Previous Prize Competitions

Redesign Dialysis Phase 2

Redesign Dialysis Phase 2 challenged participants to build and test prototype solutions, or components of solutions, that could replicate normal kidney functions or improve dialysis access. Phase 2 received 70 submissions from experts across bioengineering, biotechnology, medical devices, nephrology, and more. The six winners each received $500,000.

Learn more about Phase 2 and meet the winners.

Redesign Dialysis Phase 1

Redesign Dialysis Phase 1 invited participants to submit proposals on approaches that could enable the design of new artificial kidney devices, extending life and improving quality of life. This first phase received 165 submissions that ranged from innovations in vascular access and fluid filtration to innovations in hemodialysis and biosensors. The 15 Phase 1 winners each received $75,000.

Learn more about Phase 1 and meet the winners.

Patient Innovator Challenge

The Patient Innovator Challenge, funded by the National Kidney Foundation, challenged individuals, communities, businesses, institutions, and nonprofit organizations to submit ideas for improving therapeutic options and quality of life for people living with kidney disease. The competition sought ideas and solutions that people living with kidney disease have developed through their own everyday experiences and ingenuity. The 25 winners shared a total prize pool of $70,000.

Learn more about the Patient Innovator Challenge and meet the winners.

Content created by Assistant Secretary for Health (ASH)
Content last reviewed