OHRP Webinars on 45 CFR 46

Nothing basic about it, but we’ll try to make it so – Common Rule ABCs with OHRP [Basics of the Common Rule #1]

This presentation reviews why we have regulations to protect research participants, how they function, and who needs to comply with them. The webinar is intended for anyone looking to understand the general regulatory framework for human research protections.

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What is research, what isn’t, and who is a human subject anyway? – Explaining Common Rule terms in plain language [Basics of the Common Rule #2]

This presentation explains when an activity is or is not considered ‘research’, and who is or is not a ‘human subject’ according to the Common Rule. The webinar is intended to help IRB administrators, researchers (including student researchers), reviewers, grant administrators, institutional leaders, and anyone else who works in an area related to human research understand key terms in the Common Rule.

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The ABCs of 104: Understanding exemption categories [Basics of the Common Rule #3]

This presentation explains what it means to be exempt from the Common Rule, conditions for the different exemption categories, and when human subjects research may qualify for an exemption according to the Common Rule. IRB administrators, researchers, reviewers, grant administrators, institutional leaders, and anyone who works in an area related to human research will find this presentation helpful.

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Content created by Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP)
Content last reviewed