FY 2019 Annual Performance Plan and Report - Changed Performance Goals

Fiscal Year 2019
Released April, 2018

HHS FY 2019 Annual Performance Plan and Report Summary of Changes in Performance Measures Table

Division Unique Identifier Change Type Change Reason for Change
ASA 2.6 Revise Increase HHS employee engagement through Employee Viewpoint. Subtle revisions will focus on the Employee Viewpoint Survey as a source.
ASA 2.8 Revise Decrease the cycle time to hire new employees. Revisions to the goal will focus on points in the process.
CMS MCR30 Revise Update MCR30 unique identifer to MCR30.1. Measure identifier number has been updated to be consistent with current reporting.
CMS MMB2 Methodology Change/New Goal ID CMS re-calculated the prior years’ reports (including the 2012 baseline). New methodology for MMB1 Duals Readmission goal reflects changes in the Yale readmissions measure used in Medicare’s Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program (HRRP).

This new goal reflects all new methodology and recalculations including the FY 2012 baseline.
CMS MIP1 Revise Reduce the Improper Payment Rate in the Medicare Fee-for-Service (FFS) Program Changed goal title to be consistent with other error rate goals.
CMS MIP5 Changes in FY 2018 target Changed FY 2018 target from 9.10% to 8.08%. Change aligns target with target published in the 2017 AFR.
CMS MIP6 Change in FY 2018 Target Changed FY 2018 target from 3.20% to 1.66%. Change aligns target with target published in the 2017 Agency Financial Report (AFR).
CMS MIP9.1 & MIP9.2 Revise Reduce the Improper Payment Rate in the Medicaid Program and Reduce the Improper Payment Rate in the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Change goal title to reflect commitment to reduce error rate, consistent with other error rate measures.
CMS MIP9.1 Change in FY 2018 Target Changed FY 2018 target from 6.68% to 7.93% Readjusted the FY 2018 target to align with the methodology for Medicaid and CHIP rate calculations. This change has been approved by CMS, HHS and OMB.
CMS MIP 9.2 Change in FY 2018 target Changed FY 2018 target from 7.06% to 8.20%. Readjusted the FY 2018 target to align with the methodology for Medicaid and CHIP rate calculations. This change has been approved by CMS, HHS and OMB.
FDA 292202 Revise Number of people for whom FDA is able to evaluate product safety through Mini-Sentinel/Sentinel system. FY 2018 Target: 2.33 million. The FY 2018 target has been increased to reflect higher than expected recent actuals.
HRSA 4.I.C.2 Change FY 2018 Target Change FY 2018 target for the National Health Service Corps from 8,601 to 8,705. The revision reflects an updated estimate.
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