
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Facility Program Manual (FPM) sets forth overall general Departmental policy and guidance to HHS personnel who are responsible for directing and managing HHS facility activities. The intent of this manual is to promote excellence in the management and good stewardship of HHS facilities from facilities budget formulation to facility remediation and disposal.

The 2022 edition of the HHS FPM succeeds the 2006 edition FPM that was last updated on May 19, 2006. The 2022 edition incorporates the following high level, but not limited to updates from the previous edition:

  • Incorporates requirements of Executive Orders (EO) 13990, 14008, and 14057, associated with real property life cycle to improve climate resilience, mitigate carbon footprint, and enhance sustainability
  • Updated Delegated Authority to reflect Program Support Center (PSC) oversight for real property Assets
  • Defined applicable funding sources based on project type
  • Identified funding sources for installed equipment based on whether it affects the "standard of care" of a facility
  • Specified how funds can be utilized for Repair and Improvement projects
  • Updated utilization rate for office and related space to reflect 21st Century Workplace Space Policy
  • Included lease and occupancy agreement oversight criteria
  • Included policy on United States Public Health Service Flag and Official Seal at HHS facilities
  • Established the role of the Operating Division (OPDIV) Federal Preservation Coordinator to carry out historical preservation responsibilities with their assigned OPDIV
  • Removed all exhibits and sections from 2006 edition that contained either over prescriptive or outdated procedures and guidance
  • Included procedures for advancing environmental justice through increasing public participation while assessing potential environmental impacts during specific phases of the National Environmental Policy Act process
  • Updated requirements from outdated regulations, EOs, directives, requirements to current versions of these documents

The HHS Facilities Program Manual aligns the HHS facilities program with the HHS mission, "protecting the health of all Americans and providing essential human services, especially for those who are least able to help themselves." This manual also aligns the Department with a national imperative for increased climate resilience, mitigated carbon footprint, and good stewardship of America's real property assets. To all who have assisted in the development and updates of this Manual, I extend my sincerest thanks.

Michael Saunders, PE, PSC Director, Acting
Senior Real Property Officer

Content created by Program Support Center (PSC)
Content last reviewed