission is required for their use.

Learn About Research Participation Brochure

Print and distribute these brochures to the public at your institution. They provide general information about research and research participation. The information includes how research works, the importance of the partnership between the participants and researchers, what questions someone interested in volunteering for a study should ask, and where to get trusted information about research participation.

English: Bi-fold version | Double-sided version | 11X17 poster version

Spanish: Bi-fold version | Double-sided version | 11X17 poster version

Questions to Ask When Thinking About Joining a Research Study

This document includes questions to ask the research team when considering volunteering for a research study. Potential volunteers can use this as a reminder to get the information they need for their decision. Research team members can use this as a checklist for the information they should provide during the consent process.

English | Spanish

Educational Tool for Community Engagement

If you are devoting effort into community engagement to raise diversity and inclusivity in your research, this is a checklist to help you train community leaders and members. The checklist has easy-to-understand, plain language resources. It provides a progressive, step-by-step way for lay community members to understand the complexities of research participation and oversight. Please print and distribute as appropriate.


Protecting Research Volunteers Infographics

This is a set of attractive infographics about the regulations that protect research volunteers, why we have them, and who enforces them.

Protecting Research Volunteers

Informational Resources Flyer

Print this flyer to hand out to potential research participants. This flyer has a QR code to allow people with smart phones to access a free online library of trusted resources about research and research participation.

QR Code Flyer

Content created by Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP)
Content last reviewed