Development Process and Milestones

Involve Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs (ASPA) Digital from the beginning of the development process to ensure your web project is successful and meets all HHS standards.  Sharing the deliverables below at each phase will help identify potential problems and keep your project moving forward.

ASPA Digital staff will work with you to make sure your site will:

  • Meets your business needs and goals
  • Meets the needs of your target audiences
  • Complies with best practices and standards for plain writing, usability, 508 compliance, and design

Use this checklist to guide your Web development efforts. All websites will be reviewed by your liaison against this document.

Development Phase

What to submit to ASPA Digital

1. Define the project

Website project plan (Goals, target audience, top tasks, timeline, resources, site management plan, etc.)

2. Define information structure

Site map and Information architecture

3. Determine visual structure

Wireframes (demonstrating navigation and usability considerations)

4. Create visual design

Design comps and mock-ups

5. Building the site

Submit staging site for testing and review (Section 508 compliance and website requirements)

6. Launching the site

Notify your ASPA Digital contact 


Content created by Digital Communications Division (DCD)
Content last reviewed