HHS FY2016 Budget in Brief

Department of Health and Human Services

The Department of Health and Human Services enhances the health and well-being of Americans by providing for effective health and human services and by fostering sound, sustained advances in the sciences underlying medicine, public health, and social services.

HHS Budget by Operating Division

(Mandatory and discretionary dollars in millions) /1

Food and Drug Administration 2014 2015 2016 /4
Budget Authority 2,685 2,622 2,747
Outlays 1,967 2,943 2,775


Health Resources and Services Administration 2014 2015 2016
Budget Authority 9,078 10,555 10,602
Outlays 9,003 9,345 10,458


Indian Health Service 2014 2015 2016
Budget Authority 4,590 4,800 5,261
Outlays 4,510  5,010 5,237


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2014 2015 2016
Budget Authority 7,002 9,257 7,459
Outlays 6,313 7,792 8,093


National Institutes of Health 2014 2015 2016
Budget Authority 30,077 29,850 30,480
Outlays 29,348 29,565 29,933


Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration 2014 2015 2016
Budget Authority 3,487 3,486 3,454
Outlays 3,193 3,920 3,465


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 2014 2015 2016
Budget Authority 7 364 276
Program Level 436 465 479
Outlays 42 106 128


Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services /2 2014 2015 2016
Budget Authority 848,531 931,544 968,388
Outlays 826,759 897,791 970,460


Administration for Children and Families /3 2014 2015 2016
Budget Authority 51,659 51,590 59,679
Outlays 49,421 50,987 57,273


Administration for Community Living 2014 2015 2016
Budget Authority 1,640 1,646 2,071
Outlays 1,462 1,671 1,879


Office of the National Coordinator 2014 2015 2016
Budget Authority 16 60
Outlays 294 99 49


Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals 2014 2015 2016
Budget Authority 82 87 140
Outlays 82 87 140


Office for Civil Rights 2014 2015 2016
Budget Authority 39 39 43
Outlays 35 40 45


Departmental Management 2014 2015 2016
Budget Authority 480 473 518
Outlays 1,292 1,535 870


Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund 2014 2015 2016
Budget Authority 1,251 1,966 1,910
Outlays 1,970 1,981 2,306


Office of Inspector General 2014 2015 2016
Budget Authority 70 73 84
Outlays 96 59 81


Program Support Center (Retirement Pay, Medical Benefits, Misc. Trust Funds) 2014 2015 2016
Budget Authority 645 653 708
Outlays 641 930 677


Offsetting Collections 2014 2015 2016
Budget Authority 6 -746 -751
Outlays 6 -746 -751


Other Collections 2014 2015 2016
Budget Authority -179 -81 -77
Outlays -179 -81 -77


Total, Health and Human Services 2014 2015 2016
Budget Authority 961,166 1,048,237 1,092,992
Outlays 936,223 1,013,051 1,093,041


Full Time Equivalents
2014: 74,947
2015: 77,865
2016: 80,418

Table Footnotes 

1 /  The budget authority levels presented here are based on the Appendix, and potentially differs from levels displayed in the individual Operating and Staffing Division chapters.

2 /  Budget Authority includes Non-CMS Budget Authority for Hospital Insurance and Supplementary Medical Insurance for the Social Security Administration and MEDPAC.

3 /  Includes rescission of $25 million in prior year Refugee Funds.

4 /  FY 2016 estimates do not include the reductions to mandatory spending that will be applied in FY 2016 as required under the Budget Control Act.

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Composition of the HHS Budget Discretionary Programs

 (Dollars in millions)

Operating Divisions Discretionary Programs (Budget Authority): 2014 2015 2016 2016
Food and Drug Administration 2,561 2,596 2,744 +148
   Program Level 4,387 4,505 4,930 +425
Health Resources and Services Administration 6,046 6,112 6,225 +113
   Program Level 8,902 10,330 10,375 +45
Indian Health Service 4,435 4,642 5,103 +461
   Program Level 5,649 5,906 6,392 +486
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 5,863 6,073 6,170 +98
   Program Level 6,957 7,045 7,142 +98
National Institutes of Health 29,923 29,446 30,314 +868
   Program Level 30,070 30,311 31,311 +1,000
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration 3,426 3,474 3,396 -78
   Program Level 3,622 3,621 3,666 +45
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 364 276 -88
   Program Level 436 465 479 +14
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service 4,092 3,975 4,245 +270
   Program Level 5,759 11,231 14,281 +3,050
Administration for Children and Families 17,678 17,791 19,825 +2,034
   Program Level 17,684 17,791 19,825 +2,034
Administration for Community Living 1,907 1,919 2,096 +177
   Program Level 1,961 1,956 2,123 +168
General Departmental Management 447 458 286 -172
   Program Level 540 550 535 -16
Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals 69 82 100 +18
   Program Level 60 60 75 +14
Office of the National Coordinator 16 60 - -60
   Program Level 60 60 92 +31
Office of Inspector General 71 73 83 +11
   Program Level 295 337 417 +80
Office for Civil Rights 39 39 43 +4
Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund /1 1,251 1,233 1,910 +677
   Program Level 1,251 1,233 1,940 +707
Discretionary HCFAC 294 672 706 +34
Accrual for Commissioned Corps Health Benefits 27 28 28 -0.2


Discretionary Programs Total
(Budget Authority):
2014 2015 2016 2016
Total, Discretionary Budget Authority 73,112 78,354 77,065 -1,289
Discretionary Supplemental Funding /2 +285
Less One-Time Rescissions /3 -6,578 -6,317 -5,234 +1,083
Revised, Discretionary Budget Authority 66,819 72,037 71,831 -206


Discretionary Programs Tables Footnotes

1/ FY 2015 funding totals include additional funding provided by the FY 2015 Continuing Resolution (P.L. 113- 164) of $58 million to PHSSEF for Ebola Medical Countermeasures and $30 million to CDC for Ebola Outbreak Response.

2/ Reflects funding provided by the FY 2015 Omnibus; Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act (P.L. 113-235).

3/ The FY 2014 rescission is $6.3 billion from the CHIPRA performance bonuses. The FY 2015 rescission was $6.3 billion, which includes $4.5 billion from section 108 of CHIPRA and $1.8 billion from CHIPRA performance bonuses. The FY 2016 Budget proposes to rescind $5.4 billion: $2.1 billion from the CHIP Child Enrollment Contingency Fund and $3.3 billion from section 108 of CHIPRA.

4/ FY 2016 estimates do not include the reductions to mandatory spending that will be applied in FY 2016 as required under the Budget Control Act.
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Composition of the HHS Budget Mandatory Programs

(Dollars in millions)

Mandatory Programs (Outlays) 2014 2015 2016 2016
Medicare 505,307 529,991 582,972 +52,981
Medicaid 301,472 333,080 351,993 +17,913
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families /1 16,887 17,245 17,500 +255
Foster Care and Adoption Assistance 6,868 7,079 7,593 +514
Children's Health Insurance Program /2 9,317 10,608 14,570 +3,962
Child Support Enforcement 4,112 4,294 4,328 +34
Child Care 2,838 2,957 5,919 +2,962
Social Services Block Grant 1,748 1,954 2,065 +111
Other Mandatory Programs 9,723 23,849 22,923 -926
Offsetting Collections 6 -746 -751 -5 
Subtotal, Mandatory Outlays 858,278 930,311 1,008,112 +77,801
Total, HHS Outlays 936,223 1,013,051 1,093,041 +79,990

Mandatory Programs Table Footnotes

1/ Includes outlays for the TANF Contingency Fund and the Recovery Act's TANF Emergency Contingency Fund.

2/ Includes outlays for the Child Enrollment Contingency Fund.

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Content created by Office of Budget (OB)
Content last reviewed